this image contains text
This stuff is for Dream Masters door game Voodoo Island.
---8--- Witch Doctor ---------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You enter the hut to see many items such as shrunken heads. There are
candles lit and you see the witch doctor.
Ugg welcome joboo. How me help?
Heal All * Selected Amount *
cost 30 to heal 1 point
Hitpoints: 20 of 20 Coins: 400 Points: 0
your command HSL:
---8--- Jungle ---------------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You enter the jungle with caution. Before you stand many trees. You
think about your nexst move. There is a noise coming from somewhere.
Look for the enemy * closed Witch Doctor *
Return to beach
Hitpoints: 20 of 20 Coins: 400 Points: 0
your command LWR:
---8--- Tiki Bar -------------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You make your way inside. You look around notice a few natives in the bar
enjoying food and drink. The owner Trader Sam greets you and says to sit in
any available table or at the bar.
Talk to Sam Converse with drunks
Have dm to say a poem Who in game
Retrun to beach
your command TCHWR:
---8--- Witch Doctor ---------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You enter the hut to see many items such as shrunken heads. There are
candles lit and you see the witch doctor.
Ugg welcome joboo. How me help?
Heal All * Selected Amount *
cost 30 to heal 1 point
Hitpoints: 20 of 20 Coins: 400 Points: 0
your command HSL:
---8--- Jungle ---------------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You enter the jungle with caution. Before you stand many trees. You
think about your nexst move. There is a noise coming from somewhere.
Look for the enemy * closed Witch Doctor *
Return to beach
Hitpoints: 20 of 20 Coins: 400 Points: 0
your command LWR:
---8--- Tiki Bar -------------------------------------------------------------
Voodoo Island MPL v0.2 build A4 developing version
c2017 - 2018 dream master@DoRE!ACiDiC!demonic compiled 11/17/17
You make your way inside. You look around notice a few natives in the bar
enjoying food and drink. The owner Trader Sam greets you and says to sit in
any available table or at the bar.
Talk to Sam Converse with drunks
Have dm to say a poem Who in game
Retrun to beach
your command TCHWR:
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