this image contains text
J U N E 1 9 9 6
1. Once again, weve decided to crack the whip here at iCE and release the
pack on-time, on the first of the month. We apologize to a few artists
who had eleventh hour submissions - Ill admit, the Devo got out of hand,
and we will pay for the medical bills. Whip-it! Whip it good!
2. Our web site has won numerous awards this past month including, but not
limited to: Cool Site of the Day, Spiders Pick of the Web, Spiffy Musical
Frog Award, and Vision Quest Site of the Week. Weve also been added to
the Cool Site Club. In fact, our pages were hit 100,000 times one day,
by far our current record. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Special thanks to the penguin underlings who teased and tickled the award
committees into choosing www.ice.org!
3. Special Note: iCE has furthered the noble cause of the Southern Baptists
by boycotting not only Disney, but Barney the Purple Dinosaur, Sesame
Street and the Childrens Television Workshop, and Mr. Rogers due to
similar obvious flagrant violations of morality and decency with regards
to children. We can only solemly say to the heinous social deviants
behind these evil schemes to pollute and poison the pristine minds of our
children: Shame On You!
3b. iCE produced a number of related works to further the cause this month, but
they were pulled from the pack at the last minute because they, too, were
found to be indecent.
4. ice.org has made yet another breakthrough in scene networking! Our very
own IRC server. irc.ice.org is up and servicing chatters, however we have
yet to link to an IRC Network. When we decide on one and connect, we will
surely let you know!
5. A fine how-do-you-do this month to new VGA comrades CeeDee, Easel, Mantis,
Smooth, and Renderbrandt. These guys are phenominal, and their resumes with
major companies in the graphics design field further it! Some of their work
debuts in this pack, and next month will debut the rest. Also joining the
team in ANSI this month were Defiant and Wyvern, two talented artists with
a new perspective. And Wyvern can out-bowl anyone in the 519 area code!
Also sporting the iCE Olympic Jacket are Hornet music, Humanoid code,
and Aneurysm html member. Welcome to all!
5b. The hazy grey skies above the IRC universe have opened up once more and
deposited three slightly startled former iCE members back in the group! A
warm welcome back to Biscuit, Joker, and Deeply Disturbed!
6. On the other side of the coin, there is either the face or the building.
6b. Unless, of course, its not an American coin.
6c. If one side of the coin is a naked lady, its probably not a coin at all.
6d. However, tokens can prove useful in certain situations.
7. Unfortunately, we must bid good-byes as well this month. Rai has left the
group to pursue his roots in Eclipse. We wish him well with his new/old
group. Borian has also departed this month, taking a position in ACiD.
We pray that the evil spirits become confused on the way to his house.
And, finally, Visigoth and iCE have parted ways, and we wish him luck in
his future exploits.
8. Big thanks once again to Magnetic M, aka Pookins, for his undying passion
for excellence in his third monthly pack-building effort. Hes been a
great help to the Staff, who are busy picnicing in a colder climate. More
on THAT, however, in the future from Artsdale. . .
9. The Bulls did not kick the Sonics asses in four games last month, however
their win in six was somewhat of an ass kicking, so we apologize for our
suggestion that they were incapable of losing. Like we said, we werent
paid or anything, we just were getting excited.
9b. Look, Id be lying if I told you that we wouldnt like to get paid for
statemente like the above, but we dont.
9c. We did get some money from the New Jersey Devils to mention their name
after they choked and didnt defend the Stanley Cup. But we chose not to
do any art for them. Our new team is: The Avalanche!
9d. We arent really bandwagonesque, you know.
9e. section 9e removed due to late receipt of payment
10. iCE has come up with a new convention for our packs: The logo collection!
While its not much of a new idea, weve decided to cut-down the number of
ANSI files in the pack and neaten the logo system by releasing a single
logo collection per artist. This should make viewing logos more pleasing
to the general populace!
11. In a beer-crazed moment, Syntax Error leapt to his feet and, woman in his
pocket, headed to Las Vegas, where he participated in the yearly Elvis
impersonation contest. He placed fourth, which was just fine for him.
When told that he really captured the feeling of The King, Syntax slyly
replied with a shake and a wink, a-Thank ya, a-Thank ya very much!
12. Were growing by leaps and bounds. New projects in the works of course
well keep you in suspense!, new levels of art, new technologies, and new
goals, dreams, and ideas. Weve had a few rough spots, but all is well.
