this image contains text
bop zow
This is Cthulu of Mistigris. Welcome to my solo pack. This evening we
we will be focusing on the rightmost of my tentacles, that is, my writings. In
the interests of good taste I will be saving discussion of the lobster and brickuntil our adult show later tonight, where I read all of my poems... naked.
If you ask me nicely, Ill explain them to you on the IRC.
You may think that a meg and a half is a lot of size for writing to be
taking up, and youd be right. Raw text-wise, thats well on the way to a
dictionary, but I dont claim to contain anywhere near so much: the focus on
this archive is not myself, but rather those I have worked with. The subtitle
of this collection is Illustrations and Descriptions and thus what we have here
is not so much a collection of my writings and certainly in most cases not of
my favorite instances of my writings but rather those you would have seen: lit
for the scene contained in the company of graphics and pictures in most cases
describing either the picture it accompanies or the name of the bulletin board
they both promote. In considerably fewer cases the graphics illustrate what
the words put forth and in a couple of cases the juxtaposition of word and pixelis a completely spurious and irrelevant one. We dont like to talk about those
much so if youll just follow me Id like to take you on a bit of a tour though
my illustrious and pathetic scene career.
all dressed up and nowhere to go
Oh yes, I almost forgot - one more note before we proceed: though I havemaintained the integrity ugh, that word gives me stomachaches of all of the
pieces contained herein file dates match those of the original release, where
applicable, for those of you who like to view things chronologically and in
progression these poems have never looked so good: before ending up in this
archive they were all combed and scrubbed and any and all ugly misspellings havebeen surreptitiously tidied up from the goofy state they may have inadvertently
been released in - in the case of one poem, entire lines were omitted in the
release, but letters and words have been mangled here and there over the years.
For this pack they have been restored to their original state, that you can
experience, if not the sheer literary merit which was never theirs, at least theimpeccability of their rhythm and rhyme schemes. In addition to those changes,
to avoid any confusion, I have changed all occurrences of my e-mail address to
show my current one, just in case anyone tries to refer to them to contact me.
SAUCE information has as well been updated in a few cases, and if you feel that
with these changes accounted for, these still dont quite reflect your memories,well, remember that things aint what they used to be and in most cases, they
never were 8.
making the most of my limitations
For your entertainment, a review of sigs and headers used on occasion
by myself to assert creative ownership over released product.
by Would you believe me if I told you
that this sort of thing was elite in C T H U L U ! 1994?
/ No, neither would I.
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?! I acually used this in messages on
BBSes. One less thing we have to
c IMPERiAL 94 worry about these days...
Though we had our disagreements
see: Integrity Darkforce was
gracious enough to revamp the
C T H U L U ! hideous ASCII octopus in a
marginally-less-hideous ANSI
incarnation after I wrote a lit for
his board, House of Style.
At the time I was very upset that we
still had to resort to the high-
ASCII character for the eyes.
There were very fiercely delineated boundaries between ANSI and ASCII in those days and newschool ASCII was Why choose t
he LESSER of two evils?! still a glimmer in kHzs eye.Do not summon up that which ye cannot put down
c iMPERiAL 94 Its interesting that I flaunted
most of these affectations of
eliteness at a time when I was arguably my least elite ever, a minor cog in a
group whose main claim to success was merging with GRiP/AD. In fact, I think
that I adopted the use of these sigs before Id even released anything. Then
again, that took months. And my migration from the ANSI department to the lit
division is a story all its own...
A nice touch emerging from
the frame of I am 31l73++,
my first attempt at subtle
social commentary,
illustrated by Eerie before
he exploded.
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?!
Do not summon up that which ye cannot put down The sig was apparently used
without intentional irony.
