this image contains text
hey d00ds!.. err hi .. umm.. yeah not
much from me this time.. im getting to be
one lazy sonofabitch.. and loving it
anyways.. yeah.. cool.. check it out..
if you want an ansi by me
req me at albanisa@closer.brisnet.org.au
or call my board
617.4976999.global.dominationwarhammer... greetz - Anubis.fruitcake.grump.sq2.mw.bartist.krs.kpt.spl.goo.terd
archeron logo ..
is that how you spell it? Acheron - Acid Australian Thingo and lots of other cool stuff warhammer.
+61-7-SomethingOrOther -- Sop Terd
arcane logo ..
arcane BBS .. blah
forceview template ..
force view v 1.0
m a s k n a m e o f g u y d e s c r i p t i o n
wh-fview.ans W a r h a m m e r . warhammer the curry muncha......... ............ .................... from over the back ................ ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............
yep.. and thats about it .. later
much from me this time.. im getting to be
one lazy sonofabitch.. and loving it
anyways.. yeah.. cool.. check it out..
if you want an ansi by me
req me at albanisa@closer.brisnet.org.au
or call my board
617.4976999.global.dominationwarhammer... greetz - Anubis.fruitcake.grump.sq2.mw.bartist.krs.kpt.spl.goo.terd
archeron logo ..
is that how you spell it? Acheron - Acid Australian Thingo and lots of other cool stuff warhammer.
+61-7-SomethingOrOther -- Sop Terd
arcane logo ..
arcane BBS .. blah
forceview template ..
force view v 1.0
m a s k n a m e o f g u y d e s c r i p t i o n
wh-fview.ans W a r h a m m e r . warhammer the curry muncha......... ............ .................... from over the back ................ ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............ .................... ................................... ............
yep.. and thats about it .. later
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