this image contains text
: / / spinsane...
.................. .. oO //
: ..:....... oO : ....comin straight outta florida..... : :......:// / / + .. ....rockin the phunky beatz for.... : ........./ ....Hallucination Art Productionz. .. : : : / ....and Ash Art Productions.... :......:.......: / . . ...+... . . ... . + . ... :
: : : : . oO . hALF mOON .: ........ :
:..: :..: . o sPLIT sERVANTS : oO . ?
y, la groups del penes
aSH! art cREWe
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ pReSENTS fRom tHE unDeRGRoUnD! / : tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTIOn!!
---------------------------------Oo //---------------+---------+ +----------- thIs monsta colly is done / subtitled: : :
totally free by request. / Im so old school Im dead!
for anyone who wanted an / : :
----- ascii from me... enjoy.. ---- // // / ------------+: :+----------:// : .....
: THREE DIMENSION DECEPTION ... began o7/11/96 completed o8/31/96...:
loneliness like a heart beat drives you mad... stillness of the
ravezor memories of what you had.. and what you loved....
on party... party... party... clap our hands... kick our feet....
friendlies / /
im bleeding inside .+----------------infohere --------------------+. and no one cares
This colly is ok. I dont believe in perfection, the care bears
so I dont believe anything in this colly is of because they care
outstanding value. and they certainly If youd like to trade rave tapes with me, mail share
me at carne@luna.cas.usf.edu I have quite an
extensive list. share the love
If youd like to book Dj Trik, or recieve his rape a care bear
forthcoming demo tape, mail me at the same place
So anyways, on with the show....
Super greets to c4nn...
------------+--------------------------.--------------------------------+-------.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. p------------------------+--------------------+-----+----------------------------
................ .. .: : : :. .. ............... :.: :.: : --- tABLE oF cONTENTS --- :
-------// / : : 1 Suspended Animation : :
/ :....: - dream thief :....:
...... 2 Zeit Geist ......
---------+ : : - murcurochrome : :
/ / :....: 3 APHiD :....: / /
/ - phaze one / / /
: : 4 POO : : /
: : - trip : : /
/ / :....: 5 Apartment 213 :....:
/ / / - dr. kevorkian
/ / / ...... ...... / / / : : 6 Terminal Chaos : : / / / / : : - pb : : / / : : : : /
/ : : 7 Heaven : : /
/ :....: - Jesus :....: /
/ / / ...... 8 The Reapers Realm ...... : : - the reaper : :
: : 9 Marvel Presents : :
/ / : : - wolverine : : /
/ :....: 10 Tainted Meat :....: // /
/ - sir emmanuel wheat /
: : 11 Crass : :
: : - darby crash : :
........: :...........................: :........ // Oo : : : 12 Spinal Gamma : : : /oO // / :.......: :..... - defiant ...........: :.......: / : : : : /
/ :....: 13 uGx :....: / - wendel ...... ......
: : 14 Hamma Time : :
: : - cannibal : :
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . SUSPENDED ANIMATION . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DREAM THIEF! :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
:.....: spinsane :.....:
:............... : sus spenndde d aniim m atiionn : ...............:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . ZEIT GEIST . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: MURCUROCHROME :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ / +------------------------+--- : zEiT gEiST : / / / sPINSANE
hAUNTING tHE cHAPEL @ 1.303.692.8461 oP MURC.. //
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . APHiD . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: PHAZE ONE :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ spinsaneascii .............: :.....
/ :./.: :.: : ....... : / : :.....:.....:...........:............ . : APHiD - pHAZE oNE : . .............:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . pOO . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: TRIP :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ + pOO opraver: sP!
-- TRiP / /
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . APARTMENT 213 . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DR special K :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
.....:: .....::: .....:: ......::: ....::: :::........ :::..... :::.... ....::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: :: :::...::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::..:: :::..::: :::..:: ::: . : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... ::: :: ::: ::: :: ::: ::: :: ::: :. . ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..::: ::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: .:::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : . : .::::: . apartment 213 :
. . .::.::: landlord - dr k .
: .+ . :::: :. + .:t..,dt .sP Qt.
. ..:::::: . + .: + . .7 7 4t ..:::i:::: ... . .:i . .4 l s. 7 ..:::: ::::: . :.:: . . .P,l .47
:::+:::::::. . :. : + . .47.
:::o:::: . .. .4P :P. t.
::::::: . . . . .sS .4t. ti:::: + : ,s + .Q7 D::: + . + ,4l l7.st .sS: spiNsane . . Q .47 .4. 47 Qt. .+ 47 :4
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . TERMINAL CHAOS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: pb :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ / -AL / // /
/.... terminal chaos .... telecom terror @ one low, low price...