Poem written by My favorite of my various
Cthulu of Mistigris identifying marks, a more
compact and less TABNet-
centric version of the
illustration crowning this
Key among this preference
is that it promotes my group
as much as it promotes myself
- any prominence I attained in
the scene through guest
Mistigris appearances in ANSI collaborations
in other groups - now it all starts to make sense was strictly in an
unsuccessful attempt to draw attention to my struggling group. More on that later. oh yeah - this is by Nitnatsnoc, bless his Queen-y heart.-
some cleverness
So you can have some idea as to the utter trash topics I was provided
to work with over the years, I include here a sample 1993 WareZ BBS name
generator. Simply match one word in COLUMN A with a word from COLUMN B adding
ofs and Thes where appropriate and voila! An authentic 1992-1994 era BBS
name! All words and non-words: see Grindoris appearing in this generator wewere used in real BBSes, most of which actually went up at some point! And as abonus to you, I include sample end rhymes for the words in col
umn B so you can
try your hand at making your own geniune elite lits, which, at one time, were
considered to be worth leech access on a local 7-to-10-day board.
COLUMN A:COLUMN B:rhymes with:
VirtualGrindoris ??florist
DarkSacrificefuzzy dice
Fatal- Xflex
coping nicely, thank you
As anyone whos been keeping track can see, my profile in the scene
has been even lower recently than it was before - keeping for the most part
clear from releases of all sorts, but also far and beyond primarily absent
except as an incorrigible idler on the IRC.
if this gets to be too much, just flip down to the end of this section
Fans of mine may be glad to know that Im still writing enemies may
be glad to know that its for the most part exclusively in real-life contexts
and forums. Ive been participating more and more in open-stage events and
poetry slams in coffeeshops and bars for the past few years, and now appear
regularly 4-5 times a month at various regular events around town - strictly as
a hobby still, but though the potential audiences are smaller than the scene
both the proportion and even sheer number of them who actually pay attention is
considerably greater - encouragement, as it were, to continue devoting myself
to such a forum. Disclaimer: though there are occasionally people in black
turtlenecks and berets present at such events, more often than not it is in an
indulgence of intentional self-parody. Spoken word events can be fun if you
allow yourself to enjoy them, so check one out near you!
One I especially endorse is an event which I enjoyed so much I decided
to help put it on: every month and a half or so, interested parties in the
area put some volunteer effort into putting on a Living Closet - what began
as a wine and cheese network-session-cum-house-party equal parts folio
exhibition and MC-duel now puts on free seven-hour performances for hundreds of
fellow artists and art enthusiasts, exhibiting art on the walls of the event,
creating art collaboratively on-site and most of all, establishing connections
between different, previously unrelated and unknown factions of the local artscommunities. As people who find themselves on ansi after 6 years can ensorse,
a community can be a compelling thing but a community you can see, hear and in
a few cases touch can be by so many degrees that much more compelling.
The bottom line: live art still rocks at least as much as computer art,
so get your ass out there and check it out.
As far as computer art goes, however, I have still been writing - in
prolific and, dare I say, copious quantities - in an online forum which most of
you are probably unaware of. Under my new extra-scene online identity,
PseudoIntellectual, I have become the number one contributor with some 3000
submissions to the Everything encyclopedia of ideas, thoughts, dreams, poems,
knowledge and trivia, brought to you by the guys who run SlashDot.
Beyond that I am still as well active on bulletin boards. No, I am not
referring to dial-up Renegade and Telegard BBSes even the 604s stalwart scene
has dwindled to one or two PD megaliths hardly worth calling nor to telnet
boards, which always gave the impression of trying to be something they werent
instead of focusing on new strengths which could be theirs. Message-threading
systems similar to Acherons discussion bases are out there and possess great
possibility of potency potential. Im a regular on four or five of them and
though its never quite as good as it was when we were 13, its still a fair
sight better than ansi.
