this image contains text
greets. ,:*.s
sophisto ly :yyyyyyyyyy yyyy yyyy yl
lord spatter l:
scoundrel ...,*,c1! -- official sign!
*. .,+ ,*ll
*, caithOr ,7:
greets again.. p r e s e n t s
ize collection for 1296!
combo wiered and cool?
ll l l , l :
a ll: bll: ,dll :l
: l ,4 ,d:: : production
here we go... : l :
f u s io n
yy yyyy lyy ,ly7 yyyy l yy
. *. . *. *. . c1
+--+-+why should i scream ??--++--
,gSP4Sq, ,q7PYSg, ,gSP yyy, ,gSP4Qy,
,dyyyyy ,dyyyyy yyyyyb,dyyyyy idyyyyy yyyy
-Ybg, ------ PY ----- ----- i - b :l c1 1 -7i lyyyyyy7i ---- lb. ,di ---- 7i ---- - Ob,,d7l Sb,,dOSb,,d Sb,,d
caithor picture - tjohoos to dataflow!
do not disturb between 13:00 - 22:00.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor dataflow what does it say? cream soda -----------------+------+---------+----
,db4b, b,4b, 4b,
,------ yy --- yyyy -- ,yy,7lyy --- ,yyyy -- ,yy ---------
:: ,7yy, yy: :l: ,d
----- l - 7, - :l .l . ----------
lyy yy
. . c1
soulstorms grape
+500mb pure art releated, modding and more.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor soulstorm what does it say? grape
. oped by catharsis of hdb and danen of ivc
yyyy n yyyl o 4yyl c yyt :yyl u lyy: r y7 n lyyl a lyyl l ly
b. :b. ll db. :b :5. :b. :
*.,ss, ...,*,c1!
,l,.,**. .,+ ,*ll
b. ,7l : l l ,c1,7*, d3sire? ,7:
.+ : l : ,yd*. :l
*,. ., b. d ,l :*. ,d:
*, ,l: l: ,
+o catharsis ,d,db ,4
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor none what does it say? nocdes
,gd*.,gd , ,by, ,by,gd.
l ll :
*. : : l: :s: l
: : l
yyy ,yyyyyy ,yyyyy, yyyyyyy yyyyyy
l ,:Pb ,db. lb, lb
ll c1!
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor sophisto what does it say? sugar
. yy
yy yy yy g7hg :
ll ydl ,s,
yy yyyy yyy yyyy yy yy
l*. yy yy oyyl
: .*. yy yy yy
. yy b ,d
. yy l l
,d l ,7 :
:l. l
: l : .yy yy
o O l d:l
d7.b,,ml :l l :
,db. ,sb. ,s
yy yyyy yyyy yy . ,yd l
: *. ,d
*. l: ,
b ,db 4 c1!
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor none what does it say? noidea
n o r d i c e m p i r e
l: yl
y :y :yyy: yyy: y: yyyy:
lb. lb. :b. b. ::b. : c1!
d*. *.....,*ll d*.
yy yy*. .,* *. .,+ +o danen! ,7: yy yy
: 1ld*. .*dg *, g, : 1l
y:,yyyy l yy ,s7bs, ,P. y:,yy
1 ,4 : :dl ld ,7: 1 ,4
7s,* yl :y :yy: ,s, :yy:,l 7s,*
1 l l: 4yyyyy c1
7s, ,*7 ,d:yyy
*. ll 7l , b
:b. ,*: l*.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor danen what does it say? nordice
yyy yyyy lyyy yy yyyyyyy yyyy yy* ly
l : 7 : : ,7 7
,. *,. .,+ ,*,c1!
*,. .,*,. ., ,*ll *,. *, ca1thOr ,7:
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor caithor what does it say? samsara
sophisto ly :yyyyyyyyyy yyyy yyyy yl
lord spatter l:
scoundrel ...,*,c1! -- official sign!
*. .,+ ,*ll
*, caithOr ,7:
greets again.. p r e s e n t s
ize collection for 1296!
combo wiered and cool?
ll l l , l :
a ll: bll: ,dll :l
: l ,4 ,d:: : production
here we go... : l :
f u s io n
yy yyyy lyy ,ly7 yyyy l yy
. *. . *. *. . c1
+--+-+why should i scream ??--++--
,gSP4Sq, ,q7PYSg, ,gSP yyy, ,gSP4Qy,
,dyyyyy ,dyyyyy yyyyyb,dyyyyy idyyyyy yyyy
-Ybg, ------ PY ----- ----- i - b :l c1 1 -7i lyyyyyy7i ---- lb. ,di ---- 7i ---- - Ob,,d7l Sb,,dOSb,,d Sb,,d
caithor picture - tjohoos to dataflow!
do not disturb between 13:00 - 22:00.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor dataflow what does it say? cream soda -----------------+------+---------+----
,db4b, b,4b, 4b,
,------ yy --- yyyy -- ,yy,7lyy --- ,yyyy -- ,yy ---------
:: ,7yy, yy: :l: ,d
----- l - 7, - :l .l . ----------
lyy yy
. . c1
soulstorms grape
+500mb pure art releated, modding and more.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor soulstorm what does it say? grape
. oped by catharsis of hdb and danen of ivc
yyyy n yyyl o 4yyl c yyt :yyl u lyy: r y7 n lyyl a lyyl l ly
b. :b. ll db. :b :5. :b. :
*.,ss, ...,*,c1!
,l,.,**. .,+ ,*ll
b. ,7l : l l ,c1,7*, d3sire? ,7:
.+ : l : ,yd*. :l
*,. ., b. d ,l :*. ,d:
*, ,l: l: ,
+o catharsis ,d,db ,4
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor none what does it say? nocdes
,gd*.,gd , ,by, ,by,gd.
l ll :
*. : : l: :s: l
: : l
yyy ,yyyyyy ,yyyyy, yyyyyyy yyyyyy
l ,:Pb ,db. lb, lb
ll c1!
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor sophisto what does it say? sugar
. yy
yy yy yy g7hg :
ll ydl ,s,
yy yyyy yyy yyyy yy yy
l*. yy yy oyyl
: .*. yy yy yy
. yy b ,d
. yy l l
,d l ,7 :
:l. l
: l : .yy yy
o O l d:l
d7.b,,ml :l l :
,db. ,sb. ,s
yy yyyy yyyy yy . ,yd l
: *. ,d
*. l: ,
b ,db 4 c1!
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor none what does it say? noidea
n o r d i c e m p i r e
l: yl
y :y :yyy: yyy: y: yyyy:
lb. lb. :b. b. ::b. : c1!
d*. *.....,*ll d*.
yy yy*. .,* *. .,+ +o danen! ,7: yy yy
: 1ld*. .*dg *, g, : 1l
y:,yyyy l yy ,s7bs, ,P. y:,yy
1 ,4 : :dl ld ,7: 1 ,4
7s,* yl :y :yy: ,s, :yy:,l 7s,*
1 l l: 4yyyyy c1
7s, ,*7 ,d:yyy
*. ll 7l , b
:b. ,*: l*.
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor danen what does it say? nordice
yyy yyyy lyyy yy yyyyyyy yyyy yy* ly
l : 7 : : ,7 7
,. *,. .,+ ,*,c1!
*,. .,*,. ., ,*ll *,. *, ca1thOr ,7:
--+----------+-------------------+---x requestor caithor what does it say? samsara
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