this image contains text
i love women. i love boobies. i love filth. i love p0rno. i love glue,.life.
a complicated month for the glue crew. i donno if you guys have all
noticed this or not, but whenever a group gets some attention, there are always
those who do their best to try to rain on your parade. people love to create
crazy rumours, mention in ans that glue is falling apart and some other
let me explain something to everyone. this will be the last time that
i will ever explain it. glue is here to stick around. its a pun, and its
true. we arent going anywhere but up. now, if a rumour begins to circulate
that glue is dying it is not true. you KNOW this. why do you know this?
because i am telling you RIGHT now, that glue will NEVER die. pretty elite eh?
as well, id like to bring up the fact that groups, artists, and the
scene in general needs to stay true to itself. we shouldnt be changing our
attitudes in order to impress others, or lying to ourselves just so some
ans elitest kid can say now youre cool! if youve ever read a glue info
file before, you may have seen some grammar errors, some spelling mistakes, and
some useless rambling. some people seem to find something wrong with this.
its present in every info file however. as well, a suggestion was placed beforeme to allow someone to edit the glue info files and rid our text of these
errors. i laughed at that person and i thought to myself, what a crazy dude.
yeah, its true. retribution has left glue. rets a good kid. hes
got a great sense of himself, and we all wish him the best of luck in the
future. but dont think that this is gonna make a big impact on glue. were
on pack 18 right now, do you think weve never seen a key member leave before?
oh yeah, the pack is late this month. first time in a REAL long time
that weve been late. now i see why all those other big name groups have
problems releasing on time. wisdom comes with experience. im beginning to
get a lot of both now. if you work hard enough to get in the spotlight, dont
expect people to look the other way. they expect a show,. so give it to them.
thats what were here for right?
zerovision isnt dead. taintedx is still in glue, and kicking. hes
not starting some super group that can be short lived so you doodle kids will
have something to gawk at, and then critisize 3 months down the road. the
legion was a super group, and it sparked a lot of motivation in the scene.
why the hell did so many people critisize it? and now that its gone, you
all complain about how dead things are. am i the only one who sees the
man i love to make points with retorical questions.
hey everyone, grindstone joined. hes such a stud. hes got some
real life problemos at the moment, but hes so studly im sure hell solve them
quicker than a virgin blowing his load for the first time. oh how disgusting.
taintedx is re-doing the glue webpage. expect an update of glue.cjb.netsometime in the near future. hes showed me some betas, and its looking
sweet. itll be updated often as well.
contest: i feel the need for one of these things. so everyone pay
attention. if youve ever been in glue you may have seen a crazy kid by the
name of kapheine in there. the contest involves this yankee stud. the questionis,. what does kapheine do in glue? if you have any idea at all,. email it to
catch22@multiboard.com and the best or correct answer will win you a catch22
ansi oh my, what a crappy prize. trust me tho,. itll be better than all
the SHITTY art i drew this month. wtf is with my crap this month anyways.
guh,. anyways on with the info.
oh yeah, thanks to haquisaq of mistigris for doing this dope font at thetop of the info file. i really love it, thanks haqui. ill be sure to un-tie
your sister from the chair in my basement and send her back to vancouver.
sorry about the whole, i have your sister held for ransom, draw me ansi crap.
i really dont like to get like that, but drastic times call for drastic
another thing,. everyone should draw really cool ansi now. i think
thatd be kinda neat. cause lots of people have told me how dead the scenes
been over the past 2 months. i kinda agree. im not very inspired to draw,
but it comes back. id like to see quality art be a long term thing, and not
just happen when a super group pops up and creates some short term motivation.
but hey, short term is better than none at all i suppose. but if groups like
glue, ice, avenge, cia can pump out the quality shit every month, then maybe
some activity will run a muck. maybe even a group dual or something
i think were gonna go pick on acid.
oh yeah, i asked phoman to leave too. he wasnt sure if he wanted to
be in glue or not anymore, and i decided to make up his mind for him. somtimes
i can be a real dickface, but i dont apologize when im right.
shrimp has some stuff to say. listen up punk.
awe members -- PLEASE read this!!@
Hi. Shrimp here.
I wanted to use the space Catch gave me in this info-file to
apologize before Awe lettering, its members and mainly its presidents, TNA
and Dee1.
I was acting foolishly and childishly in the last few weeks and said a few
that should not have been said.
Dee1 - Im sorry for blaming you for ruining Awe. I hope you were intelligent
enough not to take those blames personally and to understand that I said those
things only because.. Well.. I ran out of stuff to say :.
You are a great lad, as an ansi artist, group leader, and a human.
Also, Im sorry for being so impervious, I shouldve heard your side of the
story, but you must understand someone apparently seltorn was misleading me
deliberately to assume you kicked me out of the group, what made me extremely
confused, nervous and angry As for you, Seltorn, well, Im not not only one
who thinks you are a bad person, a fucking snob who thinks hes somebody while
hes actually nobody. I wish you the worst.