I never really intended to quit the scene - I never really intended for
Mistigris to stop releasing as anyone Ive solicited for art over the past few
months will testify... and though Ive had a few quasi-legitimate excuses for
its disappearance hardware incompatibility for house network, leaving me
offline, hard drive crashes, switching over to linux and learning it - very
slowly, going to college, having a life, etc, etc the thing a benign tumour -
has anyone here seen Videodrome? which drives me to release never quite got
satisfied: you can take the boy out of the scene but you cant take the scene
out of the boy. As such, Im interested in releasing whatever I can round up
from my recent-past scene incarnation everything I could scrape together since
the last mist release and am interested in getting back into themed pack
release and e-mag publication, with one eye to the scene, one to the greater
net culture out there and one eye to the real-world art community.
But Ill need some help. Get ahold of me if youre interested in
working with me and/or the sort of thing Ive described.
One of the easiest things I have in mind is another one of these. This
pack contains all of my collaborations to date, and its taken six years to
amass everything in it. Yet keep in mind that probably only 10 of the lits I
ever wrote for the scene for collaborations ever got used. This means a big
backlog of much of my best stuff. If youre interested in a Cthulu lit for yournext big undestined ANSI, drop me a line and Ill point a nice juicy unreleased
poem in your direction.
Beyond that, Im interested with furthering what was only realized a
couple of times in this archive - illustration. That is, instead of the pictureand writing only being paired because theyre both promoting the same board/
group/e-mag/brand of detergent the picture is actually thematically consistant
with the subject matter and tone of the poem provided.
Since I cant draw worth a spit, I need someone to help me illustrate -
I enjoy working with both high and low-resolution artists, but if no aid is
offered, I may have to resort to...
the ansificator!@
Thats right, ladies and gentlemen! An amazing new product from CRAZYDAWG
Incorporated! Its the amazing.. new.. space-age...
Achieve astounding levels of ansification with this astounding new product!
With only the touch of a button and the injection of several small doses of
hallucinogens, you can convert any everyday visual experience into a masterful
rendering constructed entirely of LARGE SQUARE BLOCKS! Easy to understand and
interpret! Confoundingly simple!
And, as if that isnt enough, the ansification process reduces even the
most myriad of colourful, natural scenes into an astounding, easy-on-the-eyes,
Thats right, SIXTEEN INDIVIDUAL COLOURS! Y eeeeeeeoooo W !
Even An Idiot Could Use It r! We placed our device in a completely sealed
room with fourteen chimpanzees and within hours they had managed to use the
device to escape!
Seventeen out of twenty-two doctors recognize the ANSIFICATOR when threatened
at gunpoint!
Now, you might think this one product is enough! That genius has its limits!
But we here at CRAZYDAWG have proven you wrong again!
Its the perfect accessory to the ANSIFICATOR, a necessary addition to the
21st century home! Its technologically advanced, constructed entirely out
of information-age materials.. its the amazing.. obsequious.. ponteriffic..
Achieve new levels of literification with this astounding product! With a few
simple selections, the LITERATOR can spontaneously emit a veritable tidal-wave
of rhymes, diction, metaphor, and florific allegories concerning the subject
matter OF YOUR CHOICE! Its easy to operate!
Need an elegy for your mothers funeral? The LITERATOR is on the job!
Need to serenade that sexy chick from the office? The LITERATOR can do it!
Need to cash in on pyramid marketing schemes? The LITERATOR is your machine!
Need to impress your friends by getting published in a literary magazine of
high pomp and circumstance? THE LITERATOR IS FOR YOU!
Both these versatile, useful products can be yours if you act now, for the
affordable price of only 155.99! They slice, they dice, they ansify and
literificate! You cant afford to pass up this opportunity!
And if you act now, you will not only recieve the amazing ANSIFICATOR and the
astounding LITERATOR 2000 English Version, but you will also aquire the
ANSLITIFERATOROR Up-Link Cable! Similar to cables used to access the Internet!
Recognized by ten out of four dentists! Use this device to link your
ANSIFICATOR to your LITERATOR, and paint the town RED!
You will be able to simultaneously reduce any overly-complex and tedious
experience into an astounding glob of LARGE TWO-DIMENSIONAL BLOCKS and
INSENSIBLE POETIC JARGON-TEXT! Hours of fun and entertainment!
