this image contains text
PGND a glue logo colly by prosthesis prosthesis@kolumbus.fi PGND this is maybe my biggest logo colly ever, included also
little joint logos between me and trip and me and retribution
Those were so small that it would been no-sence to put em in
US-????? files.
cia pack XXX
infoheader for CIA
LOGOS for MELLOW +o Zatchmo
+o zatchmo
b bulletins o op page
c comments t protocol minutes
d download u upload left : @TIMELEFT@
e enter msg w write cfg
f file disp z zippy srch bbs bbs list
g goodbye req request
j join conf au autosign. axx axx gain
l loc file nib nibbles. one oneliner
n new file ulb ulby str. user userlist
command :: input
Logo for INFUSION bbs software
infusion bbs 1.5a17
A joint with RETRIBUTION
JOINT with tripice
I did those font outlines tree which
says DIRT
Trip did coloring and background
A shit style logo
I did this just for to
try if i managed to draw
my ex.ex.ex style, failed
This one won the compo2 compo held by retribution
here it is.. lakb.. sucks really much use this if you want. thats why i left space here in the middle
This one is for ECOLOVEs infofile
ecolove pack 11
wow, a 285 lined colly done just by my self :
little joint logos between me and trip and me and retribution
Those were so small that it would been no-sence to put em in
US-????? files.
cia pack XXX
infoheader for CIA
LOGOS for MELLOW +o Zatchmo
+o zatchmo
b bulletins o op page
c comments t protocol minutes
d download u upload left : @TIMELEFT@
e enter msg w write cfg
f file disp z zippy srch bbs bbs list
g goodbye req request
j join conf au autosign. axx axx gain
l loc file nib nibbles. one oneliner
n new file ulb ulby str. user userlist
command :: input
Logo for INFUSION bbs software
infusion bbs 1.5a17
A joint with RETRIBUTION
JOINT with tripice
I did those font outlines tree which
says DIRT
Trip did coloring and background
A shit style logo
I did this just for to
try if i managed to draw
my ex.ex.ex style, failed
This one won the compo2 compo held by retribution
here it is.. lakb.. sucks really much use this if you want. thats why i left space here in the middle
This one is for ECOLOVEs infofile
ecolove pack 11
wow, a 285 lined colly done just by my self :
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