this image contains text
A P R I L 1 9 9 6
1. One again, welcome one and most to another edition of the iCE monthly
news report. It seems weve all been busy conquering foreign lands,
so this month we enlisted the aid of Magnetic M to help create the pack.
Thanks, Xav! : Dont you think that names beginning with the letter
X are sassy? Fear him in the sack.
2. ftp.ice.org has hit the scene! on a T1 line, with lots of goodies, you
can find all the iCEPacks on there, in /pub/icepacks. Thanks to the
kind soul of Force Ten for this kickass machine. www.ice.org is about
98.92736238263 done whoops, buggy pentium so we hope to have that
out for you early this month. In addition, the site houses UNIX accounts
for our members. The entrance of ice.org and all of its offspring
ushers in a new era for us, and we look forward to the many benefits
it will bring about, such as a complimentary fondue party for all iCE
members. BYOF Bring Your Own Forks.
3. The Propaganda wing of the iCE Republican Army struck again with a
statement that they have video footage of Princess Diana and Pat
Buchanan doing the watusi on a hidden beach in Pago-Pago. Pat was
quoted as saying mrff.. glop brgh and when reached for comment, the
Queen said hey, is that a can of cheese-whiz youre carrying?
4. A very warm welcome to Inner Vision and Fluor from ACiD. These guys
bring a wealth of ANSI talent to the party, as Zaico has for the iCE
Euro team. Greater Evil found a pair of talented coders named Primus
and Purple, from whom you can expect to see great things. And the
VGA team picked up Vortex, whose eye candy ranks right up there. The
music team did not pick up anyone, although they were seen growling
seductively at a passing construction worker in cutoff jeans.
4b. In related group swapping news, two members of the group stepped down
from their positions in iCE to persue grass roots groups. Surreal Logic
took up a leadership position in a group called mOp, and Misfit decided
to focus his efforts on his local group, called Apathy. Its never a
pleasant thing to say goodbye to two friends, but we wish them all the
best with whatever they do, and hope that they realize how much we
enjoyed having them around. Pass the Kleenex tm.
5. In other unrelated ungroup news, Lemonade and Nibbles were found playing
nookie with each other in the local park. Whats even stranger was
the laptop-in-womens clothing that he used to run the ferret bot.
6. Aphidtwixs new web page can be found at http://www.io.com/verved.
Lord Soth has begun making a webpage, but the other staffers kindly
asked him to remove the flaming pink from the background, as it
contrasted with the chartreuse scarf hes wearing in that picture.
Besides, with the telecommunications bill in place, he still cant legally
show those photos of him and his plentiful pets.
7. I have an itch. These burlap pants suck. I dont know how Rod Stewart
does it. Whats even more perplexing, is how Rachel puts up with that.
She could have any man she wants, more or less..
8b. iCE didnt say that because they paid us to, you know.
8c. No, its true! We have no contract with MLS.
8d. Well, if they wanted one wed do it, but we dont, so we didnt.
9. A superhugetm thanks goes out to Steve, Rob, Tal, and Dave for helping
Syntax beyond the call of duty on the webpages.. were almost done
guys! And a congratulations goes out to all our artists for continuing
the fine art work and friendship that weve experienced in the group...
it doesnt get much better than this, boys. Except maybe being locked in
a truck full of gorgeous members of the opposite sex who are all extremely
playful and happy to meet you. Then you could whip out the travel pocket
games and take them all on. Travel checkers is our favorite although its
too easy to lose the pieces.
10. The folks at Irish Spring called to capture the scent of some of our
waterfall artwork. We had to turn down their request, because for one,
we arent an Irish group, and for two, Lord Soths been sitting on our
waterfall pictures for far too long to be able to be proud of their scent
any longer. Sorry. Lord Soth replied calmly, Not until youre done
renovating as the kind men in white suits wheeled him away. He was then
charged with impersonating a tree, although it isnt sure whether the
police have photo evidence. Witnesses say drinking was not a factor.
11. I would like to thank all of the members of the group this month who
have showed the maturity and mutual respect to always be a team even when
differing opinions are discussed. I thought I couldnt be prouder of
iCE, but I was wrong ... again.
12. The iCE Romance Divisiontm brings news that Anarchy and Aphex Twin
have become engaged to be married. No joke, folks, its the real deal.
Congratulations from the entire group!!
