this image contains text
This big Rasberry is to iCE and all the fuckin assho
les who are members of
that lame ass piece of shit group. I hereby announce my leav
ing of iCE so
I bet right now all the cheesy Senior Staff are shittin in th
ier pants and
freakin out, and they had better be. Anyway, if any of you co
mpeting groups
wanna know some of the iCE secrets, all the lame iCE projects
coming up, and
if any of you want all the k-rad iCE phone numbers/addresses/
cat names you
nigs just give me a call.
Why am I quitting iCE? Because I have come to the conclusion
that the iCE
Senior Staff does not give a shit about any of the artists fe
elings and are
just power hungry motherfuckers. If any of you groups want t
o recrute me,
you better hurry up cause first come, first serve. Just make
sure that your
group will be able to handle the awesome talent that I have. I
will probably
be the best damn thing that ever happened to your lame group,
so hurry your
ass up.
Personal FUCK YOUs go out to: Shaggy, Slothy,
Deeply Disturbed, Friar,
Sleep Walker, Sexual Chocolate, Posk, Veks, Syntax, Argon, Ga
ijin, ImageX,
Frog, Tempus Thales, Necros, Cheese Grater, NttK, Anarchy, Ba
sehead, ZeR0,
Neurotic, Future Assassin, Leonardo, Mascot, Sober, Aphex Tw
in, Cooly,
Gwah, Biscuit, NightFire, Boa, White Knight, and all the othe
r iCE Members
who worship and kiss up to the gay Senior Staff.
Ansi by iNKY.iCE
uhmmm.. you can look at the black on black text now..
les who are members of
that lame ass piece of shit group. I hereby announce my leav
ing of iCE so
I bet right now all the cheesy Senior Staff are shittin in th
ier pants and
freakin out, and they had better be. Anyway, if any of you co
mpeting groups
wanna know some of the iCE secrets, all the lame iCE projects
coming up, and
if any of you want all the k-rad iCE phone numbers/addresses/
cat names you
nigs just give me a call.
Why am I quitting iCE? Because I have come to the conclusion
that the iCE
Senior Staff does not give a shit about any of the artists fe
elings and are
just power hungry motherfuckers. If any of you groups want t
o recrute me,
you better hurry up cause first come, first serve. Just make
sure that your
group will be able to handle the awesome talent that I have. I
will probably
be the best damn thing that ever happened to your lame group,
so hurry your
ass up.
Personal FUCK YOUs go out to: Shaggy, Slothy,
Deeply Disturbed, Friar,
Sleep Walker, Sexual Chocolate, Posk, Veks, Syntax, Argon, Ga
ijin, ImageX,
Frog, Tempus Thales, Necros, Cheese Grater, NttK, Anarchy, Ba
sehead, ZeR0,
Neurotic, Future Assassin, Leonardo, Mascot, Sober, Aphex Tw
in, Cooly,
Gwah, Biscuit, NightFire, Boa, White Knight, and all the othe
r iCE Members
who worship and kiss up to the gay Senior Staff.
Ansi by iNKY.iCE
uhmmm.. you can look at the black on black text now..
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