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,+ th3 slim3 z1ne iSu numb3r 4 kOded by krypt k3eper and l3tharg1c lad +.
SggggS Sg Sg Sy, Syyyyyy@
7Y YYYYb, 7Y
: Sg
+ ! : byyg. bd+
Yl yS ! / fat aSs aSc1i yyy 88l gggg dOne by p1! of tOn1c and jELL l : Otm!@
bd bd b
+ Y Y
o+ slim3 ++ e-z1ne iSu 4 o+ slim3 preSs eSc anyt1me tO qu1t
+, dOnt jaCkoff tO slim3 magaz1ne! + !en1zagam 3mils Ot ffokCaj tnOd ,
SggggS Sg Sg Sy, Syyyyyy@
7Y YYYYb, 7Y
: Sg
+ ! : byyg. bd+
Yl yS ! / fat aSs aSc1i yyy 88l gggg dOne by p1! of tOn1c and jELL l : Otm!@
bd bd b
+ Y Y
o+ slim3 ++ e-z1ne iSu 4 o+ slim3 preSs eSc anyt1me tO qu1t
+, dOnt jaCkoff tO slim3 magaz1ne! + !en1zagam 3mils Ot ffokCaj tnOd ,
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