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30/11/98 info file
yeeHAW and WHOOPIE! glue sixteen. its our sweet sixteenth, but im
dissapointed cause mom and pop didnt buy us a car, but since were sixteen,
were finally allowed to go out on dates! with BOYS! whoo hoo, time to ride
the backseat of zack morris chevy like its rodeo time in dallas!
so i was walking down the street, and i was jumped by 3 black men with
their mothers underwear pulled over their faces. one had a gun, the other had
a big knife. he said gimme all y0 blocks o diE f00! i pissed myself, took
a step back, looking for a place to run. i was like i dont want to give thesebig ol men my blocks. i worked hard for them, and so did everyone else who
sent them to me. oH wHAT CAN I DO?? as i was walking backwards, i saw a greatexpression of fear in the faces of the 3 black men. one even cried. i turned,
and to my amazement, five bulky men in colour 4 pajama pants were standing
behind me saying,. stay away from his blocks,. or else! and the three black
men ran away. i turned to thank my heros, and they each introduced themselves
to me. my heros were taintedx, retribution, hachi, crimson skye, noktor, enzo!i had heard of all of them, and about all the good things that they had done
in their lives. these men were truely heros of the scene. heros of our time
and world,. and then they asked to follow me and the rest of my friends to the
land of milk and honey. so i said OK COOL! and here we are.
i cant believe all those guys fucking joined. TAINTEDX IS BACK!@! FUCKING
AND NOKTOR IS BACK!@ N OKTOR!@ HES BAAAACK!@ AND FUCKING GODDAMN ENZO@*man, that shift key sure got a workout. i should of just pressed caps lock.
welcome to glue guys. you all will fit in nicely here,. this is your home,
and i hope to please you mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually.
dont be shy, and dont let the cat out. she isnt spade.
btw,. we own now. bUT dOES tHAT mEAN wE gET sERIOUS?
from what youve read so far, youre answer should be clear : if not, pour
some clearasil on it.
me and taintedx were watching ARMEGGEDON together. he likes ben affleck.
taintedx catch, do you think that its possible that someone, somewhere, is
doing the exact same thing we are at this very moment?
catch22 i sure hope so, or else what are we trying to save?
then we kissed and engaged in a tribal dance. were not gay tho. gays have
sex, homosexuals dont. theyre just attracted to one another. i learned that
in sociology :
please note that enzo joined at the last minute. i was tugging on his chain
for months now, but hes a tough brazillian. he finally gave in,. due to the
state that lore is presently in. are they dead or what? i sure hope not.
anyways,. his stuff says lore all over it. he just didnt have time to
change it up. so like,. respect to lore. and uhh,. welcome to glue enzo :
glue feels like,. like glue again. well,. weve always been glue,. obviously but what i mean is,. we started out with the ruiner and me, and some other
dope doods. the ruiner has drawn again this month, and is planning to come
back. i love him. tainted has always been a big part of glue,. hes back.
hachi is a close friend, hes in glue. noktor was in glue,. now hes back.
ive been good friends with retribution and enzo for a while now,. and theyve
joined our ranks. then, when i least expect it,. fucking crimson skye joins.
what a kick ass crew. all these new members, ontop of what we already have,
shit, someone pinch me.
taintedx: welcome home buddy.
retribution: thanks for making the magic happen.
enzo: its about fucking time :
zerovision: joint? of the coloured block kind :
filth: gutter makes me happy. keep it going man!
shaft: i owe you.
luminous: its people like you that makes this all worth our while.
mafesto: finish that ansi!@ :
the chef: thanks for the pHAT guest man! keep it rEAL.
well, if this isnt enough for you to keep an eye on glue in the future, i
donno what is. all this excitment has got me greatly inspired, and i believe
that the rest of glue is really hyped about it as well. so, expect some really
nice coloured blocks from us in the future : until next month, so long, and
goodbye. and have a merry christmas.
