this image contains text
D e c e m b e r
Senior Members
Elminster Golgotha
Stile CAN
Kinayda USA
Magicians of the Arts
Ansi VGA
Aphex Twin............... AT
Alphaspin................ AS
Cyber-X.................. CX
Dark Knight.............. DK
Forlorn Extender......... FE H
ate Breeder............. HB
Fusion................... FN
Jester................... JE
Liquid Nitro............. LN
Liquid Air............... LA
Lord Carnuss............. LC R
awhead Rex.............. RR
Mr. Man.................. MM
Pnakotic................. PN Lit
Random Violence.......... RV
Stranger................. STR
Israfel.................. IS
The Evolutionary Shadow.. TES
The Retarded Warrior..... TRW
Veritech................. VT
Vulcan................... VU
Death Karnage VGA
Razor Sinned Soul The Cardina
Skull Leader Wizard Rhythm Addiction
The Northern Sector...... 416 -
Gothic World HQ.. - Technical Disrupter
Paradise Lost............ 216 - U
SA StrongHold... - Jabberwocky
The Twisted Tower........ 905 - Canad
a StrongHold - Elminster
Basement Breweries....... 905 - Membe
r Board..... - Wizard
Bodily Harm.............. 203 -
Member Board..... - Fusion
Armageddon Support BBS... 215 - Penns
ylvania Keep - Lord God Xerobe
Corrosive Poison......... 516 - New Y
ork Keep.... - Psychotic Fiend
Channel Zer0............. 714 -
California Keep.. - Beastie
Doom Inc................. 404 - Georg
ia Keep..... - Insidious
Eleutheria............... 606 - Kentu
cky Keep.... - Soul Rebel
Flight BBS............... 403 -
Alberta Keep..... - Pete
Gates of Destiny......... 703 -
Virginia Keep.... - Picard
The Sanctuary............ 305 -
Florida Keep..... - Tempus Thales
Total Chaos.............. 203 - Conne
cticut Keep. - Kinayda
Twist of Cain............ 905 - Ontar
io Keep..... - Golgotha
Dead Homies.............. 410 - Distr
ibution Site - Mr. Cadabra
Delyrium................. 519 -
Distribution Site - Captain America
The Citadel.............. 305 - Distr
ibution Site - Minor Threat
The Garden............... 705 -
Distribution Site - Death Karnage
The Underground Railroad. 905 - Distr
ibution Site - Catalyst
Urban Killing Fields..... 301 - Distr
ibution Site - Cyber X
Name - Signifies Head Of That Category
- Signifies New To The Group December Memberli
st Compiled By
- Signifies New To The Position Elminster of
D e c e m b e r
Senior Members
Elminster Golgotha
Stile CAN
Kinayda USA
Magicians of the Arts
Ansi VGA
Aphex Twin............... AT
Alphaspin................ AS
Cyber-X.................. CX
Dark Knight.............. DK
Forlorn Extender......... FE H
ate Breeder............. HB
Fusion................... FN
Jester................... JE
Liquid Nitro............. LN
Liquid Air............... LA
Lord Carnuss............. LC R
awhead Rex.............. RR
Mr. Man.................. MM
Pnakotic................. PN Lit
Random Violence.......... RV
Stranger................. STR
Israfel.................. IS
The Evolutionary Shadow.. TES
The Retarded Warrior..... TRW
Veritech................. VT
Vulcan................... VU
Death Karnage VGA
Razor Sinned Soul The Cardina
Skull Leader Wizard Rhythm Addiction
The Northern Sector...... 416 -
Gothic World HQ.. - Technical Disrupter
Paradise Lost............ 216 - U
SA StrongHold... - Jabberwocky
The Twisted Tower........ 905 - Canad
a StrongHold - Elminster
Basement Breweries....... 905 - Membe
r Board..... - Wizard
Bodily Harm.............. 203 -
Member Board..... - Fusion
Armageddon Support BBS... 215 - Penns
ylvania Keep - Lord God Xerobe
Corrosive Poison......... 516 - New Y
ork Keep.... - Psychotic Fiend
Channel Zer0............. 714 -
California Keep.. - Beastie
Doom Inc................. 404 - Georg
ia Keep..... - Insidious
Eleutheria............... 606 - Kentu
cky Keep.... - Soul Rebel
Flight BBS............... 403 -
Alberta Keep..... - Pete
Gates of Destiny......... 703 -
Virginia Keep.... - Picard
The Sanctuary............ 305 -
Florida Keep..... - Tempus Thales
Total Chaos.............. 203 - Conne
cticut Keep. - Kinayda
Twist of Cain............ 905 - Ontar
io Keep..... - Golgotha
Dead Homies.............. 410 - Distr
ibution Site - Mr. Cadabra
Delyrium................. 519 -
Distribution Site - Captain America
The Citadel.............. 305 - Distr
ibution Site - Minor Threat
The Garden............... 705 -
Distribution Site - Death Karnage
The Underground Railroad. 905 - Distr
ibution Site - Catalyst
Urban Killing Fields..... 301 - Distr
ibution Site - Cyber X
Name - Signifies Head Of That Category
- Signifies New To The Group December Memberli
st Compiled By
- Signifies New To The Position Elminster of
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