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A U G U S T 1 9 9 6
1. The group enjoyed sun in the fun again this month, and dealt with the usual
dreaded return to college/school as the month drew to a close. But not
before the team got together at a small resort and dressed up as aliens.
Rumor has it that the local police station was inundated with UFO sightings
the entire week!
2. The Advisory Council has had its first change of personnel! Due to personal
reasons, Magnetic M has stepped down from the advisory council to return to
being a full-time artist within the group. Replacing him is Cold and Ugly,
hailing from the ANSI division. Congratulations to CU, and good luck to
Maggie, who always did a great job with the packs!
3. In the ice.org department, iCE is currently working on removing some of the
superfluous services off the network to increase bandwidth. Also, were now
working on mirroring the ftp site to increase your ability to receive the
packs quickly and efficiently. More on this soon!
4. iCE welcomes the following new members to the group this month: Wix/Penta2,
Overbored, and Soul Assassin. Wix is a new addition to the VGA team, and
has worked with last months rookie artist Nixus. Overbored is the latest
addition the somewhat understaffed Coding department, while Soul Assassin
joins up as an ANSI artist. Welcome to all three!
5. And we bid farewell to Dieznyik, who leaves us this month for ACiD. Good
luck to him in the future.
6. Someone told us that we have a lot of fluff content in the NFO files, and I
would like to take issue with that. There is never anything in this file
that isnt 100 true and realistic. We would never, for example, joke
around. We also include many interesting topics of world concern.
7. Syntax Error, Lord Soth, and Friar Tuck have been splitting time between
their usual posts as Senior Staff, and a covert assignment in Antarctica
dressing up as penguins in order to spy upon aliens landing on that frozen
continent. Word from the stalwart investigative team is that the aliens
are interesting.
8. iCE has announced a candidate for President of the USA. Stating strong
dissatisfaction with the other choices, iCE has nominated one of Egoteqs
ANSI girls as the presidential candidate from the iCE party. No word yet
on a running mate.
9. Please note that iCE is not taking applications for distribution sites now.
Nor do we plan on adding more distribution sites. As stated in the pack
distribution site file, if we dont specifically ask for applications for
a certain site, do not bother applying. Weve had a number of people send
site applications despite the prior policy statement.
10. Speaking of sites, the current iCE BBS Headquarters, Sanctuarytm, has a
new number! 954 7922-iCE! It will be effective Thursday, September 5.
11. A note to those interested, this month marks the one year anniversary of
the current senior staff! One year of Force Ten, Friar Tuck, Lord Soth and
Syntax Error. Quite an accomplishment in a scene normally riddled with
12. Another stable, productive, rad month both internally and externally. iCE
continues to lead and guide the scene. Keep up the great work! As always,
the pride continues to grow... Until next month...
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
A U G U S T 1 9 9 6
1. The group enjoyed sun in the fun again this month, and dealt with the usual
dreaded return to college/school as the month drew to a close. But not
before the team got together at a small resort and dressed up as aliens.
Rumor has it that the local police station was inundated with UFO sightings
the entire week!
2. The Advisory Council has had its first change of personnel! Due to personal
reasons, Magnetic M has stepped down from the advisory council to return to
being a full-time artist within the group. Replacing him is Cold and Ugly,
hailing from the ANSI division. Congratulations to CU, and good luck to
Maggie, who always did a great job with the packs!
3. In the ice.org department, iCE is currently working on removing some of the
superfluous services off the network to increase bandwidth. Also, were now
working on mirroring the ftp site to increase your ability to receive the
packs quickly and efficiently. More on this soon!
4. iCE welcomes the following new members to the group this month: Wix/Penta2,
Overbored, and Soul Assassin. Wix is a new addition to the VGA team, and
has worked with last months rookie artist Nixus. Overbored is the latest
addition the somewhat understaffed Coding department, while Soul Assassin
joins up as an ANSI artist. Welcome to all three!
5. And we bid farewell to Dieznyik, who leaves us this month for ACiD. Good
luck to him in the future.
6. Someone told us that we have a lot of fluff content in the NFO files, and I
would like to take issue with that. There is never anything in this file
that isnt 100 true and realistic. We would never, for example, joke
around. We also include many interesting topics of world concern.
7. Syntax Error, Lord Soth, and Friar Tuck have been splitting time between
their usual posts as Senior Staff, and a covert assignment in Antarctica
dressing up as penguins in order to spy upon aliens landing on that frozen
continent. Word from the stalwart investigative team is that the aliens
are interesting.
8. iCE has announced a candidate for President of the USA. Stating strong
dissatisfaction with the other choices, iCE has nominated one of Egoteqs
ANSI girls as the presidential candidate from the iCE party. No word yet
on a running mate.
9. Please note that iCE is not taking applications for distribution sites now.
Nor do we plan on adding more distribution sites. As stated in the pack
distribution site file, if we dont specifically ask for applications for
a certain site, do not bother applying. Weve had a number of people send
site applications despite the prior policy statement.
10. Speaking of sites, the current iCE BBS Headquarters, Sanctuarytm, has a
new number! 954 7922-iCE! It will be effective Thursday, September 5.
11. A note to those interested, this month marks the one year anniversary of
the current senior staff! One year of Force Ten, Friar Tuck, Lord Soth and
Syntax Error. Quite an accomplishment in a scene normally riddled with
12. Another stable, productive, rad month both internally and externally. iCE
continues to lead and guide the scene. Keep up the great work! As always,
the pride continues to grow... Until next month...
Force Ten Friar Tuck Lord Soth Syntax Error
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