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / sPINSANE! / / / /
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . HEAVEN . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DAT NIGGA JESUS :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
: / / / / / / / / . / / / / / / / / / / / / // / // / / / // : .... spinsane
:....: //... HEAVEN... all Hells bells and whistles //...
: //... HEAVEM... they just cant compare to heaven..
:...........................:............................................. / : you know the number, you know the opman
oO / :.............................................................../ .........................:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . THE REAPERS REALM . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: THE REAPER :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
..... / ..........................:......:..: --- / :: / :: // / oO ::........ : .............. ............: . : : : / : :
sP :..........: :......+ :......:
// z
:.....: :.......+ :......: :........+-----+ rEalm
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . MARVEL PRESENTS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: WOLVERINE :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ ? / // / / / / /
/ / / // / // / spinsane+ / / / // /
/ / : ?/ // // // // // //
/ oO
/ +.....: marvel presents wolverine :.....+
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . TAINTED MEAT . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: 3T :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
spinsane // //
. t ainted m eat .
. intermission... //
7 Oo l
/ o. magic dust
/ / well, now its 08/17/96... and this is how far
l4m3 :. / done i am with this long ass colly.
/ sk8 / ::. things have changed since july. the group i
.1 :::. .+ ran known as hallucination is no more.
/ . .:::.: in its place is craze ascii...
/ / but i have some trix in my bag here and
/ / some ideas for projects and such that help
to keep the scene vital.
/ props go out to diez for his nectar, cheeze
and crayon for joint, and anyone else who
took it upon themselves to infuse a little
life in this so often imspirationaless scene.
.4 +. keep it real everyone, dont worry about the
.t 4t. P . squabbles over petty things.
P:. .ss, .ss, +. remember where we came from, and who your
:Q:il ll 4t. true friends are...
.s lt .t .+D: this one is meant for 813... my first and
Qt. 4s4P always my best friends even though the
4t..st.sP.4ts, scenes had a lot of mishaps and fucked up
..:sssPSt. occurances, its still all good and we still
.l.oiiPio.4. have each others backs.
t.4 4Pi4P 4t.
P 4SSsss. 4t. - blowpoP!
Dt. t. /
.lSss,. ,t. 4is. .,.
.4Sssl Sts. Ql
.4P4. DP .
.4P 4l. s.s,t
.4P Dl +
s .4P
l .sSP /
4.4 asciified version of a lithe raver
DP.4SPSt. chick whom i want to fuck
.4P .si. 4l
.sSSsssiSSi:. P
enD inTermiSSion.. /
on with the show
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . CRASS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DARBY CRASH :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
...: ? : + : :.: : :..... :..............+ /
+ :.........+..........:.....:.......:.+......: / oO /
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . SPINAL GAMMA . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DEFIANT :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
// /spinsane //
/ // spinalgamma. +o defjamiant
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . uGx . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: WENDEL :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
: : . 7 / / :..
uGx +............: : :
experimemtal font - spinsane :....................:
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . C4NN . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: CANNIBAL :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
+-- // // // hammatime - a colly by c4nnosp4m for crAze ascii + /
+-- oO / ..:. .: ::: ::. :. :::::.
/me lubs c4 / ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..:: spinsane
-------------------spinsanes set is over-------------------------------------i would greet people here, but that would be time consuming. ok, ill greet .
LOCAL GREETS: c4nn, first and foremost, my bestest bud in the whorld. phear
primO, xenocide, skyfire, darby crash, baracuda, dreamthief, deathinc, skyhawk,
distorted silence, the shadow caster, transient, primal scream, alchemist, PD
buddies, deranged woodchuck.
SCENE GREETS: shit this is gonna be hard, forgive and forgotten names
cain, creeping death, craze ascii, blatz, exulted, c4nn, kuma, erupt, ewheat,
balls, misfit, trip, holocaust, kaleidas, msd, defiant its coming , uh shit
sarkasm, sabby, tjbob, etc... h4ji@! almost forgot ya
WAREZ GREETS: dPS crew... tailgate, guilt, olenglish, fifa, drmthief!, sorcererlunatic, erupt, spike, marlboro man, retix, stampede crew, alien, hitman, nivek
ogre, lazyness lensmen forever , and everyone else that i spend big money to
bring big warez too
FAMILY GREETS: greets to the lot of ya... without you the underground wouldnt
be my true home. Love to bobby, clay, dawn, jessica, micah, kyle, irc, shane,
roland, brian, brian, and brian, marc, santana, big rob, lil brian, playground
inc, etc, etc... barry, shawn, april all yall
r.i.p. hallucination...
rave on to craze
.................. .. oO //
: ..:....... oO : ....comin straight outta florida..... : :......:// / / + .. ....rockin the phunky beatz for.... : ........./ ....Hallucination Art Productionz. .. : : : / ....and Ash Art Productions.... :......:.......: / . . ...+... . . ... . + . ... :
: : : : . oO . hALF mOON .: ........ :
:..: :..: . o sPLIT sERVANTS : oO . ?
y, la groups del penes
aSH! art cREWe
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ pReSENTS fRom tHE unDeRGRoUnD! / : tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTIOn!!
