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glue numbah twenty
march 1999 info file
The other day i was walking down the street, and i bumped into an old
friend of mine. she went to public school with me, and we had one of those
grade 8 boyfriend/girlfriend things going on - which ended in highschool, cause
i was ready to be mackin highschool bitches. turns out, so was she. shes a
dyke now.
This got me thinking about the scene. since everything that happens to
me in life, i relate back to the scene in one way or another. see, i figure
that when kids are young, and just doing their thing, learning about shit, and
kind of testing the waters, well that kinda relates to groups in the scene.
when groups form, theyre new obviously, and need to test the waters. no one
really knows what to expect. and then i thought about glue, i doubt anyone
expected us to reach twenty packs, and be this unstoppable, ansi producing,
motivational, inspiring, artificially insiminated?, diabolicly schematic,
driving force that we are today. but were different too,. different in the
same sense that this dyke is. she starts out normal, like any other little kid,but then turns out to be something different that everyone can enjoy. because
we all know, boys and girls alike, love lesbos.
Hey guess what, Dissonance joined us. yesH, that ansi superstar that
lead awe for a brief yet successful period, until some other boneheads fucked
it up, has re-joined the glue crew. /me gives dee1 a high-five. welcome home
On another note, Quip has been exercising a lot lately. he now informs
me that last night he successfully managed to suck his own penis. im not sure
if im proud or turned on. either way, ive got a bigass smile. way to be
Ah yeah, tainted has left us. i say left because i love to use
quotation marks. you see, he has joined this group, seven in which he is
not allowed to dual. Thus, he cannot remain on the glue roster because
that would be considered dualing. however, he informs me that he will be
releasing on a regular basis with us still, so its all good. does this
quoting get annoying? quote quote
Glues got a mailing list going on. if you havnt received any messagesfrom it, then get a brain stupid! er, i mean let me know cause youve some
how been forgotten. if worse comes to worse, and youre really pissed off that
you didnt get any of the messages, blame warpus. he doesnt do anything right.
I regret to inform you that I did not get laid this month. or any othermonth for that matter. however, i did wack off 69 times this month, and shaved
my treasure trail one 1 time. The following people in glue however, did get
laid: enzo and the ruiner. Glue hey i got laid updates will be available
every month. one point will be awarded every month to those people who get
laid. the hey i got laid contest ends on glue-69. heres the stats:
enzo: 1
ruiner: 1
If anyone is caught cheating, they will be deducted 2 points. the
following do not count as getting laid: wacking off, head, handjobs, feetjobs.
the last one is for warpus, hes kinky. the following do count as getting
laid: getting laid, rump rides. anyways, on with the newsletter.
We rule, and i know you want us dead. creator told me he was putting
up a wanted poster with the entire glue rosters faces on it, and offering a
69 reward. to all gluemen: if you are captured, do not reveil the location
of our secret fort that we built from kleenexs dads woodpile in the backyard.
as well, enjoy the pack. dont do drugs. and drink as much as possible. i
mean water. hey, shouts out to filth. keep the gutter bong going,. i got some
bud, lets smoke it. hi to fever too. oh WORD to menace for the DOPE guest!
its nice to see you releasing again bucko :
march 1999 info file
The other day i was walking down the street, and i bumped into an old
friend of mine. she went to public school with me, and we had one of those
grade 8 boyfriend/girlfriend things going on - which ended in highschool, cause
i was ready to be mackin highschool bitches. turns out, so was she. shes a
dyke now.
This got me thinking about the scene. since everything that happens to
me in life, i relate back to the scene in one way or another. see, i figure
that when kids are young, and just doing their thing, learning about shit, and
kind of testing the waters, well that kinda relates to groups in the scene.
when groups form, theyre new obviously, and need to test the waters. no one
really knows what to expect. and then i thought about glue, i doubt anyone
expected us to reach twenty packs, and be this unstoppable, ansi producing,
motivational, inspiring, artificially insiminated?, diabolicly schematic,
driving force that we are today. but were different too,. different in the
same sense that this dyke is. she starts out normal, like any other little kid,but then turns out to be something different that everyone can enjoy. because
we all know, boys and girls alike, love lesbos.
Hey guess what, Dissonance joined us. yesH, that ansi superstar that
lead awe for a brief yet successful period, until some other boneheads fucked
it up, has re-joined the glue crew. /me gives dee1 a high-five. welcome home
On another note, Quip has been exercising a lot lately. he now informs
me that last night he successfully managed to suck his own penis. im not sure
if im proud or turned on. either way, ive got a bigass smile. way to be
Ah yeah, tainted has left us. i say left because i love to use
quotation marks. you see, he has joined this group, seven in which he is
not allowed to dual. Thus, he cannot remain on the glue roster because
that would be considered dualing. however, he informs me that he will be
releasing on a regular basis with us still, so its all good. does this
quoting get annoying? quote quote
Glues got a mailing list going on. if you havnt received any messagesfrom it, then get a brain stupid! er, i mean let me know cause youve some
how been forgotten. if worse comes to worse, and youre really pissed off that
you didnt get any of the messages, blame warpus. he doesnt do anything right.
I regret to inform you that I did not get laid this month. or any othermonth for that matter. however, i did wack off 69 times this month, and shaved
my treasure trail one 1 time. The following people in glue however, did get
laid: enzo and the ruiner. Glue hey i got laid updates will be available
every month. one point will be awarded every month to those people who get
laid. the hey i got laid contest ends on glue-69. heres the stats:
enzo: 1
ruiner: 1
If anyone is caught cheating, they will be deducted 2 points. the
following do not count as getting laid: wacking off, head, handjobs, feetjobs.
the last one is for warpus, hes kinky. the following do count as getting
laid: getting laid, rump rides. anyways, on with the newsletter.
We rule, and i know you want us dead. creator told me he was putting
up a wanted poster with the entire glue rosters faces on it, and offering a
69 reward. to all gluemen: if you are captured, do not reveil the location
of our secret fort that we built from kleenexs dads woodpile in the backyard.
as well, enjoy the pack. dont do drugs. and drink as much as possible. i
mean water. hey, shouts out to filth. keep the gutter bong going,. i got some
bud, lets smoke it. hi to fever too. oh WORD to menace for the DOPE guest!
its nice to see you releasing again bucko :
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