this image contains text
N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1
1. Well first off, we need to announce some changes around the office. Spot
and iCE have gone seperate ways. Root88 was promoted to Senior Staff, and
Mass Delusion took a bow maybe not his final one, but only time will tell.
That leaves Slothy and Root88 as iCEs new Senior Staff pair. We certainly
wish Spot a lot of luck and will miss him.
2. We have to apologize for the downtime of Digital Art Core. The problem is
domain-related, so well get it back online when we finally get the 3-count
against NSI.
3. Upon hearing the news, Root88 waxed his bikini line and shaved his legs.
When people asked, What does being Senior Staff of iCE have to do with body
hair removal?, Root88 simply said, You have no idea the kind of tail you
get by telling women youre Senior Staff of the biggest digital art group in
the world. Behind him, Mynx was seen nodding. IceMan then added, Y0
D00dz! G0t any cardz? Can eye be IRCop? and everyone seemed to agree that
the Teletubbies episode must be over.
4. I Slothy just wanted to take this time to thanks MassD for his years and
years of service to iCE since 1995!. He certainly deserves a rest and
some time off to relax a bit. Mass Delusion singlehandedly pulled the group
through some rough times and deserves a round of applause and an ld50 of
alcohol. Mass Delusion will remain in the group as an Inactive Member of
iCE, and will still buy the lolipops when iCE goes bowling.
5. Root88 started his dynasty, err rule, err chance to server his fellow iCE
members by decreeing that everyone must tell him that he is sexy as all
hell. When fellow members told him that Slothy is really sexier, he
demoted them to Couriers. We are sad to announce that Devastator and
MrMister are both now Couriers. But hey, it had to be done.
6. Were in quilt heaven this month! We finished 3 major quilts that had iCE
Members working on them. First off, we have our Lord of the Rings quilt.
Then we have two Spree quilts which are done just to crank them out in a
night or two with a crowd of artists on irc irc.ice.org tiles. We think
youll enjoy them.
6a. Additionally, we need to steer you all to the Breed/Raster quilt that was
completed this month. Unfortunately, since it was just Breed and Raster
but no iCE members, we cant really put it in our pack damn! :. But
maybe we can do an iCE/Raster/Breed joint quilt in the future? But the
boys over at Breed and Raster did a really amazing job with this quilt, and
we just cant resist giving it some extra promotion.
The Breed/Raster quilt can be found at
7. Youll notice some changes in our presentation this month. Be sure to read
our interview with Jamie McCarter this month and TonchyZs tutorial on his
Darth Maul image from last month. Well continue to expand the pack in
the future.
Doorbells and Sleighbells and Warm Woolen Mittens,
Slothy and Root88
Lord Soth Root88
N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1
1. Well first off, we need to announce some changes around the office. Spot
and iCE have gone seperate ways. Root88 was promoted to Senior Staff, and
Mass Delusion took a bow maybe not his final one, but only time will tell.
That leaves Slothy and Root88 as iCEs new Senior Staff pair. We certainly
wish Spot a lot of luck and will miss him.
2. We have to apologize for the downtime of Digital Art Core. The problem is
domain-related, so well get it back online when we finally get the 3-count
against NSI.
3. Upon hearing the news, Root88 waxed his bikini line and shaved his legs.
When people asked, What does being Senior Staff of iCE have to do with body
hair removal?, Root88 simply said, You have no idea the kind of tail you
get by telling women youre Senior Staff of the biggest digital art group in
the world. Behind him, Mynx was seen nodding. IceMan then added, Y0
D00dz! G0t any cardz? Can eye be IRCop? and everyone seemed to agree that
the Teletubbies episode must be over.
4. I Slothy just wanted to take this time to thanks MassD for his years and
years of service to iCE since 1995!. He certainly deserves a rest and
some time off to relax a bit. Mass Delusion singlehandedly pulled the group
through some rough times and deserves a round of applause and an ld50 of
alcohol. Mass Delusion will remain in the group as an Inactive Member of
iCE, and will still buy the lolipops when iCE goes bowling.
5. Root88 started his dynasty, err rule, err chance to server his fellow iCE
members by decreeing that everyone must tell him that he is sexy as all
hell. When fellow members told him that Slothy is really sexier, he
demoted them to Couriers. We are sad to announce that Devastator and
MrMister are both now Couriers. But hey, it had to be done.
6. Were in quilt heaven this month! We finished 3 major quilts that had iCE
Members working on them. First off, we have our Lord of the Rings quilt.
Then we have two Spree quilts which are done just to crank them out in a
night or two with a crowd of artists on irc irc.ice.org tiles. We think
youll enjoy them.
6a. Additionally, we need to steer you all to the Breed/Raster quilt that was
completed this month. Unfortunately, since it was just Breed and Raster
but no iCE members, we cant really put it in our pack damn! :. But
maybe we can do an iCE/Raster/Breed joint quilt in the future? But the
boys over at Breed and Raster did a really amazing job with this quilt, and
we just cant resist giving it some extra promotion.
The Breed/Raster quilt can be found at
7. Youll notice some changes in our presentation this month. Be sure to read
our interview with Jamie McCarter this month and TonchyZs tutorial on his
Darth Maul image from last month. Well continue to expand the pack in
the future.
Doorbells and Sleighbells and Warm Woolen Mittens,
Slothy and Root88
Lord Soth Root88
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