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tg/ice tgice@cyberspace.org
i have one more pic to do before all my requests are finished. yay! i dont plan on drawing hardly any over thesummer.. i probably wont draw much after
that either since ive decided to take a semi retirement ala Jed now. Greets goout to some of the cooler people in the scene: Syntax, MagneticM, GMan, Gwar,
Cooly, Gaijin, Chromatik, Animal, Aphex Twin, Pnakotic, Cheese Grater,
Slothy, Soi, SushiX, etc. Mainly just iCE guys because theyre the
coolest. : A big fuck you goes out to STC.. Wake the fuck up dude.See you lamers around..
or not.
A l t e r e d
altered sanity - 705-670-9452 - sy: raze, juice - 28.8 dual
ansi by toon goon ice
i have one more pic to do before all my requests are finished. yay! i dont plan on drawing hardly any over thesummer.. i probably wont draw much after
that either since ive decided to take a semi retirement ala Jed now. Greets goout to some of the cooler people in the scene: Syntax, MagneticM, GMan, Gwar,
Cooly, Gaijin, Chromatik, Animal, Aphex Twin, Pnakotic, Cheese Grater,
Slothy, Soi, SushiX, etc. Mainly just iCE guys because theyre the
coolest. : A big fuck you goes out to STC.. Wake the fuck up dude.See you lamers around..
or not.
A l t e r e d
altered sanity - 705-670-9452 - sy: raze, juice - 28.8 dual
ansi by toon goon ice
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