---------------------------------Oo //---------------+---------+ +----------- thIs monsta colly is done / subtitled: : :
totally free by request. / Im so old school Im dead!
for anyone who wanted an / : :
----- ascii from me... enjoy.. ---- // // / ------------+: :+----------:// : .....
: THREE DIMENSION DECEPTION ... began o7/11/96 completed o8/31/96...:
loneliness like a heart beat drives you mad... stillness of the
ravezor memories of what you had.. and what you loved....
on party... party... party... clap our hands... kick our feet....
friendlies / /
im bleeding inside .+----------------infohere --------------------+. and no one cares
This colly is ok. I dont believe in perfection, the care bears
so I dont believe anything in this colly is of because they care
outstanding value. and they certainly If youd like to trade rave tapes with me, mail share
me at carne@luna.cas.usf.edu I have quite an
extensive list. share the love
If youd like to book Dj Trik, or recieve his rape a care bear
forthcoming demo tape, mail me at the same place
So anyways, on with the show....
Super greets to c4nn...
------------+--------------------------.--------------------------------+-------.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. pHEAR tHIS cOLLY.. p------------------------+--------------------+-----+----------------------------
................ .. .: : : :. .. ............... :.: :.: : --- tABLE oF cONTENTS --- :
-------// / : : 1 Suspended Animation : :
/ :....: - dream thief :....:
...... 2 Zeit Geist ......
---------+ : : - murcurochrome : :
/ / :....: 3 APHiD :....: / /
/ - phaze one / / /
: : 4 POO : : /
: : - trip : : /
/ / :....: 5 Apartment 213 :....:
/ / / - dr. kevorkian
/ / / ...... ...... / / / : : 6 Terminal Chaos : : / / / / : : - pb : : / / : : : : /
/ : : 7 Heaven : : /
/ :....: - Jesus :....: /
/ / / ...... 8 The Reapers Realm ...... : : - the reaper : :
: : 9 Marvel Presents : :
/ / : : - wolverine : : /
/ :....: 10 Tainted Meat :....: // /
/ - sir emmanuel wheat /
: : 11 Crass : :
: : - darby crash : :
........: :...........................: :........ // Oo : : : 12 Spinal Gamma : : : /oO // / :.......: :..... - defiant ...........: :.......: / : : : : /
/ :....: 13 uGx :....: / - wendel ...... ......
: : 14 Hamma Time : :
: : - cannibal : :
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . SUSPENDED ANIMATION . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DREAM THIEF! :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
:.....: spinsane :.....:
:............... : sus spenndde d aniim m atiionn : ...............:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . ZEIT GEIST . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: MURCUROCHROME :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ / +------------------------+--- : zEiT gEiST : / / / sPINSANE
hAUNTING tHE cHAPEL @ 1.303.692.8461 oP MURC.. //
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . APHiD . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: PHAZE ONE :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ spinsaneascii .............: :.....
/ :./.: :.: : ....... : / : :.....:.....:...........:............ . : APHiD - pHAZE oNE : . .............:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . pOO . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: TRIP :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ + pOO opraver: sP!
-- TRiP / /
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . APARTMENT 213 . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DR special K :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
.....:: .....::: .....:: ......::: ....::: :::........ :::..... :::.... ....::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: :: :::...::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..::: ::: :: ::: ::: :::..:: :::..::: :::..:: ::: . : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... ::: :: ::: ::: :: ::: ::: :: ::: :. . ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..::: ::: ::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: .:::. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : . : .::::: . apartment 213 :
. . .::.::: landlord - dr k .
: .+ . :::: :. + .:t..,dt .sP Qt.
. ..:::::: . + .: + . .7 7 4t ..:::i:::: ... . .:i . .4 l s. 7 ..:::: ::::: . :.:: . . .P,l .47
:::+:::::::. . :. : + . .47.
:::o:::: . .. .4P :P. t.
::::::: . . . . .sS .4t. ti:::: + : ,s + .Q7 D::: + . + ,4l l7.st .sS: spiNsane . . Q .47 .4. 47 Qt. .+ 47 :4
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . TERMINAL CHAOS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: pb :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ / -AL / // /
/.... terminal chaos .... telecom terror @ one low, low price...
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / sPINSANE! / / / /
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . HEAVEN . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DAT NIGGA JESUS :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
: / / / / / / / / . / / / / / / / / / / / / // / // / / / // : .... spinsane
:....: //... HEAVEN... all Hells bells and whistles //...
