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burps of fuel productions 1997
this ansi may not be finished completly but hey so are you!
this ansi can be considered as my last one, i am quitting
drawing ansis. recently i have gone to art academy and i
cant bring up the time anymore to draw ansis nor to
organise fuel. so im giving up my senior
staff position in fuel.
ive been in this scene for almost 5 years yes, 5. many
people never noticed me because i was a background-type,
but ive been in groups like bleach, odium, cow, acid,
mop and last but not least fuel.
fuel is the best group ive ever been in and i hope the
new staff can keep up releasing in these hard times.
i have to finish this ansi in time so i cant greet all
people i ever know but i cant afford to especially
greet the knight because hes such a great guy :
im not gone... youll see
burps fuel
this ansi may not be finished completly but hey so are you!
this ansi can be considered as my last one, i am quitting
drawing ansis. recently i have gone to art academy and i
cant bring up the time anymore to draw ansis nor to
organise fuel. so im giving up my senior
staff position in fuel.
ive been in this scene for almost 5 years yes, 5. many
people never noticed me because i was a background-type,
but ive been in groups like bleach, odium, cow, acid,
mop and last but not least fuel.
fuel is the best group ive ever been in and i hope the
new staff can keep up releasing in these hard times.
i have to finish this ansi in time so i cant greet all
people i ever know but i cant afford to especially
greet the knight because hes such a great guy :
im not gone... youll see
burps fuel
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