Impress your friends! Destroy your enemies! Obtain hot babes!
Introspective trivia
Top 5 favorites
in this archive:
as the epitome of clever,
punchy, metered and as eye candy, wholly
as well-integrated ultimately meaningless ignoring if not
pieces of art: lit for the scene discounting the
- ansi ornamentation: writing:
df-girl1.ans5.nitct-hi.ansus-clock.ansmulti-01.drk*bonus* ctmz-les.ans
which ones I like the writing most of all you have to figure out for yourself
Number of suspected Gif2Ansid pieces in this pack: 2.5
can you guess which ones they are?
stuffs by Questor and White Trash
-- --- missing from this pack:
Walking home from Bennys one night - RIPscrip illustration by Lady Blue,
lost in a hard drive crash. If you know of her whereabouts, please contact me. Mistigris Blender Kombat entry for the kid choking to death on a lego block.
Never released publically before:
tsct-tpo.ans, us-stars.ans
-- --- Top 5 artists I most regret not having collaborated with: in descending order
numb, Inquisitor, Silver Rat, Corinthian, the 4th Disciple
and I wish Id made non-blender collaborations with more mist ansi folks! grr!
Top 5 subjectively greatest offenders in most consistent, outstanding or serial failures to make good on promises / offers of collaboration especially after
the pieces were already written: in descending order
aka foul temptresses
Grateful Dead My 2nd lit, left hanging for... going on seven years now!
Inner Vision who Im convinced leaves the scene every time I find him again.
Cain who killed his group Oasis only after I made a lit for it
The Extremist 2 pieces, one of which was for his own board!
Creator 1 piece, but one I really liked
Inazone 1 piece
-- --- Greatest inspiration to start writing for the scene:
Israfel / GOTHiC
Greatest inspirations to continue writing in the scene:
Schtroumph and Cenobite
Argon and Visions
-- --- Greatest discouragements to continue writing in the scene:
BlueDevil and ScrollZ
Members: er... let me rephrase that
Artists who knowingly or unknowingly appear in this pack:
Avenger, CatBones, Corinthian, Creator, Cthulu, Darkforce, Dead Soul,
Deviate, Dieznyik Nootropic, 33rie, The Extremist, Fever, Fire From Heaven,
God Among Lice, The Green Hornet, Grim Reaper, Halaster, Happyfish, Haquisaq,
Iodine, Iori Yagami, Ironghost, Kitiara, Kyp, Lady Blue, Mage, Mainline,
Mavrik, Mmmelk, Mongul, Nitnatsnoc, Patrick Monnahan, Prison Breaker,
Prisonernumberone, Prophet, Pure Voltage, Questor, Quip, Scope, Shaft,
The Silent Killer, Skrubly, Smokescreen, Spirit of Illusion, Stone the Crow,
Tabaqui, Tincat, Tomppa, tRc ?, tricolore, Trip, Ts, Vengeance, Wator,
White Trash, Zamfir Worshipper and ZeusII.
-- --- Sites: not Mistigris sites, but places of interest
The Living Closethttp://livingcloset.vancouver.bc.ca
BBSes: http://www.everything2.com too!Bonk TabNethttp://bonk.dynip.com
UNCENSORED! BBShttp://uncnsrd.mt-kisco.ny.us
The Obloid Spherehttp://www.obloidsphere.com
in conclusion: sigs appearing in this infofile by, respectively, Nitnatsnoc,
Cthulu, Darkforce, 33rie, and Nitnatsnoc. ANSIFICATOR text by Zamfir Worshipper.FILEID.DIZ by Corinthian.
