this image contains text
the official news
letter of forge dk art productions
last updated on
..x 01 - introduction x.. Heyho, welcome again to another Forge Productions release. Ok, ok, I know
you ask why so late? Well we had a shitload of problems this month. Kiwi
got arrested for allegidly playing with little underage farm animals, hes
back with us now surprisingly happier then when he left. Misery one of our
new ansi artists in the august release was shot while walking down a steeet.
Sources say he was walking in brooklyn wearing a shirt that said white power but that cant be confirmed. Myself? well someone decided to format my hard
drive while i was away, something about having illegal porn? But needless to
say the fools at forge are back at it.
..x 02 - new members x.. Since our abbsense forge has had alot of movement in the personel department.
You all know who you are and we welcome you. If you dont know if your in,
go to the memberslist. If someone is missed yea i do make mistakes please
either join forge and complain to me or write me mail. Also join the channel
to be added to forgepimp our kickass bot.
..x 03 - members out x.. ok a lot of members got booted this month., due to plain inactivity or the
fact that they were absolute crap.., hopefully they get a bit more active
in the scene before they join any other groups.., here they are in no
order : untamed heart, dr westwood, jack frost, laznerk, bezerker,
dark heart, osiris, the wizkid, papoose and telster, sinister lollipop.,
whew, im glad thats over with...,one guy who deserves a proper farewell is
the maverick., he did a lot for forge., and we wish him all the best...,
..x 04 - other stuff x..
Ok finally got the dead weight outa here now. Keep your eyes open in the
next month or two for changes, we have a new webdesigner hooptie who is
going to give our webpage a new design and new location. There is also a
very good chance that we will actually have our viewer DONE for next months
pack! yeeepie! Keep you eyes open for the next pack, that pack should have
info about the forge/phar link up. Thanks to all the people who made this
possible! wait? thats just me. Anyways see ya all next month, and keep your
eyes open for the continued adventures of kiwi and the rest of the forge
.. this newsfile has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 17 ..
.. layout by darkman., content by darkman/stealth ..
btw- u wanna help wit the newsfile? contact me -st
letter of forge dk art productions
last updated on
..x 01 - introduction x.. Heyho, welcome again to another Forge Productions release. Ok, ok, I know
you ask why so late? Well we had a shitload of problems this month. Kiwi
got arrested for allegidly playing with little underage farm animals, hes
back with us now surprisingly happier then when he left. Misery one of our
new ansi artists in the august release was shot while walking down a steeet.
Sources say he was walking in brooklyn wearing a shirt that said white power but that cant be confirmed. Myself? well someone decided to format my hard
drive while i was away, something about having illegal porn? But needless to
say the fools at forge are back at it.
..x 02 - new members x.. Since our abbsense forge has had alot of movement in the personel department.
You all know who you are and we welcome you. If you dont know if your in,
go to the memberslist. If someone is missed yea i do make mistakes please
either join forge and complain to me or write me mail. Also join the channel
to be added to forgepimp our kickass bot.
..x 03 - members out x.. ok a lot of members got booted this month., due to plain inactivity or the
fact that they were absolute crap.., hopefully they get a bit more active
in the scene before they join any other groups.., here they are in no
order : untamed heart, dr westwood, jack frost, laznerk, bezerker,
dark heart, osiris, the wizkid, papoose and telster, sinister lollipop.,
whew, im glad thats over with...,one guy who deserves a proper farewell is
the maverick., he did a lot for forge., and we wish him all the best...,
..x 04 - other stuff x..
Ok finally got the dead weight outa here now. Keep your eyes open in the
next month or two for changes, we have a new webdesigner hooptie who is
going to give our webpage a new design and new location. There is also a
very good chance that we will actually have our viewer DONE for next months
pack! yeeepie! Keep you eyes open for the next pack, that pack should have
info about the forge/phar link up. Thanks to all the people who made this
possible! wait? thats just me. Anyways see ya all next month, and keep your
eyes open for the continued adventures of kiwi and the rest of the forge
.. this newsfile has been brought to you by the letter D and the number 17 ..
.. layout by darkman., content by darkman/stealth ..
btw- u wanna help wit the newsfile? contact me -st
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