A big thank you and congratulations to the members of this close-knit, fine
organization. From all of us, its an honor and a pleasure to be your
senior staff of iCE. See you all next month.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
J U N E 1 9 9 6
1. Once again, weve decided to crack the whip here at iCE and release the
pack on-time, on the first of the month. We apologize to a few artists
who had eleventh hour submissions - Ill admit, the Devo got out of hand,
and we will pay for the medical bills. Whip-it! Whip it good!
2. Our web site has won numerous awards this past month including, but not
limited to: Cool Site of the Day, Spiders Pick of the Web, Spiffy Musical
Frog Award, and Vision Quest Site of the Week. Weve also been added to
the Cool Site Club. In fact, our pages were hit 100,000 times one day,
by far our current record. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Special thanks to the penguin underlings who teased and tickled the award
committees into choosing www.ice.org!
3. Special Note: iCE has furthered the noble cause of the Southern Baptists
by boycotting not only Disney, but Barney the Purple Dinosaur, Sesame
Street and the Childrens Television Workshop, and Mr. Rogers due to
similar obvious flagrant violations of morality and decency with regards
to children. We can only solemly say to the heinous social deviants
behind these evil schemes to pollute and poison the pristine minds of our
children: Shame On You!
3b. iCE produced a number of related works to further the cause this month, but
they were pulled from the pack at the last minute because they, too, were
found to be indecent.
4. ice.org has made yet another breakthrough in scene networking! Our very
own IRC server. irc.ice.org is up and servicing chatters, however we have
yet to link to an IRC Network. When we decide on one and connect, we will
surely let you know!
5. A fine how-do-you-do this month to new VGA comrades CeeDee, Easel, Mantis,
Smooth, and Renderbrandt. These guys are phenominal, and their resumes with
major companies in the graphics design field further it! Some of their work
debuts in this pack, and next month will debut the rest. Also joining the
team in ANSI this month were Defiant and Wyvern, two talented artists with
a new perspective. And Wyvern can out-bowl anyone in the 519 area code!
Also sporting the iCE Olympic Jacket are Hornet music, Humanoid code,
and Aneurysm html member. Welcome to all!
5b. The hazy grey skies above the IRC universe have opened up once more and
deposited three slightly startled former iCE members back in the group! A
warm welcome back to Biscuit, Joker, and Deeply Disturbed!
6. On the other side of the coin, there is either the face or the building.
6b. Unless, of course, its not an American coin.
6c. If one side of the coin is a naked lady, its probably not a coin at all.
6d. However, tokens can prove useful in certain situations.
7. Unfortunately, we must bid good-byes as well this month. Rai has left the
group to pursue his roots in Eclipse. We wish him well with his new/old
group. Borian has also departed this month, taking a position in ACiD.
We pray that the evil spirits become confused on the way to his house.
And, finally, Visigoth and iCE have parted ways, and we wish him luck in
his future exploits.
8. Big thanks once again to Magnetic M, aka Pookins, for his undying passion
for excellence in his third monthly pack-building effort. Hes been a
great help to the Staff, who are busy picnicing in a colder climate. More
on THAT, however, in the future from Artsdale. . .
9. The Bulls did not kick the Sonics asses in four games last month, however
their win in six was somewhat of an ass kicking, so we apologize for our
suggestion that they were incapable of losing. Like we said, we werent
paid or anything, we just were getting excited.
9b. Look, Id be lying if I told you that we wouldnt like to get paid for
statemente like the above, but we dont.
9c. We did get some money from the New Jersey Devils to mention their name
after they choked and didnt defend the Stanley Cup. But we chose not to
do any art for them. Our new team is: The Avalanche!
9d. We arent really bandwagonesque, you know.
9e. section 9e removed due to late receipt of payment
10. iCE has come up with a new convention for our packs: The logo collection!
While its not much of a new idea, weve decided to cut-down the number of
ANSI files in the pack and neaten the logo system by releasing a single
logo collection per artist. This should make viewing logos more pleasing
to the general populace!
11. In a beer-crazed moment, Syntax Error leapt to his feet and, woman in his
pocket, headed to Las Vegas, where he participated in the yearly Elvis
impersonation contest. He placed fourth, which was just fine for him.
When told that he really captured the feeling of The King, Syntax slyly
replied with a shake and a wink, a-Thank ya, a-Thank ya very much!
12. Were growing by leaps and bounds. New projects in the works of course
well keep you in suspense!, new levels of art, new technologies, and new
goals, dreams, and ideas. Weve had a few rough spots, but all is well.
A big thank you and congratulations to the members of this close-knit, fine
organization. From all of us, its an honor and a pleasure to be your
senior staff of iCE. See you all next month.
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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