- catchPROUD
- hear the roar of the underdog -
30/11/98 info file
yeeHAW and WHOOPIE! glue sixteen. its our sweet sixteenth, but im
dissapointed cause mom and pop didnt buy us a car, but since were sixteen,
were finally allowed to go out on dates! with BOYS! whoo hoo, time to ride
the backseat of zack morris chevy like its rodeo time in dallas!
so i was walking down the street, and i was jumped by 3 black men with
their mothers underwear pulled over their faces. one had a gun, the other had
a big knife. he said gimme all y0 blocks o diE f00! i pissed myself, took
a step back, looking for a place to run. i was like i dont want to give thesebig ol men my blocks. i worked hard for them, and so did everyone else who
sent them to me. oH wHAT CAN I DO?? as i was walking backwards, i saw a greatexpression of fear in the faces of the 3 black men. one even cried. i turned,
and to my amazement, five bulky men in colour 4 pajama pants were standing
behind me saying,. stay away from his blocks,. or else! and the three black
men ran away. i turned to thank my heros, and they each introduced themselves
to me. my heros were taintedx, retribution, hachi, crimson skye, noktor, enzo!i had heard of all of them, and about all the good things that they had done
in their lives. these men were truely heros of the scene. heros of our time
and world,. and then they asked to follow me and the rest of my friends to the
land of milk and honey. so i said OK COOL! and here we are.
i cant believe all those guys fucking joined. TAINTEDX IS BACK!@! FUCKING
AND NOKTOR IS BACK!@ N OKTOR!@ HES BAAAACK!@ AND FUCKING GODDAMN ENZO@*man, that shift key sure got a workout. i should of just pressed caps lock.
welcome to glue guys. you all will fit in nicely here,. this is your home,
and i hope to please you mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually.
dont be shy, and dont let the cat out. she isnt spade.
btw,. we own now. bUT dOES tHAT mEAN wE gET sERIOUS?
from what youve read so far, youre answer should be clear : if not, pour
some clearasil on it.
me and taintedx were watching ARMEGGEDON together. he likes ben affleck.
taintedx catch, do you think that its possible that someone, somewhere, is
doing the exact same thing we are at this very moment?
catch22 i sure hope so, or else what are we trying to save?
then we kissed and engaged in a tribal dance. were not gay tho. gays have
sex, homosexuals dont. theyre just attracted to one another. i learned that
in sociology :
please note that enzo joined at the last minute. i was tugging on his chain
for months now, but hes a tough brazillian. he finally gave in,. due to the
state that lore is presently in. are they dead or what? i sure hope not.
anyways,. his stuff says lore all over it. he just didnt have time to
change it up. so like,. respect to lore. and uhh,. welcome to glue enzo :
glue feels like,. like glue again. well,. weve always been glue,. obviously but what i mean is,. we started out with the ruiner and me, and some other
dope doods. the ruiner has drawn again this month, and is planning to come
back. i love him. tainted has always been a big part of glue,. hes back.
hachi is a close friend, hes in glue. noktor was in glue,. now hes back.
ive been good friends with retribution and enzo for a while now,. and theyve
joined our ranks. then, when i least expect it,. fucking crimson skye joins.
what a kick ass crew. all these new members, ontop of what we already have,
shit, someone pinch me.
taintedx: welcome home buddy.
retribution: thanks for making the magic happen.
enzo: its about fucking time :
zerovision: joint? of the coloured block kind :
filth: gutter makes me happy. keep it going man!
shaft: i owe you.
luminous: its people like you that makes this all worth our while.
mafesto: finish that ansi!@ :
the chef: thanks for the pHAT guest man! keep it rEAL.
well, if this isnt enough for you to keep an eye on glue in the future, i
donno what is. all this excitment has got me greatly inspired, and i believe
that the rest of glue is really hyped about it as well. so, expect some really
nice coloured blocks from us in the future : until next month, so long, and
goodbye. and have a merry christmas.
- catchPROUD
- hear the roar of the underdog -
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