this image contains text
a / /
hazmat/cia production / /
by jack phlash
p r odu c ti on // /
/ / , / // / , / jp!hz98/99
/ remix/14
hazmat!ascii / , -
included with pack 6 / , / / /
. c-17 //
colly-17 2/18/99-10/18/99 // // /
/ / . / / -----/ . / / /jp
colly 17 --- jack phlash --- hazmat!asciiz --- a division of cia
--- n073Z... how elite is that?!
after colly 16 i got bummed out and drawing. i did a few requests here and ther
but didnt really start back up until claywar of demonic started doing some
ami/x style mods and working on his bbs, needing art i helped him out. i did
lots of stuff, my new style is a little more developed, but retains the
oldschool ami/x bbs style that everyone in the ascii scene hates now because
this art was for bbses and mods, most of it is colored... some ami/x, some not.
all colored peices were originally going to be included twice, one colored and
one black and white, but i figure it was a cheap way of filling up a colly, but keep in mind that some of the pictures are vastly improved with colors, others
are ruined. if you need anything email me at jp@demonic.net...
-jack phlash cia/hazmat/demonic
btw, if some of this work seems rushed, it probably was...
// cOLLY 17 // hAZMAT!aSCII
what?!?@ //is!?! //why?!@ /
/01//jp header old, colly 15 //colly //hazmat /
/02//cia header old, colly 15 //colly //hazmat /
/03//hazmat header remix, colly 14 //colly //hazmat /
/04//colly 17 logo //colly //hazmat /
/05//colly index header //colly //hazmat /
/06//a!68 //bbs //request /
/07//bbslist //software //request /
/08//chaotic lands //bbs //request /
/09//chaotic lands //bbs //request /
/10//dissbytes //bbs //request /
/11//dissident //zine //request /
/12//dissident //zine //request /
/13//dissident diz //zine //request /
/14//dissident diz //zine //request /
/15//file areas //software //request /
/16//illicit //bbs //request /
/17//junglist.com //box //request /
/18//message areas //software //request /
/19//mystic scanner //software //request /
/20//oneliners //software //request /
/21//purge //bbs //request /
/22//sector 7 //bbs //request /
/23//sanction //bbs //request /
/24//timebank //software //request /
/25//tonedeph //sig //request /
/26//tonedeph //sig //request /
/27//tir tairngire 2 //zine //request /
/28//vision //software //request /
/29//zeronet //network //request /
/30//distortion //bbs //joint /
/31//cia diz //group //joint /
/32//zeronet //network //request /
mail requests to jp@demonic.net
what? a!68 / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
jp , : a!68 :: :
what? bbslist / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ /---,,, / / bbs list
:.// / / / // / / / /-----.jp
what? chaotic lands / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / // jp!cia
c h a o t i c -- l a n d s
what? chaotic lands / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
s3a / /-------// / , / /------, jp
// c H 4 0 T I C l 4 N D S m 4 I N m 3 N U //
put menus commands in here, you can make it taller and shorter :
what? dissbytes / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::: //----: : ---- : // / / / ::----jp :
what? dissident / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::/ / / / // / / // / / /jp::
:::::::::::::: :: d i s s i d e n t :: :::::::::::::::
what? dissident / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
what? dissident diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::/ / /:jp
d i s s i d e n t o n e //
what? dissident diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
d i s s i d e n t t w o
what? file areas / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ // / / file areas...
what? illicit / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
:: // /illicit:
what? junglist.com / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? box / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ jp
jUNGlIST.COM / / / /
what? message areas / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ --------, -----, --- --------, jp
----------. // m e s s a g e -- a r e a s // /
what? mystic scanner / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
jp , ! //
current group : put group here.....
: current base : put base here......
enter - select escape - abort
m y s t i c ! s c a n n e r
what? oneliners / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
:/ : jp/ : :/ : / / : :/ . /ZZz
dAYdREAM oNELINERZ dOOR bY cLAYWAR:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
what? purge / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ : // : / jp/cia
------ :............: pURGEEEE :...........: ------ +o cain
what? sector seven / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / jp!
-// -//---- -// se7en- - --//
what? sanction / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ : // : / / : // : jp
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sANCTiOn :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
what? timebank / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / timebank
/ /jp
what? tonedeph / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? sig / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / /jp
tONEdEPH / / / // / /
what? tonedeph / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? sig / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / / // / / / jp
t o n e d e p h /
/ / / / // / / / / // / /jp
t o n e d e p h
i like the 2nd one better...
what? tir tairngire 2 / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
// t i r t a i r n g i r e t w o // ::: / /
::: // / / / jp
quick remix...
tir tairngire two -- bbs info here
what? vision / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / / // / / // / / JP
what? zero network / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? network / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
.------,,---------------, :: :::::: :::jp
t h e . z e r : 0 n e t w o : r k :....... : .....:
what? distortion / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? joint . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
before by nd note, nd isnt an ascii artist which was some of the fun
o o
after by jp looks a lot different though im still not happy with it
. . o
. o . : .
. O.: .: .
