this image contains text
wk! -- fORCE PRODUCTIONS --- -- - NINETEEN NINETY SIX ---- - -- 9 6
i + b s
Anubiss Blah!
Over the past year I think we have acheived more then any
of us really expected. Thoughout the past year, myself and Legend have done
our upmost in bringing the Australian art scene into the international
spotlight. Without the dedication of the force members this couldnt have
been achieve and this pak is a dedication to them !
In the future Force will grow continually, as long as we have insight into
what we want to achieve and with a bit of luck and persistance our desires
will come true. We dont want to dominate the Australian art scene, we just
want to give Australians easy ax-s into the scene. So if your a budding
artist, just drop us a email or message and well help out anyway possible.
It is always ineviatable that group members will go onto better things, and
I am no different. But one thing always remains constant with me in that
I will always support my group. We as a group, must try to hold our senior
artist so that they can help the up and coming artist. This next comment
is prolly to all scene members, not just the ones in Force. I think that
the artist should respect the group that they joined. I see in the scene
group jumpers that are only after glory, and thats wrong. Heres a secret !
It doesnt matter which group your in, what matters is that you persist at
what your doing and eventually youll get what you want. Good things happen
to those who wait.....
Finally I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!
- Anubis
A team effort will always beat a Individual effort
f o r c e s p e c i a l n e w s l e t t e r
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
YES! Thats right. Force are back with another ground breaking art pack!
You may be saying to yourself - wait, ive seen all this work before.
Guess what? Your correct. You have been experiencing the best that Force
offered this year. Welcome to Forces Best of 96 pack.
As you know, over the past months I have always contributed a small maths
lesson. It ususally concerned intergral or differential calculus. However,
this month, I will refrain from doing so as it is school holidays and its
the last thing I want to talk about .
When Fruitcake was told I decided to stop the free maths tuition his reacted
like this - about fucken time, I was sick of that maths crap!
On a personal note, Legends email address has changed to force@post1.com
and the Force homepage will be down for approximatly a month as I have
changed ISPs and I am also re-doing the page. yes, still going! .
Last, but by no means least, Force would like to wish everyone in the scene
and all over the world a merry christmas or if your jewish a happy honika
of if your chinese a happy chinese new year and a happy new year!
Be sure to check out the new christmas memberlist and christmas decorations
around this special pack.
Come join Force, we dont bite
well, cept Clarissa joking
well, not any more sob ..
It has been a month of changes in Force. Many members have left, many have
joined. Without further ado, I will anounce the arrivals and depatures.
Sadly, Noodles has left the Force ansi crew to go off to bigger and better
things at iCE. We wish him all the best and hope his time at iCE be as good
as his time at Force.
Departing also is Juice. He has left to make his mark on the real world.
We wish him the best of luck in the real world and also with his new gf
Also venturing into the world of reality is Clarissa. She has found more
interesting activites to do other than ansi art. She will be missed by us
as she was our only female member. No more bitch fights now . We wish her
the best of luck with the real world. Her board wayback/x also died.
On happier notes, joing the Force ansi crew is Typhoid. He is a promising
ANSI artist and we look forward to stuff from him in the future.
Who ever said Force was not a 100 family affair will now be proven wrong.
Funky Worm brother of artist Kleptomaniac has joined Force. We look
foward to more work from him and his brother in future.hey guys, you got a
sister? .
Also joining Force ranks last month was Xtasy. We forgot about him last
month, but it doesnt matter, we still apreciate you .
yes it really is christmas. Legend drew the christmas decorations!
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: Diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S force@post1.com to recieve your free mention
Put your glass of egg nog down! Stop decking the halls with lots of holly!
Throw that dual p200/pro you got for christmas on the floor start reading!
b e s t o f 1 9 9 6
As the year draws to a close and we wind down many of us on holidays it is
time to look back and take count of what we did over the year. You saw this
year our artists improve, their talent fostered by us. You saw them come and
go, you saw them peak and then leave, you saw them in their infancy. Most
importantly you saw the best and the most promising artists that Australia
and other countries have to offer.
We hope you enjoy strolling down memory lane with the best of 1996 pack.
Perhaps each picture will remind you of a month, which will bring a back a
flood of memories. Perhaps you found your new girlfriend at the same time
Jez joined Force or perhaps you experienced your first force pack during the
month of august. This pack is pure nostalga.
f o r c e n e t
ForceNet has become hugely successful. We have around 5 nodes in the US and
one in the Middle East, not to mention the 8 we have in Australia. We are
looking for more boards around the middle east, the US and Europe to join
ForceNet. If youd wish to join ForceNet mail Legend at force@post1.com
or Krisis at krisis@speednet.com.au
- Legend
Legends Blah
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. ALL the artists of Force! Both past and present.
well done lady and gentlemen!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Scenery 97 coming at ya in mid 1997
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
i + b s
Anubiss Blah!
