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n! tk
FUEL 25 feb 2018 Hello people!
We proudly present FUEL pack 25 to you.
For those of you interested in the ins and outs of the group, and for contents sake, ill leave you in the capable hands of Mel Farr Suppastar, who will be writing the remainder of this info file. Beyond any reasonable doubt, it will be jam-packed with all sorts of very interesting information, all of which is - also beyond any reasonable doubt - completely true, ofcourse -theknightfuel Greetings, Scene. mel farr suppastar here. First off, lets get the GOOD news out of the way because there aint much of it. Weve got some NEW MEMBERS for this pack. Please join me in welcoming to FUEL: Dieznyik, Stone the Crow, Somms, and Chromatik! theyre all pretty new and not particularly talented, but since we pretty much let anyone in were just kind of taking a whatever happens,happens attitude towars it. Theyre all LiNKiN Park fans, so were good to go Buuut...thats it for good news. Fuck...thats it for the not bad news. Everything else that follows..... uggh. .... Today I type words that I never dreamed I would type. Be sure that youre sitting down.
FUEL IS DEAD. THIS IS OUR LAST PACK. This shouldnt come as a surprise. Our war with AMiSH, as all of you who have been following know, is over. We got destroyed. Demolished. Obliterated. By a bunch of fuckwads in straw hats. All of you who made light of the Vietnamese winning in the 1970s, or al-qaeda defeating dubya, shut the fuck up. We didnt just get out-ANSied, we
got out-humaned. AMiSH exposed us for the joke that we were.
The blame lies with me. I was the one who pushed for war. Peace, Burps said. Sabotage, TK suggested. Documenting my commute AVG said. But no. I demanded war. Blocks and bombs. Pixels and pulsars. I demanded war. And Fuel responded. I write this from Amsterdam, our current location now that AMiSH has annexed all of Brussels and most of Wallonia. Ironically, the reason that we lost is the same reason that we went to war: we are shitty, shitty ansi artists. When I joined FUEL, I saw it as personal redemption. I built a legacy on ripping off other artists, intimidation on irc, and paying off compo judges. I grew rich because of it 20 every 25 lines really adds up!. Few of you will ever know this, but when you grow old and rich as I have, you begin to ponder your legacy. You wonder what you can do to build something positive for the future. I searched for an opportunity to do something good...and found Fuel. Sure they were all struggling artists who couldnt run my pablodraw. exe on their best day, but I sensed something. Something promising that I could mould. No one could say that Fuel was as woke as duodaughters. We didnt have the purist formality of a Mistigris. no one would say that Burps or Propane or AvG were good artists, but I couldnt help but look at them and think if someone just took the time and taught them how to draw, they could maybe be not terrible. I knew that sometimes, the best way to raise your game is to raise the stakes. and thats what i would do for fuel. Enough w/ going to
cons, eatin burgers and rating 1 joke per day. What if we actually made ANSi matter? So I drove us into war with amish. I thought the forge of war would be a graduate seminar in ansi. It went far worse than I could have hoped. Youve seen the packs. youve seen the results. I shudder to even call what we have given you ansi. I promise you all, this is the last time that I assume that anyone could be as good at ansi as me. FUEL is dead. Guess what scene? You wont have FUEL to make fun of anymore. But even if FUEL cant draw ansi, we arent without our talents. The truth is --- and none may deny it --- FUEL IS AND HAS BEEN THE BEST CHAT ROOM THE SCENE HAS EVER PRODUCED. We may be more of a channel on FB than a group that makes ansi, but were the best damned channel on FB. Maybe its time to channel our strengths rather that focus on our weaknesses. Maybe its time to make our channel into something. And this was the exact pitch I made @ the winter Fuelsmoot and if youre wondering, theres nothing sadder than a group of wannabe ansi artists wearing ACiD beanies, Chester Bennington jackets and AMiSH RuLeZ! shirts sitting around a cellar in amsterdam drinking Heineken I finished w/ a call to action: How can we make our channel into something?? Silence.... and then...