: / , : : nd
:/ // /:/ /:/ / /: // //:/ , /jp
:---dISTORTION------- : ----------- :
: . . . o :
what? cia diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? group / / / // // /
why? joint . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
dropping anutha conspiracy on ya
jp / /de
:::droppin anutha conspiracy on ya:::
what? zero network / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? network / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
// / // / / // / // /jp
---eof 913 lines
hazmat/cia production / /
by jack phlash
p r odu c ti on // /
/ / , / // / , / jp!hz98/99
/ remix/14
hazmat!ascii / , -
included with pack 6 / , / / /
. c-17 //
colly-17 2/18/99-10/18/99 // // /
/ / . / / -----/ . / / /jp
colly 17 --- jack phlash --- hazmat!asciiz --- a division of cia
--- n073Z... how elite is that?!
after colly 16 i got bummed out and drawing. i did a few requests here and ther
but didnt really start back up until claywar of demonic started doing some
ami/x style mods and working on his bbs, needing art i helped him out. i did
lots of stuff, my new style is a little more developed, but retains the
oldschool ami/x bbs style that everyone in the ascii scene hates now because
this art was for bbses and mods, most of it is colored... some ami/x, some not.
all colored peices were originally going to be included twice, one colored and
one black and white, but i figure it was a cheap way of filling up a colly, but keep in mind that some of the pictures are vastly improved with colors, others
are ruined. if you need anything email me at jp@demonic.net...
-jack phlash cia/hazmat/demonic
btw, if some of this work seems rushed, it probably was...
// cOLLY 17 // hAZMAT!aSCII
what?!?@ //is!?! //why?!@ /
/01//jp header old, colly 15 //colly //hazmat /
/02//cia header old, colly 15 //colly //hazmat /
/03//hazmat header remix, colly 14 //colly //hazmat /
/04//colly 17 logo //colly //hazmat /
/05//colly index header //colly //hazmat /
/06//a!68 //bbs //request /
/07//bbslist //software //request /
/08//chaotic lands //bbs //request /
/09//chaotic lands //bbs //request /
/10//dissbytes //bbs //request /
/11//dissident //zine //request /
/12//dissident //zine //request /
/13//dissident diz //zine //request /
/14//dissident diz //zine //request /
/15//file areas //software //request /
/16//illicit //bbs //request /
/17//junglist.com //box //request /
/18//message areas //software //request /
/19//mystic scanner //software //request /
/20//oneliners //software //request /
/21//purge //bbs //request /
/22//sector 7 //bbs //request /
/23//sanction //bbs //request /
/24//timebank //software //request /
/25//tonedeph //sig //request /
/26//tonedeph //sig //request /
/27//tir tairngire 2 //zine //request /
/28//vision //software //request /
/29//zeronet //network //request /
/30//distortion //bbs //joint /
/31//cia diz //group //joint /
/32//zeronet //network //request /
mail requests to jp@demonic.net
what? a!68 / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
jp , : a!68 :: :
what? bbslist / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ /---,,, / / bbs list
:.// / / / // / / / /-----.jp
what? chaotic lands / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / // jp!cia
c h a o t i c -- l a n d s
what? chaotic lands / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
s3a / /-------// / , / /------, jp
// c H 4 0 T I C l 4 N D S m 4 I N m 3 N U //
put menus commands in here, you can make it taller and shorter :
what? dissbytes / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::: //----: : ---- : // / / / ::----jp :
what? dissident / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::/ / / / // / / // / / /jp::
:::::::::::::: :: d i s s i d e n t :: :::::::::::::::
what? dissident / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
what? dissident diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
::/ / /:jp
d i s s i d e n t o n e //
what? dissident diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? zine / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
d i s s i d e n t t w o
what? file areas / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ // / / file areas...
what? illicit / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
:: // /illicit:
what? junglist.com / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? box / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ jp
jUNGlIST.COM / / / /
what? message areas / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ --------, -----, --- --------, jp
----------. // m e s s a g e -- a r e a s // /
what? mystic scanner / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
jp , ! //
current group : put group here.....
: current base : put base here......
enter - select escape - abort
m y s t i c ! s c a n n e r
what? oneliners / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
:/ : jp/ : :/ : / / : :/ . /ZZz
dAYdREAM oNELINERZ dOOR bY cLAYWAR:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
what? purge / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ : // : / jp/cia
------ :............: pURGEEEE :...........: ------ +o cain
what? sector seven / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / jp!
-// -//---- -// se7en- - --//
what? sanction / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ : // : / / : // : jp
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sANCTiOn :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
what? timebank / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / timebank
/ /jp
what? tonedeph / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? sig / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / /jp
tONEdEPH / / / // / /
what? tonedeph / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? sig / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / / // / / / jp
t o n e d e p h /
/ / / / // / / / / // / /jp
t o n e d e p h
i like the 2nd one better...
what? tir tairngire 2 / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
// t i r t a i r n g i r e t w o // ::: / /
::: // / / / jp
quick remix...
tir tairngire two -- bbs info here
what? vision / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? software / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
/ / / / // / / // / / JP
what? zero network / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? network / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
.------,,---------------, :: :::::: :::jp
t h e . z e r : 0 n e t w o : r k :....... : .....:
what? distortion / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? bbs / / / // // /
why? joint . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
before by nd note, nd isnt an ascii artist which was some of the fun
o o
after by jp looks a lot different though im still not happy with it
. . o
. o . : .
. O.: .: .
: / , : : nd
:/ // /:/ /:/ / /: // //:/ , /jp
:---dISTORTION------- : ----------- :
: . . . o :
what? cia diz / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? group / / / // // /
why? joint . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
dropping anutha conspiracy on ya
jp / /de
:::droppin anutha conspiracy on ya:::
what? zero network / // ,/ . c-17 //
is? network / / / // // /
why? request . // // /
ive drawn ascii for cia for 3 years and all i got was this fuckin t-shirt
// / // / / // / // /jp
---eof 913 lines
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