cthulu handy-dandy access stat sheet:
handles:Zaphod Beeblebrox The Happy Flower Man Anomie
Joconde Flambeau Mogus Bogus, the Prince of Pride
how Cthulu is pronounced:kuh-THOO-loo
what Cthulu is:a giant alien god with an octopus for a head
do I know its misspelt?Cthulhu was taken by an early Remorse ASCII artist
e-mail address:pseudointellect@hotmail.com
where he can be reached:everything on the slashnet as pi-whatever
get ready to read
g re e ts
Everyone I met on my trip to europe and havent
worked with yet: Tarot, Crayon, Mongi, Alla Xul, Shere Khan
dr shizuma and a cast of thousands!
bop zow
This is Cthulu of Mistigris. Welcome to my solo pack. This evening we
we will be focusing on the rightmost of my tentacles, that is, my writings. In
the interests of good taste I will be saving discussion of the lobster and brickuntil our adult show later tonight, where I read all of my poems... naked.
If you ask me nicely, Ill explain them to you on the IRC.
You may think that a meg and a half is a lot of size for writing to be
taking up, and youd be right. Raw text-wise, thats well on the way to a
dictionary, but I dont claim to contain anywhere near so much: the focus on
this archive is not myself, but rather those I have worked with. The subtitle
of this collection is Illustrations and Descriptions and thus what we have here
is not so much a collection of my writings and certainly in most cases not of
my favorite instances of my writings but rather those you would have seen: lit
for the scene contained in the company of graphics and pictures in most cases
describing either the picture it accompanies or the name of the bulletin board
they both promote. In considerably fewer cases the graphics illustrate what
the words put forth and in a couple of cases the juxtaposition of word and pixelis a completely spurious and irrelevant one. We dont like to talk about those
much so if youll just follow me Id like to take you on a bit of a tour though
my illustrious and pathetic scene career.
all dressed up and nowhere to go
Oh yes, I almost forgot - one more note before we proceed: though I havemaintained the integrity ugh, that word gives me stomachaches of all of the
pieces contained herein file dates match those of the original release, where
applicable, for those of you who like to view things chronologically and in
progression these poems have never looked so good: before ending up in this
archive they were all combed and scrubbed and any and all ugly misspellings havebeen surreptitiously tidied up from the goofy state they may have inadvertently
been released in - in the case of one poem, entire lines were omitted in the
release, but letters and words have been mangled here and there over the years.
For this pack they have been restored to their original state, that you can
experience, if not the sheer literary merit which was never theirs, at least theimpeccability of their rhythm and rhyme schemes. In addition to those changes,
to avoid any confusion, I have changed all occurrences of my e-mail address to
show my current one, just in case anyone tries to refer to them to contact me.
SAUCE information has as well been updated in a few cases, and if you feel that
with these changes accounted for, these still dont quite reflect your memories,well, remember that things aint what they used to be and in most cases, they
never were 8.
making the most of my limitations
For your entertainment, a review of sigs and headers used on occasion
by myself to assert creative ownership over released product.
by Would you believe me if I told you
that this sort of thing was elite in C T H U L U ! 1994?
/ No, neither would I.
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?! I acually used this in messages on
BBSes. One less thing we have to
c IMPERiAL 94 worry about these days...
Though we had our disagreements
see: Integrity Darkforce was
gracious enough to revamp the
C T H U L U ! hideous ASCII octopus in a
marginally-less-hideous ANSI
incarnation after I wrote a lit for
his board, House of Style.
At the time I was very upset that we
still had to resort to the high-
ASCII character for the eyes.
There were very fiercely delineated boundaries between ANSI and ASCII in those days and newschool ASCII was Why choose t
he LESSER of two evils?! still a glimmer in kHzs eye.Do not summon up that which ye cannot put down
c iMPERiAL 94 Its interesting that I flaunted
most of these affectations of
eliteness at a time when I was arguably my least elite ever, a minor cog in a
group whose main claim to success was merging with GRiP/AD. In fact, I think
that I adopted the use of these sigs before Id even released anything. Then
again, that took months. And my migration from the ANSI department to the lit
division is a story all its own...