K1: I know one thing about our channel...its got a lot of buttz
TK: not just any buttz..0-day-buttz. PPE: I like big buttz and I cannot lie! TK: propane, did you...come up with that? PPE: Yes. Yes I did. Its true. FUEL has best collective collection of buttz that has ever been assembled. And while all of you other masters of ansi were donning your straw hats, we were --each and every one of us--
mastering the art of butt-trading. FUEL IS DEAD. BUT WE LIVE ON AND WE ARE: buttraderzbuttraderzbuttraderzbuttraderzbuttradaderzbutttraderzbutttrade R I P F U E L. L O N G L I V E B U T T R A D E R Z DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do w/ Buttraiderz. Buttraiderz is a bunch of lamers who are LETS BE HONEST too unskilled at trading 0-day buttz so they have to steal them from other people, which violates the laws of the open seas, telecom laws and political correctness. More impor- tantly, they are leaving themselves open to being sued by RaDMaN
! / . -- We arent Buttraiderz We are Buttraderz - Ted Danson Anyhow, Im sure all of yall are as excited as we are...... BUT JUST IN CASE YOURE NOT TOTALLY PUMPED WERE RELEASING A MOVIE ABOUT OUR ORIGIN STORY B U T T R A D E R Z MONSIEUR PROPANE in his motion picture debut as H. Projent Payne Jr. in the coming Hollywood Blockbuster
acctz openbutt
buttz o daymarket mel farr 2018
BUTTRaDERZ -- the semi-fictionalized account of a group
of scenestrs who would go to any lengths to trade 0day buttz
Featuring: TK as.................. KT the innocent n00b Necro as...................corrupt executive Nail as.......that guy Crashing on the couch Avg Angel as.....................the courier Pinguino as....................Costumes Dept Knocturnal as.......cute girl in ACiD beanie Grymmjack as......Jack Grimmsby, Cybercrimes Hawk Hubbard as..Harvey Buttz, Defense ATTY
Cthullu as.................weird al yankovic
Joint Direction By Mel FarrButtraderz + Tommy WiseauB7 COMING IN BUTTRADERZ 1 fuel25
info file art by mfs,tk,n!
FUEL 25 feb 2018 Hello people!
We proudly present FUEL pack 25 to you.
For those of you interested in the ins and outs of the group, and for contents sake, ill leave you in the capable hands of Mel Farr Suppastar, who will be writing the remainder of this info file. Beyond any reasonable doubt, it will be jam-packed with all sorts of very interesting information, all of which is - also beyond any reasonable doubt - completely true, ofcourse -theknightfuel Greetings, Scene. mel farr suppastar here. First off, lets get the GOOD news out of the way because there aint much of it. Weve got some NEW MEMBERS for this pack. Please join me in welcoming to FUEL: Dieznyik, Stone the Crow, Somms, and Chromatik! theyre all pretty new and not particularly talented, but since we pretty much let anyone in were just kind of taking a whatever happens,happens attitude towars it. Theyre all LiNKiN Park fans, so were good to go Buuut...thats it for good news. Fuck...thats it for the not bad news. Everything else that follows..... uggh. .... Today I type words that I never dreamed I would type. Be sure that youre sitting down.
FUEL IS DEAD. THIS IS OUR LAST PACK. This shouldnt come as a surprise. Our war with AMiSH, as all of you who have been following know, is over. We got destroyed. Demolished. Obliterated. By a bunch of fuckwads in straw hats. All of you who made light of the Vietnamese winning in the 1970s, or al-qaeda defeating dubya, shut the fuck up. We didnt just get out-ANSied, we
got out-humaned. AMiSH exposed us for the joke that we were.
