this image contains text
wow! welcome to the long awaited release of gas pack numero uno. this is the work of ma
ny of the scenes best artists and it couldnt be done without them. gas is run by tribal dats me! whom is greatly
backed up by the immense support from juice. gas is interested in the quality of work and def
initely not the quantity. this means that there may not be monthly releasals as such, however of course, w
e will release when we feel enough quality work has been contributed to the pack
. we want to bring back what has been lost
to much of art lately - the quality and originality of a pack. well enough of my
blabber, and on with the pack. if there is any questions you have concerning gas
please contact myself on the following email address.
tribal founder gas@ion.com.au
note: homepage at WWW.ION.COM.AU/GAS will be up very soon!
wow! welcome to the long awaited release of gas pack numero uno. this is the work of ma
ny of the scenes best artists and it couldnt be done without them. gas is run by tribal dats me! whom is greatly
backed up by the immense support from juice. gas is interested in the quality of work and def
initely not the quantity. this means that there may not be monthly releasals as such, however of course, w
e will release when we feel enough quality work has been contributed to the pack
. we want to bring back what has been lost
to much of art lately - the quality and originality of a pack. well enough of my
blabber, and on with the pack. if there is any questions you have concerning gas
please contact myself on the following email address.
tribal founder gas@ion.com.au
note: homepage at WWW.ION.COM.AU/GAS will be up very soon!
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