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iCE PACK 10/2002 NFO File by iCE Staff
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month10
O C T O B E R 2 0 0 2
1. Just like Heinz Ketchup http://root88.ice.org/root.jpg, were a little
slow out of the bottle this month. We would like to blame Neitzsche for
the delay. And since we have no new members this month, we might as
well toss some more love towards J-Tec.
2. We did a massive server migration this month across the US to our new
server, mango.ice.org, as hinted in last months interview. After
Slothys move out to California from Virginia, the iCE server was
feeling blue and missed him. So Farmy put together a new spankin
server out in California on an even fatter pipe. Hopefully the site
feels faster now. But we must point out that Farmy is possibly the
greatest person in the world. Even though ever since he was audited by
the IRS when he was 15, he does get a little TOO excited when people
ask for shell accounts.
3. Much like Heinz Ketchup, Darkmage has even more snakes in his yard. And
Greater Evil is working on contracting the Black Death in time for
Christmas. Hey, speaking of Christmas, guess what the most popular
product on our Christmas lists is? Thats right, Krispy Kreme donuts!
Unfortunately they dont ward off speeding tickets...
4. Were all gunning for Stereophoenix, who, like Heinz Ketchup, comes in
a new squeezable container as part of a fresh marketing perspective.
Thankfully, though, Stereophoenix isnt being sold in a frightening
green color! And he doesnt have much in common with the random guy who
comes from 90 degrees away to grab Jason and piggyback him through the
atmosphere in Jason X.
5. iCE has some big and exciting new plans for our website in the coming
months. We would love to get one or two guys or gals to help with
bringing it all together. So if you are a web coding guru who would
love to be a part of our little family and know how to find your way
around a MySQL database, drop us a line at apply@ice.org with a bit
about yourself and some sites youve done.
6. Halloween is really creepy and scary, which makes totally unlike Heinz
Ketchup. This is different from hell on earth though, which
apparently describes TonchyZs school as of late. I bet they dont
serve Heinz Ketchup there...
7. Did you know that in Swedish, the term used for bullshitting is
literally translated as word shitting ? If youre a member of the
awesome DeviantArt, our apologies if this is old news.
Happy Halloween, Root88, Trip and Slothy
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
Converted to ASCII text by RaD Man of ACiD Productions www.acid.org
HTML version available at http://www.ice.org/fullGallery.php?year2002month10
O C T O B E R 2 0 0 2
1. Just like Heinz Ketchup http://root88.ice.org/root.jpg, were a little
slow out of the bottle this month. We would like to blame Neitzsche for
the delay. And since we have no new members this month, we might as
well toss some more love towards J-Tec.
2. We did a massive server migration this month across the US to our new
server, mango.ice.org, as hinted in last months interview. After
Slothys move out to California from Virginia, the iCE server was
feeling blue and missed him. So Farmy put together a new spankin
server out in California on an even fatter pipe. Hopefully the site
feels faster now. But we must point out that Farmy is possibly the
greatest person in the world. Even though ever since he was audited by
the IRS when he was 15, he does get a little TOO excited when people
ask for shell accounts.
3. Much like Heinz Ketchup, Darkmage has even more snakes in his yard. And
Greater Evil is working on contracting the Black Death in time for
Christmas. Hey, speaking of Christmas, guess what the most popular
product on our Christmas lists is? Thats right, Krispy Kreme donuts!
Unfortunately they dont ward off speeding tickets...
4. Were all gunning for Stereophoenix, who, like Heinz Ketchup, comes in
a new squeezable container as part of a fresh marketing perspective.
Thankfully, though, Stereophoenix isnt being sold in a frightening
green color! And he doesnt have much in common with the random guy who
comes from 90 degrees away to grab Jason and piggyback him through the
atmosphere in Jason X.
5. iCE has some big and exciting new plans for our website in the coming
months. We would love to get one or two guys or gals to help with
bringing it all together. So if you are a web coding guru who would
love to be a part of our little family and know how to find your way
around a MySQL database, drop us a line at apply@ice.org with a bit
about yourself and some sites youve done.
6. Halloween is really creepy and scary, which makes totally unlike Heinz
Ketchup. This is different from hell on earth though, which
apparently describes TonchyZs school as of late. I bet they dont
serve Heinz Ketchup there...
7. Did you know that in Swedish, the term used for bullshitting is
literally translated as word shitting ? If youre a member of the
awesome DeviantArt, our apologies if this is old news.
Happy Halloween, Root88, Trip and Slothy
Lord Soth Root88 Trip
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