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Fucked Up Styles The N
ewsletter 1
Welp this is the first pakFinally!A lot has happene
d for us in the last few monthsFuS started as a loca
l joke group that was just there for all the newbiesw
ho were just learning ansi and to some extent still is
we suck-deal with it
In the words of the founder, Dark Leader:
One day, funky and i were talking...and we sort
of stumbled upon ansi
groups.. He said he was gonna start one, a shitty one...but
he never did, so i,
dark leader, did. Came up with an acronym that was a word, s
ort of. And since it wasnt anything major, i decid
ed on a seasonal pack...but i never got anyone
to do a viewer... So, it got postponed originally suppose t
o have been releasednovember... And postponed... We
had all these ansis in the FuS base, but
nowhere to put them... Then funky pointed out how i didnt h
ave the pack ready
yet... So i decided to let exodus take over... It seemed rig
ht, because exodus
has all the connections...time...etc...now, mr. exodus wants
to do a monthly
pack...which is gonna be hard, cause i rarely have time...bu
t i try...lata bitz
Well here I am taking overI was lucky enought to get
banned of irc.cris.com fora still unknown reason, an
d I had to change servers no big deal, just a delay
And as of this writing we still do not have a coder
But, I think we have still
have a futureour ansi/ascii department has a lot of talent,
though most of us
our still new to itI see major things happening with t
he lit department
Trident has a lot of talent, and so does PandoraI thin
k well be around for
awhilewe have the dedication
We are still looking for membersfill out the app and s
end it to
exodus@pla-net.netWell, since this is the first time I
ve written one of thesel8a
Fucked Up Styles The N
ewsletter 1
Welp this is the first pakFinally!A lot has happene
d for us in the last few monthsFuS started as a loca
l joke group that was just there for all the newbiesw
ho were just learning ansi and to some extent still is
we suck-deal with it
In the words of the founder, Dark Leader:
One day, funky and i were talking...and we sort
of stumbled upon ansi
groups.. He said he was gonna start one, a shitty one...but
he never did, so i,
dark leader, did. Came up with an acronym that was a word, s
ort of. And since it wasnt anything major, i decid
ed on a seasonal pack...but i never got anyone
to do a viewer... So, it got postponed originally suppose t
o have been releasednovember... And postponed... We
had all these ansis in the FuS base, but
nowhere to put them... Then funky pointed out how i didnt h
ave the pack ready
yet... So i decided to let exodus take over... It seemed rig
ht, because exodus
has all the connections...time...etc...now, mr. exodus wants
to do a monthly
pack...which is gonna be hard, cause i rarely have time...bu
t i try...lata bitz
Well here I am taking overI was lucky enought to get
banned of irc.cris.com fora still unknown reason, an
d I had to change servers no big deal, just a delay
And as of this writing we still do not have a coder
But, I think we have still
have a futureour ansi/ascii department has a lot of talent,
though most of us
our still new to itI see major things happening with t
he lit department
Trident has a lot of talent, and so does PandoraI thin
k well be around for
awhilewe have the dedication
We are still looking for membersfill out the app and s
end it to
exodus@pla-net.netWell, since this is the first time I
ve written one of thesel8a
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