Over the past year I think we have acheived more then any
of us really expected. Thoughout the past year, myself and Legend have done
our upmost in bringing the Australian art scene into the international
spotlight. Without the dedication of the force members this couldnt have
been achieve and this pak is a dedication to them !
In the future Force will grow continually, as long as we have insight into
what we want to achieve and with a bit of luck and persistance our desires
will come true. We dont want to dominate the Australian art scene, we just
want to give Australians easy ax-s into the scene. So if your a budding
artist, just drop us a email or message and well help out anyway possible.
It is always ineviatable that group members will go onto better things, and
I am no different. But one thing always remains constant with me in that
I will always support my group. We as a group, must try to hold our senior
artist so that they can help the up and coming artist. This next comment
is prolly to all scene members, not just the ones in Force. I think that
the artist should respect the group that they joined. I see in the scene
group jumpers that are only after glory, and thats wrong. Heres a secret !
It doesnt matter which group your in, what matters is that you persist at
what your doing and eventually youll get what you want. Good things happen
to those who wait.....
Finally I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!
- Anubis
A team effort will always beat a Individual effort
f o r c e s p e c i a l n e w s l e t t e r
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
YES! Thats right. Force are back with another ground breaking art pack!
You may be saying to yourself - wait, ive seen all this work before.
Guess what? Your correct. You have been experiencing the best that Force
offered this year. Welcome to Forces Best of 96 pack.
As you know, over the past months I have always contributed a small maths
lesson. It ususally concerned intergral or differential calculus. However,
this month, I will refrain from doing so as it is school holidays and its
the last thing I want to talk about .
When Fruitcake was told I decided to stop the free maths tuition his reacted
like this - about fucken time, I was sick of that maths crap!
On a personal note, Legends email address has changed to force@post1.com
and the Force homepage will be down for approximatly a month as I have
changed ISPs and I am also re-doing the page. yes, still going! .
Last, but by no means least, Force would like to wish everyone in the scene
and all over the world a merry christmas or if your jewish a happy honika
of if your chinese a happy chinese new year and a happy new year!
Be sure to check out the new christmas memberlist and christmas decorations
around this special pack.
Come join Force, we dont bite
well, cept Clarissa joking
well, not any more sob ..
It has been a month of changes in Force. Many members have left, many have
joined. Without further ado, I will anounce the arrivals and depatures.
Sadly, Noodles has left the Force ansi crew to go off to bigger and better
things at iCE. We wish him all the best and hope his time at iCE be as good
as his time at Force.
Departing also is Juice. He has left to make his mark on the real world.
We wish him the best of luck in the real world and also with his new gf
Also venturing into the world of reality is Clarissa. She has found more
interesting activites to do other than ansi art. She will be missed by us
as she was our only female member. No more bitch fights now . We wish her
the best of luck with the real world. Her board wayback/x also died.
On happier notes, joing the Force ansi crew is Typhoid. He is a promising
ANSI artist and we look forward to stuff from him in the future.
Who ever said Force was not a 100 family affair will now be proven wrong.
Funky Worm brother of artist Kleptomaniac has joined Force. We look
foward to more work from him and his brother in future.hey guys, you got a
sister? .
Also joining Force ranks last month was Xtasy. We forgot about him last
month, but it doesnt matter, we still apreciate you .
yes it really is christmas. Legend drew the christmas decorations!
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: Diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S force@post1.com to recieve your free mention
Put your glass of egg nog down! Stop decking the halls with lots of holly!
Throw that dual p200/pro you got for christmas on the floor start reading!
b e s t o f 1 9 9 6
As the year draws to a close and we wind down many of us on holidays it is
time to look back and take count of what we did over the year. You saw this
year our artists improve, their talent fostered by us. You saw them come and
go, you saw them peak and then leave, you saw them in their infancy. Most
importantly you saw the best and the most promising artists that Australia
and other countries have to offer.
We hope you enjoy strolling down memory lane with the best of 1996 pack.
Perhaps each picture will remind you of a month, which will bring a back a
flood of memories. Perhaps you found your new girlfriend at the same time
Jez joined Force or perhaps you experienced your first force pack during the
month of august. This pack is pure nostalga.
f o r c e n e t
ForceNet has become hugely successful. We have around 5 nodes in the US and
one in the Middle East, not to mention the 8 we have in Australia. We are
looking for more boards around the middle east, the US and Europe to join
ForceNet. If youd wish to join ForceNet mail Legend at force@post1.com
or Krisis at krisis@speednet.com.au
- Legend
Legends Blah
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. ALL the artists of Force! Both past and present.
well done lady and gentlemen!
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : moving to new home/under construction
Scenery 97 coming at ya in mid 1997
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
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