this image contains text
. .. an ansi joint .
Wyvern iCE
Tetanus iCE
i C E A d v e r t i s e m e n t s
Ansi By: Wyvern iCE
Tetanus iCE
- A Note From Wyvy -------------
Tetanus and I would like to thank Cold and Ugly and C
haotic Prisoner for their
help in this ansi. CnU Helped with some shaping and
outlining and Cp drew that
wicked ice font up there. Thanx guys.
Wyvern iCE
Tetanus iCE
i C E A d v e r t i s e m e n t s
Ansi By: Wyvern iCE
Tetanus iCE
- A Note From Wyvy -------------
Tetanus and I would like to thank Cold and Ugly and C
haotic Prisoner for their
help in this ansi. CnU Helped with some shaping and
outlining and Cp drew that
wicked ice font up there. Thanx guys.
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