A nice touch emerging from
the frame of I am 31l73++,
my first attempt at subtle
social commentary,
illustrated by Eerie before
he exploded.
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?!
Do not summon up that which ye cannot put down The sig was apparently used
without intentional irony.
Poem written by My favorite of my various
Cthulu of Mistigris identifying marks, a more
compact and less TABNet-
centric version of the
illustration crowning this
Key among this preference
is that it promotes my group
as much as it promotes myself
- any prominence I attained in
the scene through guest
Mistigris appearances in ANSI collaborations
in other groups - now it all starts to make sense was strictly in an
unsuccessful attempt to draw attention to my struggling group. More on that later. oh yeah - this is by Nitnatsnoc, bless his Queen-y heart.-
some cleverness
So you can have some idea as to the utter trash topics I was provided
to work with over the years, I include here a sample 1993 WareZ BBS name
generator. Simply match one word in COLUMN A with a word from COLUMN B adding
ofs and Thes where appropriate and voila! An authentic 1992-1994 era BBS
name! All words and non-words: see Grindoris appearing in this generator wewere used in real BBSes, most of which actually went up at some point! And as abonus to you, I include sample end rhymes for the words in col
umn B so you can
try your hand at making your own geniune elite lits, which, at one time, were
considered to be worth leech access on a local 7-to-10-day board.
COLUMN A:COLUMN B:rhymes with:
VirtualGrindoris ??florist
DarkSacrificefuzzy dice
Fatal- Xflex
coping nicely, thank you
As anyone whos been keeping track can see, my profile in the scene
has been even lower recently than it was before - keeping for the most part
clear from releases of all sorts, but also far and beyond primarily absent
except as an incorrigible idler on the IRC.
if this gets to be too much, just flip down to the end of this section
Fans of mine may be glad to know that Im still writing enemies may
be glad to know that its for the most part exclusively in real-life contexts
and forums. Ive been participating more and more in open-stage events and
poetry slams in coffeeshops and bars for the past few years, and now appear
regularly 4-5 times a month at various regular events around town - strictly as
a hobby still, but though the potential audiences are smaller than the scene
both the proportion and even sheer number of them who actually pay attention is
considerably greater - encouragement, as it were, to continue devoting myself
to such a forum. Disclaimer: though there are occasionally people in black
turtlenecks and berets present at such events, more often than not it is in an
indulgence of intentional self-parody. Spoken word events can be fun if you
allow yourself to enjoy them, so check one out near you!
One I especially endorse is an event which I enjoyed so much I decided
to help put it on: every month and a half or so, interested parties in the
area put some volunteer effort into putting on a Living Closet - what began
as a wine and cheese network-session-cum-house-party equal parts folio
exhibition and MC-duel now puts on free seven-hour performances for hundreds of
fellow artists and art enthusiasts, exhibiting art on the walls of the event,
creating art collaboratively on-site and most of all, establishing connections
between different, previously unrelated and unknown factions of the local artscommunities. As people who find themselves on ansi after 6 years can ensorse,
a community can be a compelling thing but a community you can see, hear and in
a few cases touch can be by so many degrees that much more compelling.
The bottom line: live art still rocks at least as much as computer art,
so get your ass out there and check it out.
As far as computer art goes, however, I have still been writing - in
prolific and, dare I say, copious quantities - in an online forum which most of
you are probably unaware of. Under my new extra-scene online identity,
PseudoIntellectual, I have become the number one contributor with some 3000
submissions to the Everything encyclopedia of ideas, thoughts, dreams, poems,
knowledge and trivia, brought to you by the guys who run SlashDot.
Beyond that I am still as well active on bulletin boards. No, I am not
referring to dial-up Renegade and Telegard BBSes even the 604s stalwart scene
has dwindled to one or two PD megaliths hardly worth calling nor to telnet
boards, which always gave the impression of trying to be something they werent
instead of focusing on new strengths which could be theirs. Message-threading
systems similar to Acherons discussion bases are out there and possess great
possibility of potency potential. Im a regular on four or five of them and
though its never quite as good as it was when we were 13, its still a fair
sight better than ansi.
