this image contains text
my last ansi? who knows.
i still cant draw hair.
iCE presents ..
evil eye / sysop
- the great zambini /
ansi and font by misfit iC
E / header by paras
ite iCE
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hmm. if yall hadnt noticed, ive been pretty scarc
e around the scene of late. im more or less retired
from all things ansi, although i still do draw once
in a while. i guess i can cite all the same shit as
anyone in this situation time constraints, etc, s
o in case yall dont hear from me in a while, i wan
na take
this opportunity to greet everyone ive known or bee
n friends with in the scene
or maybe you just influenced me ..
28, 4th Disciple, 7 Degrees, Acid Phix, Aes Sedai, Aphex
Twin, Apox, Anubis,
Armageddon Donut, Argon, Azrael, Balls Wilson, Bedlam,
Belial, Betrayer,
Bibitte, Bigge Pif, Black Lightning, Black Viper, Blatz,
Blenderhead, Boa,
Bob the Janitor, Borys, Cardiac Arrest, Carnifex, Cash,
Catbones, Cheeze,
Chromatik, Christopher Robin, Cidica, Circus Freak, Clark,
Cold N Ugly, Cool T, Corpulent Cow, Crayon, Creed,
Cthulu, Cypher Hex, Daffy, Dalamar, Data Ruckus,
Deaccession, Deep, Deeply Disturbed, Defective Mind, De
fiant, Degenerit,
Diehard, Dieznyik, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Edicius, Eerie,
Ellis Dee, Everlast,
Evil Ernie, Ewheat, Flame, Flipside, Fluor, Fractal, G. W
ashington, Ghengis,
Gladiator, Grateful Dead, Grimace, Grind King, Grot Boy,
Gunthar, Halaster,
Hennifer, Hestia, Hooch, Hooptie, Horrid Nature, Hunch
back, Illusion X,
Inner Vision, Iodine, Jae, JED, Juice, Kadaver, Kalei
das, Kid Krylon,
Kilgore Trout, Killa Hertz, Krux, La Bella, Lemonade,
Leper Messiah,
Lord Carnuss, Lord Jazz, Lord Soth, Maestro, Maeve Wolf,
Magnus, Malebolgia,
Mass Delusion, Mass Murderer, Maxwell, MCA, Mephitopeles,
Midnight Marauder,
Mindcrime, Mogel, Morbid Fixation, Mr. Kite, Mr. Popeil,
Mr. Self Destruct,
Napalm, Neo Negro, Nitnatsnoc, Nosferatu, Numb, Omicron, O
mot, Outkast, P-Chan,Pale, Parasite, Penguino, Phaed
rus, Pod, Point Blank, Prime, Prism, Prisoner 1, Pr
ofessa Booty, Pushead, Pyro, Quran, R3ptile, Radman,
Ragnarok, Rai, Reality,
Realm Dweller, Ryoga, Rza, