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Memz. ansichrist
fever grindstone misfit
propane transient zerovision Thirty four packs .. and we still say were forever. newz ---- Sup. Well its about time we frIGGIN released. For a group that calls themselves consistent we sure arent livin up to it. However I think the quality of
this pack more than makes up for it. And just like
everyone else, weve had our issues to deal with,
however things seem to be moving a little more
smoothely now, and will be from now on. What else
would you expect from the best group of all time ? : memz ---- Uh huh, you can believe all the talk, cause we really did pick up some new talent. Check out that roster kids .. that REALLY is ansichrist, grindstone, misfit, and transient! Ansichrist is the scenes new prayer, showing that new talent can exist even today, and he exceeds the label of mere newblood by showing up some of the scenes most verteraned artists. Grindstone needs no introduction. Hes been around the block, mainly beacuse hes easy. But also because his talent is coveted all over the ansi map. Gstone
is mostly known for his time in awe, and his amazing
fonts - which he will show here in glue, and much more.
Misfit is from our old favourite group Apathy. Hes
been an inspiration for us all, including myself, and
produces some of the dopest art this side of the milky way. He also had a stint with Ice, but weve forgiven him for that : Transient is a homey from Philly, also know for his art with Apathy. Hes also known for his kickass art with Lazarus - and hes got so much artistic talent that he would make Andy Warhol realize just how much of a sell out he really was. Unfortunately, I had to make a really tough decision this month .. glue says goodbye to Somberlain, who has been with us for quite some time now. Let us know when youre ready to return Somber, well be here. Oh yeah, you might be saying Where the hell is the sweet ass mISFIT and feVSTAR art?!@ they were both actually involved in a little accident. Missyphitt and fevah were walking around a suberb, when they found 2 little girls playing hop-scotch. They decided to join in on the fun I think misfit was just trying to score some digits. Anyhow, since neither one of them has played hop-scotch before, they both wiped out and twisted their ankles on the first hop. Unknown to me, they both draw with their feet. Theyll be better next month. Misfit never did get any digits by the way. Glue welcomes all the new blood, and hopes to be drawing with them from this pack on. We take great pride in the people we draw with, and hold them in the highest regard. Welcome guys! c0mmentz ---- Like always, I wanna give a little comment on the
state of the scene. There arent many of us left.
This is true. However there are many idle artists in
the scene, who hang out in ans, and I believe that all
they really need is a reason to draw, otherwise why
would they still be here? Its funny, all the scene
really needs to thrive is a little ansi. We just need
to do what weve always done .. draw ansi. And of course we should enjoy it. I dont believe for a second that any of us dont enjoy drawing ansi, because if we didnt .. we wouldnt be here. Its not as if this is detrimental to our existence. Anyhow, to feed our own needs, we must feed the scenes. Draw some ansi, and youll see how quick things change. Youll see how much more you enjoy your time here. We all need one another in order to exist in this place, lets do what we do best. I am an ansi artist.. all I know is the coloured block. Enjoy the pack. - catch22 - glue chief catch22@neoncrayon.com
info file ansi by fever and catch22 of glue
fever grindstone misfit
propane transient zerovision Thirty four packs .. and we still say were forever. newz ---- Sup. Well its about time we frIGGIN released. For a group that calls themselves consistent we sure arent livin up to it. However I think the quality of
this pack more than makes up for it. And just like
everyone else, weve had our issues to deal with,
however things seem to be moving a little more
smoothely now, and will be from now on. What else
would you expect from the best group of all time ? : memz ---- Uh huh, you can believe all the talk, cause we really did pick up some new talent. Check out that roster kids .. that REALLY is ansichrist, grindstone, misfit, and transient! Ansichrist is the scenes new prayer, showing that new talent can exist even today, and he exceeds the label of mere newblood by showing up some of the scenes most verteraned artists. Grindstone needs no introduction. Hes been around the block, mainly beacuse hes easy. But also because his talent is coveted all over the ansi map. Gstone
is mostly known for his time in awe, and his amazing
fonts - which he will show here in glue, and much more.
Misfit is from our old favourite group Apathy. Hes
been an inspiration for us all, including myself, and
produces some of the dopest art this side of the milky way. He also had a stint with Ice, but weve forgiven him for that : Transient is a homey from Philly, also know for his art with Apathy. Hes also known for his kickass art with Lazarus - and hes got so much artistic talent that he would make Andy Warhol realize just how much of a sell out he really was. Unfortunately, I had to make a really tough decision this month .. glue says goodbye to Somberlain, who has been with us for quite some time now. Let us know when youre ready to return Somber, well be here. Oh yeah, you might be saying Where the hell is the sweet ass mISFIT and feVSTAR art?!@ they were both actually involved in a little accident. Missyphitt and fevah were walking around a suberb, when they found 2 little girls playing hop-scotch. They decided to join in on the fun I think misfit was just trying to score some digits. Anyhow, since neither one of them has played hop-scotch before, they both wiped out and twisted their ankles on the first hop. Unknown to me, they both draw with their feet. Theyll be better next month. Misfit never did get any digits by the way. Glue welcomes all the new blood, and hopes to be drawing with them from this pack on. We take great pride in the people we draw with, and hold them in the highest regard. Welcome guys! c0mmentz ---- Like always, I wanna give a little comment on the
state of the scene. There arent many of us left.
This is true. However there are many idle artists in
the scene, who hang out in ans, and I believe that all
they really need is a reason to draw, otherwise why
would they still be here? Its funny, all the scene
really needs to thrive is a little ansi. We just need
to do what weve always done .. draw ansi. And of course we should enjoy it. I dont believe for a second that any of us dont enjoy drawing ansi, because if we didnt .. we wouldnt be here. Its not as if this is detrimental to our existence. Anyhow, to feed our own needs, we must feed the scenes. Draw some ansi, and youll see how quick things change. Youll see how much more you enjoy your time here. We all need one another in order to exist in this place, lets do what we do best. I am an ansi artist.. all I know is the coloured block. Enjoy the pack. - catch22 - glue chief catch22@neoncrayon.com
info file ansi by fever and catch22 of glue
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