I never really intended to quit the scene - I never really intended for
Mistigris to stop releasing as anyone Ive solicited for art over the past few
months will testify... and though Ive had a few quasi-legitimate excuses for
its disappearance hardware incompatibility for house network, leaving me
offline, hard drive crashes, switching over to linux and learning it - very
slowly, going to college, having a life, etc, etc the thing a benign tumour -
has anyone here seen Videodrome? which drives me to release never quite got
satisfied: you can take the boy out of the scene but you cant take the scene
out of the boy. As such, Im interested in releasing whatever I can round up
from my recent-past scene incarnation everything I could scrape together since
the last mist release and am interested in getting back into themed pack
release and e-mag publication, with one eye to the scene, one to the greater
net culture out there and one eye to the real-world art community.
But Ill need some help. Get ahold of me if youre interested in
working with me and/or the sort of thing Ive described.
One of the easiest things I have in mind is another one of these. This
pack contains all of my collaborations to date, and its taken six years to
amass everything in it. Yet keep in mind that probably only 10 of the lits I
ever wrote for the scene for collaborations ever got used. This means a big
backlog of much of my best stuff. If youre interested in a Cthulu lit for yournext big undestined ANSI, drop me a line and Ill point a nice juicy unreleased
poem in your direction.
Beyond that, Im interested with furthering what was only realized a
couple of times in this archive - illustration. That is, instead of the pictureand writing only being paired because theyre both promoting the same board/
group/e-mag/brand of detergent the picture is actually thematically consistant
with the subject matter and tone of the poem provided.
Since I cant draw worth a spit, I need someone to help me illustrate -
I enjoy working with both high and low-resolution artists, but if no aid is
offered, I may have to resort to...
the ansificator!@
Thats right, ladies and gentlemen! An amazing new product from CRAZYDAWG
Incorporated! Its the amazing.. new.. space-age...
Achieve astounding levels of ansification with this astounding new product!
With only the touch of a button and the injection of several small doses of
hallucinogens, you can convert any everyday visual experience into a masterful
rendering constructed entirely of LARGE SQUARE BLOCKS! Easy to understand and
interpret! Confoundingly simple!
And, as if that isnt enough, the ansification process reduces even the
most myriad of colourful, natural scenes into an astounding, easy-on-the-eyes,
Thats right, SIXTEEN INDIVIDUAL COLOURS! Y eeeeeeeoooo W !
Even An Idiot Could Use It r! We placed our device in a completely sealed
room with fourteen chimpanzees and within hours they had managed to use the
device to escape!
Seventeen out of twenty-two doctors recognize the ANSIFICATOR when threatened
at gunpoint!
Now, you might think this one product is enough! That genius has its limits!
But we here at CRAZYDAWG have proven you wrong again!
Its the perfect accessory to the ANSIFICATOR, a necessary addition to the
21st century home! Its technologically advanced, constructed entirely out
of information-age materials.. its the amazing.. obsequious.. ponteriffic..
Achieve new levels of literification with this astounding product! With a few
simple selections, the LITERATOR can spontaneously emit a veritable tidal-wave
of rhymes, diction, metaphor, and florific allegories concerning the subject
matter OF YOUR CHOICE! Its easy to operate!
Need an elegy for your mothers funeral? The LITERATOR is on the job!
Need to serenade that sexy chick from the office? The LITERATOR can do it!
Need to cash in on pyramid marketing schemes? The LITERATOR is your machine!
