this image contains text
. sEctOr7..
It seems to me that im always breaking that rule someone made where your ansi
character is supposed to be lighter than the background. Well, sorry.
Hey , if you recognize this character like zeusII did than you are an elite
previously released ansi art rememberer , i released this face in a 25 liner in
the past , I always wanted to finish it to release as a full pic but i didnt
have any ideas , so , I finally sat down and drew up a pic around my old
25liner and here is the result.
Greets going out to ... YOU for checking this ansi doodle out , perhaps youve
just found a bit of inspiration , go draw! So I can feed off your inspiration
when I view your release!
- fever
. sEctOr7..
It seems to me that im always breaking that rule someone made where your ansi
character is supposed to be lighter than the background. Well, sorry.
Hey , if you recognize this character like zeusII did than you are an elite
previously released ansi art rememberer , i released this face in a 25 liner in
the past , I always wanted to finish it to release as a full pic but i didnt
have any ideas , so , I finally sat down and drew up a pic around my old
25liner and here is the result.
Greets going out to ... YOU for checking this ansi doodle out , perhaps youve
just found a bit of inspiration , go draw! So I can feed off your inspiration
when I view your release!
- fever
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