: //... HEAVEM... they just cant compare to heaven..
:...........................:............................................. / : you know the number, you know the opman
oO / :.............................................................../ .........................:
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . THE REAPERS REALM . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: THE REAPER :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
..... / ..........................:......:..: --- / :: / :: // / oO ::........ : .............. ............: . : : : / : :
sP :..........: :......+ :......:
// z
:.....: :.......+ :......: :........+-----+ rEalm
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . MARVEL PRESENTS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: WOLVERINE :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON /
/ ? / // / / / / /
/ / / // / // / spinsane+ / / / // /
/ / : ?/ // // // // // //
/ oO
/ +.....: marvel presents wolverine :.....+
..cut.......... ....... ................ ............... .... ....
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . TAINTED MEAT . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: 3T :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
spinsane // //
. t ainted m eat .
. intermission... //
7 Oo l
/ o. magic dust
/ / well, now its 08/17/96... and this is how far
l4m3 :. / done i am with this long ass colly.
/ sk8 / ::. things have changed since july. the group i
.1 :::. .+ ran known as hallucination is no more.
/ . .:::.: in its place is craze ascii...
/ / but i have some trix in my bag here and
/ / some ideas for projects and such that help
to keep the scene vital.
/ props go out to diez for his nectar, cheeze
and crayon for joint, and anyone else who
took it upon themselves to infuse a little
life in this so often imspirationaless scene.
.4 +. keep it real everyone, dont worry about the
.t 4t. P . squabbles over petty things.
P:. .ss, .ss, +. remember where we came from, and who your
:Q:il ll 4t. true friends are...
.s lt .t .+D: this one is meant for 813... my first and
Qt. 4s4P always my best friends even though the
4t..st.sP.4ts, scenes had a lot of mishaps and fucked up
..:sssPSt. occurances, its still all good and we still
.l.oiiPio.4. have each others backs.
t.4 4Pi4P 4t.
P 4SSsss. 4t. - blowpoP!
Dt. t. /
.lSss,. ,t. 4is. .,.
.4Sssl Sts. Ql
.4P4. DP .
.4P 4l. s.s,t
.4P Dl +
s .4P
l .sSP /
4.4 asciified version of a lithe raver
DP.4SPSt. chick whom i want to fuck
.4P .si. 4l
.sSSsssiSSi:. P
enD inTermiSSion.. /
on with the show
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . CRASS . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DARBY CRASH :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
...: ? : + : :.: : :..... :..............+ /
+ :.........+..........:.....:.......:.+......: / oO /
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . SPINAL GAMMA . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: DEFIANT :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
// /spinsane //
/ // spinalgamma. +o defjamiant
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . uGx . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: WENDEL :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
: : . 7 / / :..
uGx +............: : :
experimemtal font - spinsane :....................:
............. ... / / / / ... ..............: : // // / oO // : ::.. / / : / / // : / ..: :// / : ......... / ......... : :
: ......... :... . C4NN . ...: ......... :
..: : : : :.requested by .: : : : :..:.....:.......:...........: CANNIBAL :...........:.......:......:tHREE dIMENSION dECEPTiON / .........
+-- // // // hammatime - a colly by c4nnosp4m for crAze ascii + /
+-- oO / ..:. .: ::: ::. :. :::::.
/me lubs c4 / ::: ::: ::: ::: :::..:: spinsane
-------------------spinsanes set is over-------------------------------------i would greet people here, but that would be time consuming. ok, ill greet .
LOCAL GREETS: c4nn, first and foremost, my bestest bud in the whorld. phear
primO, xenocide, skyfire, darby crash, baracuda, dreamthief, deathinc, skyhawk,
distorted silence, the shadow caster, transient, primal scream, alchemist, PD
buddies, deranged woodchuck.
SCENE GREETS: shit this is gonna be hard, forgive and forgotten names
cain, creeping death, craze ascii, blatz, exulted, c4nn, kuma, erupt, ewheat,
balls, misfit, trip, holocaust, kaleidas, msd, defiant its coming , uh shit
sarkasm, sabby, tjbob, etc... h4ji@! almost forgot ya
WAREZ GREETS: dPS crew... tailgate, guilt, olenglish, fifa, drmthief!, sorcererlunatic, erupt, spike, marlboro man, retix, stampede crew, alien, hitman, nivek
ogre, lazyness lensmen forever , and everyone else that i spend big money to
bring big warez too
FAMILY GREETS: greets to the lot of ya... without you the underground wouldnt
be my true home. Love to bobby, clay, dawn, jessica, micah, kyle, irc, shane,
roland, brian, brian, and brian, marc, santana, big rob, lil brian, playground
inc, etc, etc... barry, shawn, april all yall
r.i.p. hallucination...
rave on to craze
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