![cIDaZkEE?! by cIDICA^114](/pack/hmd-0696/x1/CID-HMD1.ANS.png)
this image contains text
c i d i c a s
- - - - - - - - l o g o c o l l y
here are just three coloured ascii logos.
my computer was in the sh0p, so i couldnt do anymore, plus im in disco so i
gotta release some work with them. hopefully i can make another ascii pic and
release one with disco and one with humid... btw: i lost my request list, you
can email me a request of the form below... the form is easier for me..
well.. later chico. - cidica cidica@ifu.net
,s ,a......a, . ......,a.. .,a. ... ..... ,, . , a, , , , . , .,,.. , a , , , , . ,s , , , , , , . ,..,, ,. , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,CIDICA--hUmid 96---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , ,
sOlace , ,.. .
, asSa ,
,. a , , ,
,aS ,asSe,. ,, , ,assss,.as ,as,a. ,.,aSa,
, .a,a. sa ,a,. , ,a.a,P, .as ,a
., ,.as .,S , a,, ,a..sS ,a .,a,,a.sa . .,
.,ass ,.,,S, .,aS .a ,..aS a..,aas, , .,asa
,..a a.,s , S@ss Sas ,, ,..,@as ss @ass ,
., , a, , a, , @sass @cidica
,a,.,, ,a,. a, ,aa,.
,a, , , ,, , , ,
a, , , , ,sS
, , a, ,, ,
, a , a , ,a
, , , ,a
a ,Sa, a, a,,s
---------------------------------the end--------------------------------------
first name:
area code:
the asciis you want done:
color scheme:
your email address:
your affils:
how long have you been in the scene:
any previous nicknames:
what kind of trade can you do if i do ask for one:
did you ever see my work?
if yes what did you think of it? suggestions
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-cuthere------------------------------------------------------------------....rename this as: HANDLE.cid ... then email me at cidica@ifu.net and attach
it.. or send it to me onirc.. please dont send it on a bbs or anything, i dontcall them that much...
HANDLE your handle.. derr.
btw: my asciis may take a few months to complete and i do them based:
- if the name is cool,
- who you are,
- if your not a dork,
- the time i want to work on it,
- the letters in your request,
- your popularity in the scene,
- and if im in the mood to do it..
...and you might not even get one.. and by the way, if you annoy me, then your
name/request will be off the list..
- - - - - - - - l o g o c o l l y
here are just three coloured ascii logos.
my computer was in the sh0p, so i couldnt do anymore, plus im in disco so i
gotta release some work with them. hopefully i can make another ascii pic and
release one with disco and one with humid... btw: i lost my request list, you
can email me a request of the form below... the form is easier for me..
well.. later chico. - cidica cidica@ifu.net
,s ,a......a, . ......,a.. .,a. ... ..... ,, . , a, , , , . , .,,.. , a , , , , . ,s , , , , , , . ,..,, ,. , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,CIDICA--hUmid 96---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , ,
sOlace , ,.. .
, asSa ,
,. a , , ,
,aS ,asSe,. ,, , ,assss,.as ,as,a. ,.,aSa,
, .a,a. sa ,a,. , ,a.a,P, .as ,a
., ,.as .,S , a,, ,a..sS ,a .,a,,a.sa . .,
.,ass ,.,,S, .,aS .a ,..aS a..,aas, , .,asa
,..a a.,s , S@ss Sas ,, ,..,@as ss @ass ,
., , a, , a, , @sass @cidica
,a,.,, ,a,. a, ,aa,.
,a, , , ,, , , ,
a, , , , ,sS
, , a, ,, ,
, a , a , ,a
, , , ,a
a ,Sa, a, a,,s
---------------------------------the end--------------------------------------
first name:
area code:
the asciis you want done:
color scheme:
your email address:
your affils:
how long have you been in the scene:
any previous nicknames:
what kind of trade can you do if i do ask for one:
did you ever see my work?
if yes what did you think of it? suggestions
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-cuthere------------------------------------------------------------------....rename this as: HANDLE.cid ... then email me at cidica@ifu.net and attach
it.. or send it to me onirc.. please dont send it on a bbs or anything, i dontcall them that much...
HANDLE your handle.. derr.
btw: my asciis may take a few months to complete and i do them based:
- if the name is cool,
- who you are,
- if your not a dork,
- the time i want to work on it,
- the letters in your request,
- your popularity in the scene,
- and if im in the mood to do it..
...and you might not even get one.. and by the way, if you annoy me, then your
name/request will be off the list..
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