this image contains text
If i had any c
lue how to draw ansi,
or ascii, for th
at matter, it would
probably go he
re. :
Ok. I really ha
te .NFO files, but my lit for this
month needs some
explaining. First
off, I havent been writing as muc
h as I should.
I have been spendi
ng WAY too much time on the marvel
of invention
we call the intern
et. I am not complaining about thi
s. I have made
many new friends u
sing this medium, and I have even
procured some
previously unattai
nable pictures of mythical asian w
omen. But, as I
said before, I hav
ent been writing as much. So, i d
ecided to include
a sex chat that i
had with some unsuspecting horny m
an. It may not
appear to be liter
ature at first, but with a few rea
dings, I am positive
that you will see
and appreciate the artistic value.
I wish to thank
drmthief skinny p
uppy, vigo morbid angel and Bar
racuda for their
initial ideas. we
did this at my house, but didnt
log it for some
reason, so i had t
o do it again, by myself. Well, w
hile i am at it,
I might as well su
ccumb to the temptation to throw s
ome greets out.
Greets to: x0rb1t,
spinsane, vigo, Skinny Puppy, Dea
th incarnate,
Woody, Barracuda,
The Argoth, Xiola, Ddream and all
the other
people that make 8
i3 the elitest place to be. :
Well, the non-exis
tent japanese girl that only appea
rs in my dreams
is bekoning me to
sleep and I have to transcribe my
submissions for
this month from th
e scraps of paper and notebook the
y were orignally
written on into a
readable selection of ascii charac
ters,so, thats
all for now...enjo
y the pack, and keep the happy son
ic vibes flowing.
Darby Crash
lue how to draw ansi,
or ascii, for th
at matter, it would
probably go he
re. :
Ok. I really ha
te .NFO files, but my lit for this
month needs some
explaining. First
off, I havent been writing as muc
h as I should.
I have been spendi
ng WAY too much time on the marvel
of invention
we call the intern
et. I am not complaining about thi
s. I have made
many new friends u
sing this medium, and I have even
procured some
previously unattai
nable pictures of mythical asian w
omen. But, as I
said before, I hav
ent been writing as much. So, i d
ecided to include
a sex chat that i
had with some unsuspecting horny m
an. It may not
appear to be liter
ature at first, but with a few rea
dings, I am positive
that you will see
and appreciate the artistic value.
I wish to thank
drmthief skinny p
uppy, vigo morbid angel and Bar
racuda for their
initial ideas. we
did this at my house, but didnt
log it for some
reason, so i had t
o do it again, by myself. Well, w
hile i am at it,
I might as well su
ccumb to the temptation to throw s
ome greets out.
Greets to: x0rb1t,
spinsane, vigo, Skinny Puppy, Dea
th incarnate,
Woody, Barracuda,
The Argoth, Xiola, Ddream and all
the other
people that make 8
i3 the elitest place to be. :
Well, the non-exis
tent japanese girl that only appea
rs in my dreams
is bekoning me to
sleep and I have to transcribe my
submissions for
this month from th
e scraps of paper and notebook the
y were orignally
written on into a
readable selection of ascii charac
ters,so, thats
all for now...enjo
y the pack, and keep the happy son
ic vibes flowing.
Darby Crash
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