this image contains text
horror hr er, hor-, n. 1. an overwhelming and painful feeling caused
by something frightfully shocking. 2. anything that causes such a feeling.
3. a strong aversion. -syn. 1. dread, fear, terror.
reality r al i t, n. pl. -ties. 1. the state or quality of being real.
2. a real thing or fact. 3. philos. the external world that exists
independently of perception. 4. in reality. really or actually.
horror of reality is a lit group, plain and simple. were not out
to compete with anyone, just spread our ideas through a creative outlet.
these ideas will be in the form of poetry, short stories, articles, thoughts,
ramblings or whatever. we will be writing mainly about death, dying, evil,
bad things, you know, things your mommy told you to stay away from. so if
you dont like the topics or the styles in which we write, no one is forcing
you to read these.
as of this first release our member list is small, but i like it that way:
social parasite..........................founder/sr. writer
violetta kitten..........................sr. writer
raven....................................sr. writer
feedback to any of the members may be sent to the far shores. the phone
number is 405-277-3688, just leave matrix feed back, and the sysop will
make sure it goes where it is needed. thanks.
greets, meets, hellos, and goodbyes
thanks to the following people, for their support, comtributions and all of
that good stuff:
black sunshine and deranged for distroing our stuff
nihilist for the cool ansi
jack flack for letting me put some of my work in the saz 6/95 pack
violetta kitten for her work, and everything else she has done. :
raven for being late. hey, it happens. but well catch ya on the
ghastly ingenue for teaching corky how to speak. ahahhah
random for letting me bitch about everything to him
greets go out to the following groups:
saz: sorry to hear about the problems, but i hope you all make it to
the big one year anniversary.
tdkeb where would we be and what would we be doing without you?
probably nothing. hehhehe
anyone else i might have forgotten in this endless world
and a big SUP!!!!! goes out to the little NIN wearing guy we all know as:
pyroman. dont you just love it when he logs on to a chat
board and just says sup?oh yeah, dont forget to buy a
new hat for the 6/02 party! :
***Quick Note: HoR added a new member just before the release of the pack.
her name is ghastly ingenue and maybe some of you have seen her around before,
especially on VDSbefore it died or DCi. she is taking a little trip over
the summer so her her contributions will not be in here until our july pack.
***Quick Note: Unfortunatly, due to extenuating circumstances, Ravens work
did not make it into this pack, so you will have to wait until pack number 2
to view her stuff.
all work is the express property of each individual author. the ansi is the
soul property of horror of reality, made by nihilist. copyright @1995, all
rights reserved.
by something frightfully shocking. 2. anything that causes such a feeling.
3. a strong aversion. -syn. 1. dread, fear, terror.
reality r al i t, n. pl. -ties. 1. the state or quality of being real.
2. a real thing or fact. 3. philos. the external world that exists
independently of perception. 4. in reality. really or actually.
horror of reality is a lit group, plain and simple. were not out
to compete with anyone, just spread our ideas through a creative outlet.
these ideas will be in the form of poetry, short stories, articles, thoughts,
ramblings or whatever. we will be writing mainly about death, dying, evil,
bad things, you know, things your mommy told you to stay away from. so if
you dont like the topics or the styles in which we write, no one is forcing
you to read these.
as of this first release our member list is small, but i like it that way:
social parasite..........................founder/sr. writer
violetta kitten..........................sr. writer
raven....................................sr. writer
feedback to any of the members may be sent to the far shores. the phone
number is 405-277-3688, just leave matrix feed back, and the sysop will
make sure it goes where it is needed. thanks.
greets, meets, hellos, and goodbyes
thanks to the following people, for their support, comtributions and all of
that good stuff:
black sunshine and deranged for distroing our stuff
nihilist for the cool ansi
jack flack for letting me put some of my work in the saz 6/95 pack
violetta kitten for her work, and everything else she has done. :
raven for being late. hey, it happens. but well catch ya on the
ghastly ingenue for teaching corky how to speak. ahahhah
random for letting me bitch about everything to him
greets go out to the following groups:
saz: sorry to hear about the problems, but i hope you all make it to
the big one year anniversary.
tdkeb where would we be and what would we be doing without you?
probably nothing. hehhehe
anyone else i might have forgotten in this endless world
and a big SUP!!!!! goes out to the little NIN wearing guy we all know as:
pyroman. dont you just love it when he logs on to a chat
board and just says sup?oh yeah, dont forget to buy a
new hat for the 6/02 party! :
***Quick Note: HoR added a new member just before the release of the pack.
her name is ghastly ingenue and maybe some of you have seen her around before,
especially on VDSbefore it died or DCi. she is taking a little trip over
the summer so her her contributions will not be in here until our july pack.
***Quick Note: Unfortunatly, due to extenuating circumstances, Ravens work
did not make it into this pack, so you will have to wait until pack number 2
to view her stuff.
all work is the express property of each individual author. the ansi is the
soul property of horror of reality, made by nihilist. copyright @1995, all
rights reserved.
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