The blame lies with me. I was the one who pushed for war. Peace, Burps said. Sabotage, TK suggested. Documenting my commute AVG said. But no. I demanded war. Blocks and bombs. Pixels and pulsars. I demanded war. And Fuel responded. I write this from Amsterdam, our current location now that AMiSH has annexed all of Brussels and most of Wallonia. Ironically, the reason that we lost is the same reason that we went to war: we are shitty, shitty ansi artists. When I joined FUEL, I saw it as personal redemption. I built a legacy on ripping off other artists, intimidation on irc, and paying off compo judges. I grew rich because of it 20 every 25 lines really adds up!. Few of you will ever know this, but when you grow old and rich as I have, you begin to ponder your legacy. You wonder what you can do to build something positive for the future. I searched for an opportunity to do something good...and found Fuel. Sure they were all struggling artists who couldnt run my pablodraw. exe on their best day, but I sensed something. Something promising that I could mould. No one could say that Fuel was as woke as duodaughters. We didnt have the purist formality of a Mistigris. no one would say that Burps or Propane or AvG were good artists, but I couldnt help but look at them and think if someone just took the time and taught them how to draw, they could maybe be not terrible. I knew that sometimes, the best way to raise your game is to raise the stakes. and thats what i would do for fuel. Enough w/ going to
cons, eatin burgers and rating 1 joke per day. What if we actually made ANSi matter? So I drove us into war with amish. I thought the forge of war would be a graduate seminar in ansi. It went far worse than I could have hoped. Youve seen the packs. youve seen the results. I shudder to even call what we have given you ansi. I promise you all, this is the last time that I assume that anyone could be as good at ansi as me. FUEL is dead. Guess what scene? You wont have FUEL to make fun of anymore. But even if FUEL cant draw ansi, we arent without our talents. The truth is --- and none may deny it --- FUEL IS AND HAS BEEN THE BEST CHAT ROOM THE SCENE HAS EVER PRODUCED. We may be more of a channel on FB than a group that makes ansi, but were the best damned channel on FB. Maybe its time to channel our strengths rather that focus on our weaknesses. Maybe its time to make our channel into something. And this was the exact pitch I made @ the winter Fuelsmoot and if youre wondering, theres nothing sadder than a group of wannabe ansi artists wearing ACiD beanies, Chester Bennington jackets and AMiSH RuLeZ! shirts sitting around a cellar in amsterdam drinking Heineken I finished w/ a call to action: How can we make our channel into something?? Silence.... and then...
K1: I know one thing about our channel...its got a lot of buttz
TK: not just any buttz..0-day-buttz. PPE: I like big buttz and I cannot lie! TK: propane, did you...come up with that? PPE: Yes. Yes I did. Its true. FUEL has best collective collection of buttz that has ever been assembled. And while all of you other masters of ansi were donning your straw hats, we were --each and every one of us--
mastering the art of butt-trading. FUEL IS DEAD. BUT WE LIVE ON AND WE ARE: buttraderzbuttraderzbuttraderzbuttraderzbuttradaderzbutttraderzbutttrade R I P F U E L. L O N G L I V E B U T T R A D E R Z DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do w/ Buttraiderz. Buttraiderz is a bunch of lamers who are LETS BE HONEST too unskilled at trading 0-day buttz so they have to steal them from other people, which violates the laws of the open seas, telecom laws and political correctness. More impor- tantly, they are leaving themselves open to being sued by RaDMaN
! / . -- We arent Buttraiderz We are Buttraderz - Ted Danson Anyhow, Im sure all of yall are as excited as we are...... BUT JUST IN CASE YOURE NOT TOTALLY PUMPED WERE RELEASING A MOVIE ABOUT OUR ORIGIN STORY B U T T R A D E R Z MONSIEUR PROPANE in his motion picture debut as H. Projent Payne Jr. in the coming Hollywood Blockbuster
acctz openbutt
buttz o daymarket mel farr 2018
BUTTRaDERZ -- the semi-fictionalized account of a group
of scenestrs who would go to any lengths to trade 0day buttz
Featuring: TK as.................. KT the innocent n00b Necro as...................corrupt executive Nail as.......that guy Crashing on the couch Avg Angel as.....................the courier Pinguino as....................Costumes Dept Knocturnal as.......cute girl in ACiD beanie Grymmjack as......Jack Grimmsby, Cybercrimes Hawk Hubbard as..Harvey Buttz, Defense ATTY
Cthullu as.................weird al yankovic
Joint Direction By Mel FarrButtraderz + Tommy WiseauB7 COMING IN BUTTRADERZ 1 fuel25
info file art by mfs,tk,n!
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