Need to impress your friends by getting published in a literary magazine of
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Introspective trivia
Top 5 favorites
in this archive:
as the epitome of clever,
punchy, metered and as eye candy, wholly
as well-integrated ultimately meaningless ignoring if not
pieces of art: lit for the scene discounting the
- ansi ornamentation: writing:
df-girl1.ans5.nitct-hi.ansus-clock.ansmulti-01.drk*bonus* ctmz-les.ans
which ones I like the writing most of all you have to figure out for yourself
Number of suspected Gif2Ansid pieces in this pack: 2.5
can you guess which ones they are?
stuffs by Questor and White Trash
-- --- missing from this pack:
Walking home from Bennys one night - RIPscrip illustration by Lady Blue,
lost in a hard drive crash. If you know of her whereabouts, please contact me. Mistigris Blender Kombat entry for the kid choking to death on a lego block.
Never released publically before:
tsct-tpo.ans, us-stars.ans
-- --- Top 5 artists I most regret not having collaborated with: in descending order
numb, Inquisitor, Silver Rat, Corinthian, the 4th Disciple
and I wish Id made non-blender collaborations with more mist ansi folks! grr!
Top 5 subjectively greatest offenders in most consistent, outstanding or serial failures to make good on promises / offers of collaboration especially after
the pieces were already written: in descending order
aka foul temptresses
Grateful Dead My 2nd lit, left hanging for... going on seven years now!
Inner Vision who Im convinced leaves the scene every time I find him again.
Cain who killed his group Oasis only after I made a lit for it
The Extremist 2 pieces, one of which was for his own board!
Creator 1 piece, but one I really liked
Inazone 1 piece
-- --- Greatest inspiration to start writing for the scene:
Israfel / GOTHiC
Greatest inspirations to continue writing in the scene:
Schtroumph and Cenobite
Argon and Visions
-- --- Greatest discouragements to continue writing in the scene:
BlueDevil and ScrollZ
Members: er... let me rephrase that
Artists who knowingly or unknowingly appear in this pack:
Avenger, CatBones, Corinthian, Creator, Cthulu, Darkforce, Dead Soul,
Deviate, Dieznyik Nootropic, 33rie, The Extremist, Fever, Fire From Heaven,
God Among Lice, The Green Hornet, Grim Reaper, Halaster, Happyfish, Haquisaq,
Iodine, Iori Yagami, Ironghost, Kitiara, Kyp, Lady Blue, Mage, Mainline,
Mavrik, Mmmelk, Mongul, Nitnatsnoc, Patrick Monnahan, Prison Breaker,
Prisonernumberone, Prophet, Pure Voltage, Questor, Quip, Scope, Shaft,
The Silent Killer, Skrubly, Smokescreen, Spirit of Illusion, Stone the Crow,
Tabaqui, Tincat, Tomppa, tRc ?, tricolore, Trip, Ts, Vengeance, Wator,
White Trash, Zamfir Worshipper and ZeusII.
-- --- Sites: not Mistigris sites, but places of interest
The Living Closethttp://livingcloset.vancouver.bc.ca
BBSes: http://www.everything2.com too!Bonk TabNethttp://bonk.dynip.com
UNCENSORED! BBShttp://uncnsrd.mt-kisco.ny.us
The Obloid Spherehttp://www.obloidsphere.com
in conclusion: sigs appearing in this infofile by, respectively, Nitnatsnoc,
Cthulu, Darkforce, 33rie, and Nitnatsnoc. ANSIFICATOR text by Zamfir Worshipper.FILEID.DIZ by Corinthian.
cthulu handy-dandy access stat sheet:
handles:Zaphod Beeblebrox The Happy Flower Man Anomie
Joconde Flambeau Mogus Bogus, the Prince of Pride
how Cthulu is pronounced:kuh-THOO-loo
what Cthulu is:a giant alien god with an octopus for a head
do I know its misspelt?Cthulhu was taken by an early Remorse ASCII artist
e-mail address:pseudointellect@hotmail.com
where he can be reached:everything on the slashnet as pi-whatever
get ready to read
g re e ts
Everyone I met on my trip to europe and havent
worked with yet: Tarot, Crayon, Mongi, Alla Xul, Shere Khan
dr shizuma and a cast of thousands!
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