this image contains text
. ..fOrce.. .
f O r c e i n f O f i l e 2 3
Intro Stuff and all that ..
Yeah, I know were a little late.. . Just a bit. Well you expect that
from groups.. Anyways cryogenic got lost somewhere in the toilet and had
been absent from irc. You may have heard that force had died and stuff..
but seeing that cryos lazy ass wasnt around for the past month, I had
decided to release the pack myself...
I had talked to a few other force members, and they all want force
alive... me and rzicus had thought force kicked the bucket too...
So whatever you heard, force aint dead, and its not gonna be for a while
so say all the other force members ...
So until further notice from cryogenic or imodium, I and maybe a
little help from rzicus will release future force packs..
and hope that cryogenic and imodium will get off their lazy cockroach asss
and do something about this lack of communication...
I have no idea where these two had left, and dont know what they will
do with force, etc.
I bet they are both at the Carribean making endless love jk
Member News and stuff ...
Yeah, well its been a pretty rough month but we survived a little..
Cyanide had left us for personal reasons, but it was good while she was here.
She might be back she says, but has left the life of colored blocks for a
while and get to the real world.
Well miss ya Cyanide sniff sniff cough splutter spew
sneeze choke yawn cough wheeze spew choke sneeze choke
choke cough yawn choke choke cough spew spew spew spew
splutter wheeze cough cough .... sniff sniff sigh
Yet again dramacydal has changed his nick to The Avenging Angel,
which is much longer to type the damn name. Yeah thats it for this section..
Oh yeah, Deceased Squirrel still needs therapy
Outro Stuff and all that ..
Awwww geez, do I really have to leave?? Anyways, thats it for force
this month and were sorry its late. But I hope you enjoy the pack.
If youre interested in applying for force... email to either cryogenic
kdgj@tig.com.au or imodium io666@hotmail.com ... or you can ask the
relevant departments ansi - chr0nix, ascii - rzicus
Include 4 - 6 pieces of your best art and a .txt file with details
nick, email, previous groups, time drawing, etc. all zipped up. You should
be answered in a week or so.
Later all.
.. chr0nix ..
cryogenic and imodium, get your two fat asss back into irc and explain to
the ansi scene why force was late.
. ..fOrce.. .
f O r c e i n f O f i l e 2 3
Intro Stuff and all that ..
Yeah, I know were a little late.. . Just a bit. Well you expect that
from groups.. Anyways cryogenic got lost somewhere in the toilet and had
been absent from irc. You may have heard that force had died and stuff..
but seeing that cryos lazy ass wasnt around for the past month, I had
decided to release the pack myself...
I had talked to a few other force members, and they all want force
alive... me and rzicus had thought force kicked the bucket too...
So whatever you heard, force aint dead, and its not gonna be for a while
so say all the other force members ...
So until further notice from cryogenic or imodium, I and maybe a
little help from rzicus will release future force packs..
and hope that cryogenic and imodium will get off their lazy cockroach asss
and do something about this lack of communication...
I have no idea where these two had left, and dont know what they will
do with force, etc.
I bet they are both at the Carribean making endless love jk
Member News and stuff ...
Yeah, well its been a pretty rough month but we survived a little..
Cyanide had left us for personal reasons, but it was good while she was here.
She might be back she says, but has left the life of colored blocks for a
while and get to the real world.
Well miss ya Cyanide sniff sniff cough splutter spew
sneeze choke yawn cough wheeze spew choke sneeze choke
choke cough yawn choke choke cough spew spew spew spew
splutter wheeze cough cough .... sniff sniff sigh
Yet again dramacydal has changed his nick to The Avenging Angel,
which is much longer to type the damn name. Yeah thats it for this section..
Oh yeah, Deceased Squirrel still needs therapy
Outro Stuff and all that ..
Awwww geez, do I really have to leave?? Anyways, thats it for force
this month and were sorry its late. But I hope you enjoy the pack.
If youre interested in applying for force... email to either cryogenic
kdgj@tig.com.au or imodium io666@hotmail.com ... or you can ask the
relevant departments ansi - chr0nix, ascii - rzicus
Include 4 - 6 pieces of your best art and a .txt file with details
nick, email, previous groups, time drawing, etc. all zipped up. You should
be answered in a week or so.
Later all.
.. chr0nix ..
cryogenic and imodium, get your two fat asss back into irc and explain to
the ansi scene why force was late.
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