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
A P R I L 1 9 9 6
1. One again, welcome one and most to another edition of the iCE monthly
news report. It seems weve all been busy conquering foreign lands,
so this month we enlisted the aid of Magnetic M to help create the pack.
Thanks, Xav! : Dont you think that names beginning with the letter
X are sassy? Fear him in the sack.
2. ftp.ice.org has hit the scene! on a T1 line, with lots of goodies, you
can find all the iCEPacks on there, in /pub/icepacks. Thanks to the
kind soul of Force Ten for this kickass machine. www.ice.org is about
98.92736238263 done whoops, buggy pentium so we hope to have that
out for you early this month. In addition, the site houses UNIX accounts
for our members. The entrance of ice.org and all of its offspring
ushers in a new era for us, and we look forward to the many benefits
it will bring about, such as a complimentary fondue party for all iCE
members. BYOF Bring Your Own Forks.
3. The Propaganda wing of the iCE Republican Army struck again with a
statement that they have video footage of Princess Diana and Pat
Buchanan doing the watusi on a hidden beach in Pago-Pago. Pat was
quoted as saying mrff.. glop brgh and when reached for comment, the
Queen said hey, is that a can of cheese-whiz youre carrying?
4. A very warm welcome to Inner Vision and Fluor from ACiD. These guys
bring a wealth of ANSI talent to the party, as Zaico has for the iCE
Euro team. Greater Evil found a pair of talented coders named Primus
and Purple, from whom you can expect to see great things. And the
VGA team picked up Vortex, whose eye candy ranks right up there. The
music team did not pick up anyone, although they were seen growling
seductively at a passing construction worker in cutoff jeans.
4b. In related group swapping news, two members of the group stepped down
from their positions in iCE to persue grass roots groups. Surreal Logic
took up a leadership position in a group called mOp, and Misfit decided
to focus his efforts on his local group, called Apathy. Its never a
pleasant thing to say goodbye to two friends, but we wish them all the
best with whatever they do, and hope that they realize how much we
enjoyed having them around. Pass the Kleenex tm.
5. In other unrelated ungroup news, Lemonade and Nibbles were found playing
nookie with each other in the local park. Whats even stranger was
the laptop-in-womens clothing that he used to run the ferret bot.
6. Aphidtwixs new web page can be found at http://www.io.com/verved.
Lord Soth has begun making a webpage, but the other staffers kindly
asked him to remove the flaming pink from the background, as it
contrasted with the chartreuse scarf hes wearing in that picture.
Besides, with the telecommunications bill in place, he still cant legally
show those photos of him and his plentiful pets.
7. I have an itch. These burlap pants suck. I dont know how Rod Stewart
does it. Whats even more perplexing, is how Rachel puts up with that.
She could have any man she wants, more or less..
8b. iCE didnt say that because they paid us to, you know.
8c. No, its true! We have no contract with MLS.
8d. Well, if they wanted one wed do it, but we dont, so we didnt.
9. A superhugetm thanks goes out to Steve, Rob, Tal, and Dave for helping
Syntax beyond the call of duty on the webpages.. were almost done
guys! And a congratulations goes out to all our artists for continuing
the fine art work and friendship that weve experienced in the group...
it doesnt get much better than this, boys. Except maybe being locked in
a truck full of gorgeous members of the opposite sex who are all extremely
playful and happy to meet you. Then you could whip out the travel pocket
games and take them all on. Travel checkers is our favorite although its
too easy to lose the pieces.
10. The folks at Irish Spring called to capture the scent of some of our
waterfall artwork. We had to turn down their request, because for one,
we arent an Irish group, and for two, Lord Soths been sitting on our
waterfall pictures for far too long to be able to be proud of their scent
any longer. Sorry. Lord Soth replied calmly, Not until youre done
renovating as the kind men in white suits wheeled him away. He was then
charged with impersonating a tree, although it isnt sure whether the
police have photo evidence. Witnesses say drinking was not a factor.
11. I would like to thank all of the members of the group this month who
have showed the maturity and mutual respect to always be a team even when
differing opinions are discussed. I thought I couldnt be prouder of
iCE, but I was wrong ... again.
12. The iCE Romance Divisiontm brings news that Anarchy and Aphex Twin
have become engaged to be married. No joke, folks, its the real deal.
Congratulations from the entire group!!
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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