this image contains text
A U G U S T 2 0 0 1
1. At the request of the imaginary right-wing government conspiracy agencies,
there will be no reference to silly things in this months newsletter.
2. We are joined this month by Mynx and Gecko, two fabulous artists. Mynx has
hitchhiked her way across the highways to get from Australia to our
luxurious iCE Headquarters. Shell be in the 2001 iCE Yearbook as Most
Likely to Make Animal Sound Effects on IRC. In other news, Vesalius barely
edged out Syntax Error to get the prestigious Most Likely To Self-Medicate
2a. Gecko joins us this month as well, as previously mentioned. Youll see it
right above this paragraph, in the paragraph preceding this one. Its right
at the top. No, not of the whole newsletter, but of the previous paragraph.
Gecko says she is working on a fantastic new cure for urination, which
should allow for even more hours a day being devoted to tiles.ice.org.
3. tiles.ice.org has a few images in this pack! For those who are not familiar
with our sister-site tiles.ice.org, the images in this pack that have more
than 8 artists working on them were done with each artist seeing only a
small portion of the rest of the image. The artist then blends original
artwork up to the edges of the tile they are given. This is why you get
the surreal, bizarre style that the kids these days really seem to go for!
Its hip!
4. Quantum-X and Empyrean are launching a new breakfast cereal that they hope
will be a big smash. Its called Curdled Milk Chunks, and apparently they
each have enough of a supply to shame even the famed Turbographix 16
rollout of 89.
5. This pack marks the beginning of our 10th year of iCE Packs! A big special
thanks goes out to everyone who helped us survive for almost 12 years yes,
we were around before we started releasing packs. Special personal thanks
go out to Tempus Thales, Force Ten, Syntax Error, and Shaggy for doing so
much to keep the group alive in the rough times!
God Speed,
Slothy, Mass Delusion, Spot, and Root88
Lord Soth Mass Delusion Spot Root88
A U G U S T 2 0 0 1
1. At the request of the imaginary right-wing government conspiracy agencies,
there will be no reference to silly things in this months newsletter.
2. We are joined this month by Mynx and Gecko, two fabulous artists. Mynx has
hitchhiked her way across the highways to get from Australia to our
luxurious iCE Headquarters. Shell be in the 2001 iCE Yearbook as Most
Likely to Make Animal Sound Effects on IRC. In other news, Vesalius barely
edged out Syntax Error to get the prestigious Most Likely To Self-Medicate
2a. Gecko joins us this month as well, as previously mentioned. Youll see it
right above this paragraph, in the paragraph preceding this one. Its right
at the top. No, not of the whole newsletter, but of the previous paragraph.
Gecko says she is working on a fantastic new cure for urination, which
should allow for even more hours a day being devoted to tiles.ice.org.
3. tiles.ice.org has a few images in this pack! For those who are not familiar
with our sister-site tiles.ice.org, the images in this pack that have more
than 8 artists working on them were done with each artist seeing only a
small portion of the rest of the image. The artist then blends original
artwork up to the edges of the tile they are given. This is why you get
the surreal, bizarre style that the kids these days really seem to go for!
Its hip!
4. Quantum-X and Empyrean are launching a new breakfast cereal that they hope
will be a big smash. Its called Curdled Milk Chunks, and apparently they
each have enough of a supply to shame even the famed Turbographix 16
rollout of 89.
5. This pack marks the beginning of our 10th year of iCE Packs! A big special
thanks goes out to everyone who helped us survive for almost 12 years yes,
we were around before we started releasing packs. Special personal thanks
go out to Tempus Thales, Force Ten, Syntax Error, and Shaggy for doing so
much to keep the group alive in the rough times!
God Speed,
Slothy, Mass Delusion, Spot, and Root88
Lord Soth Mass Delusion Spot Root88
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