this image contains text
1. One more month and the scene just keeps getting wierder. While us iCE
students were busy not doing homework and answering calls from the
ACiD Staff, the older guys were busy going bankrupt, curing people of
dangerous diseases, helping grey-haired wirey women across crowded city-
streets, and perfecting their shadow puppets. Oh, they also were answering
calls from the ACiD Staff, although not as much since the operation. Id
not lie if I said we managed to pick up alot of new blood this month, but I
did cut down the cherry tree. Sadly we had to get rid of alot of inactive
guys, though. Please see 5 below for less. It was alot like the scene in
Goodfellas, except we were driving a Volkswagon Bus and had the bodies in
the back. And instead of a knife we used a vending machine. You should
have been there... it was really neat to watch. We found that after we
emptied all the fluids from the bag, we could use them to make the truck
into a hot tub. So we made it on the bevel...
2. iCE VGA Welcomes a whole slew of new artists. First off, as you have
probably heard, the famous duo of Catbones and Sprite have joined the
ranks from ACiD. The second artist without a handle has joined iCE Tom
Crofton is our resident landscape expert. Other illustrious artists to
grace us with their presence are Supreme, Salmon, and finally Digital
Interface. We have also been joined by a non-illustrious guy by the
name of Mass Delusion. He joins as a Web Coordinator. Welcome, mice
and men!
2. This pack was brought to you by the letter F.
3. A couple folks left iCE for other lands this month. A fond farewell to
Maestro, who is taking a vacation from big groups, taxes, and
existentialism White Knight, who needs the time to devote to his collection
of plaid parachutes and Unsane, who has gone to Saga to be an aardvark.
4. Future Assassin demanded a greet or he would kick Friars tail. Friar
hereby screams YO! FASSYSASSIN! GREET THIS! gesture
5. Several artists have been removed from the list for lack of a pulse. They
are Rainmaker, Animal, Biscuit, Cooly, Incubus, Highness, Isosceles,
Pnakotic, Death Adder, Anarchy, ImageX, Frog, Airborn, Soul Rebel and
Sorcerers Son. As always, these people are inactive and are off the
active memberlist they havent been booted for genetic defects or
because of the fact that they indulge in wearing womens undergarments
and/or defocation on Friars doorstep. In fact, theyre not even out
of the group. Its just this wierd thing about iCE that once someone
is Inactive we take them off the Active Memberlist. Shrug...
5. If you hear this whisper, you are dying.
6. Basehead has released a musicdisk. One of the reputed masters of the
scene, his cutting-edge music can be found on ftp.cdrom.com in the
directory /demos/incoming/music/disks/fm-lotus.zip. Check it out!
7. Crusader is a new game from Origin. Its CD-Rom based and features
music from Necros and Basehead. Its great to see scene music getting
the recognition it deserves. Go out and buy it, but like theyre not
getting any royalties, so just ummm... borrow it from a friend.
8. The Freedom CD has been released. For 12, you can get an audio
CD featuring songs by Necros, Nemesis, Future Assassin, as well as a
second data CD full of famous demoscene productions. The handsome 2-CD
case includes eye-candy by Tonedef and Xten, which are not to be missed.
This is an amazing deal folks. How much would you pay for all this?
10,000? 500? 50? Well, weve dropped it to the low-low price of JUST
12 dollars. That comes down to 6 a CD, and well even throw in the
pretty CD Artwork and Case as an added bonus gift for buying it before
the second coming of Christ. Thats right, all you have to do is email
dmw@gate.net before they sell out.
9. Syntax has been returned to Senior Staff. The Advisor position has been
removed Tempus Thales and Shaggy have been removed for inactivity.
Gratz to Paul Ben and Jonn, hope to hear from you soon. Dont forget
to send us those videotapes of the Care Bears...
10. iCE promotes tooth decay, film at 11.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
1. One more month and the scene just keeps getting wierder. While us iCE
students were busy not doing homework and answering calls from the
ACiD Staff, the older guys were busy going bankrupt, curing people of
dangerous diseases, helping grey-haired wirey women across crowded city-
streets, and perfecting their shadow puppets. Oh, they also were answering
calls from the ACiD Staff, although not as much since the operation. Id
not lie if I said we managed to pick up alot of new blood this month, but I
did cut down the cherry tree. Sadly we had to get rid of alot of inactive
guys, though. Please see 5 below for less. It was alot like the scene in
Goodfellas, except we were driving a Volkswagon Bus and had the bodies in
the back. And instead of a knife we used a vending machine. You should
have been there... it was really neat to watch. We found that after we
emptied all the fluids from the bag, we could use them to make the truck
into a hot tub. So we made it on the bevel...
2. iCE VGA Welcomes a whole slew of new artists. First off, as you have
probably heard, the famous duo of Catbones and Sprite have joined the
ranks from ACiD. The second artist without a handle has joined iCE Tom
Crofton is our resident landscape expert. Other illustrious artists to
grace us with their presence are Supreme, Salmon, and finally Digital
Interface. We have also been joined by a non-illustrious guy by the
name of Mass Delusion. He joins as a Web Coordinator. Welcome, mice
and men!
2. This pack was brought to you by the letter F.
3. A couple folks left iCE for other lands this month. A fond farewell to
Maestro, who is taking a vacation from big groups, taxes, and
existentialism White Knight, who needs the time to devote to his collection
of plaid parachutes and Unsane, who has gone to Saga to be an aardvark.
4. Future Assassin demanded a greet or he would kick Friars tail. Friar
hereby screams YO! FASSYSASSIN! GREET THIS! gesture
5. Several artists have been removed from the list for lack of a pulse. They
are Rainmaker, Animal, Biscuit, Cooly, Incubus, Highness, Isosceles,
Pnakotic, Death Adder, Anarchy, ImageX, Frog, Airborn, Soul Rebel and
Sorcerers Son. As always, these people are inactive and are off the
active memberlist they havent been booted for genetic defects or
because of the fact that they indulge in wearing womens undergarments
and/or defocation on Friars doorstep. In fact, theyre not even out
of the group. Its just this wierd thing about iCE that once someone
is Inactive we take them off the Active Memberlist. Shrug...
5. If you hear this whisper, you are dying.
6. Basehead has released a musicdisk. One of the reputed masters of the
scene, his cutting-edge music can be found on ftp.cdrom.com in the
directory /demos/incoming/music/disks/fm-lotus.zip. Check it out!
7. Crusader is a new game from Origin. Its CD-Rom based and features
music from Necros and Basehead. Its great to see scene music getting
the recognition it deserves. Go out and buy it, but like theyre not
getting any royalties, so just ummm... borrow it from a friend.
8. The Freedom CD has been released. For 12, you can get an audio
CD featuring songs by Necros, Nemesis, Future Assassin, as well as a
second data CD full of famous demoscene productions. The handsome 2-CD
case includes eye-candy by Tonedef and Xten, which are not to be missed.
This is an amazing deal folks. How much would you pay for all this?
10,000? 500? 50? Well, weve dropped it to the low-low price of JUST
12 dollars. That comes down to 6 a CD, and well even throw in the
pretty CD Artwork and Case as an added bonus gift for buying it before
the second coming of Christ. Thats right, all you have to do is email
dmw@gate.net before they sell out.
9. Syntax has been returned to Senior Staff. The Advisor position has been
removed Tempus Thales and Shaggy have been removed for inactivity.
Gratz to Paul Ben and Jonn, hope to hear from you soon. Dont forget
to send us those videotapes of the Care Bears...
10. iCE promotes tooth decay, film at 11.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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