Bottom line: Im terribly sorry for the stupid shit this quarrel caused, for
the stuff I said about awe, and.. Well.. I really do hope you friendly awe
lads will accept my apology :
- Shrimp.
make sure you check out a new scene emag, called surreal. it rules.
i still want gutter 8 to come out tho surreal and gutter both add some
spice to the scene, support your local emags d00ds.
oh yeah, props out to vader, leth, kaph, stereo, mafesto, and all of
genuine. peace to god too.
anyways, enjoy the pack. weve always set goals for ourself as a group.first it was to stick around, done. then it was to make some quality art and
make you dinks take notice,. done. now its to make some long term motivation.
what makes you think we wont be able to pull this one off?
a complicated month for the glue crew. i donno if you guys have all
noticed this or not, but whenever a group gets some attention, there are always
those who do their best to try to rain on your parade. people love to create
crazy rumours, mention in ans that glue is falling apart and some other
let me explain something to everyone. this will be the last time that
i will ever explain it. glue is here to stick around. its a pun, and its
true. we arent going anywhere but up. now, if a rumour begins to circulate
that glue is dying it is not true. you KNOW this. why do you know this?
because i am telling you RIGHT now, that glue will NEVER die. pretty elite eh?
as well, id like to bring up the fact that groups, artists, and the
scene in general needs to stay true to itself. we shouldnt be changing our
attitudes in order to impress others, or lying to ourselves just so some
ans elitest kid can say now youre cool! if youve ever read a glue info
file before, you may have seen some grammar errors, some spelling mistakes, and
some useless rambling. some people seem to find something wrong with this.
its present in every info file however. as well, a suggestion was placed beforeme to allow someone to edit the glue info files and rid our text of these
errors. i laughed at that person and i thought to myself, what a crazy dude.
yeah, its true. retribution has left glue. rets a good kid. hes
got a great sense of himself, and we all wish him the best of luck in the
future. but dont think that this is gonna make a big impact on glue. were
on pack 18 right now, do you think weve never seen a key member leave before?
oh yeah, the pack is late this month. first time in a REAL long time
that weve been late. now i see why all those other big name groups have
problems releasing on time. wisdom comes with experience. im beginning to
get a lot of both now. if you work hard enough to get in the spotlight, dont
expect people to look the other way. they expect a show,. so give it to them.
thats what were here for right?
zerovision isnt dead. taintedx is still in glue, and kicking. hes
not starting some super group that can be short lived so you doodle kids will
have something to gawk at, and then critisize 3 months down the road. the
legion was a super group, and it sparked a lot of motivation in the scene.
why the hell did so many people critisize it? and now that its gone, you
all complain about how dead things are. am i the only one who sees the
man i love to make points with retorical questions.
hey everyone, grindstone joined. hes such a stud. hes got some
real life problemos at the moment, but hes so studly im sure hell solve them
quicker than a virgin blowing his load for the first time. oh how disgusting.
taintedx is re-doing the glue webpage. expect an update of glue.cjb.netsometime in the near future. hes showed me some betas, and its looking
sweet. itll be updated often as well.
contest: i feel the need for one of these things. so everyone pay
attention. if youve ever been in glue you may have seen a crazy kid by the
name of kapheine in there. the contest involves this yankee stud. the questionis,. what does kapheine do in glue? if you have any idea at all,. email it to
catch22@multiboard.com and the best or correct answer will win you a catch22
ansi oh my, what a crappy prize. trust me tho,. itll be better than all
the SHITTY art i drew this month. wtf is with my crap this month anyways.
guh,. anyways on with the info.
oh yeah, thanks to haquisaq of mistigris for doing this dope font at thetop of the info file. i really love it, thanks haqui. ill be sure to un-tie
your sister from the chair in my basement and send her back to vancouver.
sorry about the whole, i have your sister held for ransom, draw me ansi crap.
i really dont like to get like that, but drastic times call for drastic
another thing,. everyone should draw really cool ansi now. i think
thatd be kinda neat. cause lots of people have told me how dead the scenes
been over the past 2 months. i kinda agree. im not very inspired to draw,
but it comes back. id like to see quality art be a long term thing, and not
just happen when a super group pops up and creates some short term motivation.
but hey, short term is better than none at all i suppose. but if groups like
glue, ice, avenge, cia can pump out the quality shit every month, then maybe
some activity will run a muck. maybe even a group dual or something
i think were gonna go pick on acid.
oh yeah, i asked phoman to leave too. he wasnt sure if he wanted to
be in glue or not anymore, and i decided to make up his mind for him. somtimes
i can be a real dickface, but i dont apologize when im right.
shrimp has some stuff to say. listen up punk.
awe members -- PLEASE read this!!@
Hi. Shrimp here.
I wanted to use the space Catch gave me in this info-file to
apologize before Awe lettering, its members and mainly its presidents, TNA
and Dee1.
I was acting foolishly and childishly in the last few weeks and said a few
that should not have been said.
Dee1 - Im sorry for blaming you for ruining Awe. I hope you were intelligent
enough not to take those blames personally and to understand that I said those
things only because.. Well.. I ran out of stuff to say :.
You are a great lad, as an ansi artist, group leader, and a human.
Also, Im sorry for being so impervious, I shouldve heard your side of the
story, but you must understand someone apparently seltorn was misleading me
deliberately to assume you kicked me out of the group, what made me extremely
confused, nervous and angry As for you, Seltorn, well, Im not not only one
who thinks you are a bad person, a fucking snob who thinks hes somebody while
hes actually nobody. I wish you the worst.
Bottom line: Im terribly sorry for the stupid shit this quarrel caused, for
the stuff I said about awe, and.. Well.. I really do hope you friendly awe
lads will accept my apology :
- Shrimp.
make sure you check out a new scene emag, called surreal. it rules.
i still want gutter 8 to come out tho surreal and gutter both add some
spice to the scene, support your local emags d00ds.
oh yeah, props out to vader, leth, kaph, stereo, mafesto, and all of
genuine. peace to god too.
anyways, enjoy the pack. weve always set goals for ourself as a group.first it was to stick around, done. then it was to make some quality art and
make you dinks take notice,. done. now its to make some long term motivation.
what makes you think we wont be able to pull this one off?
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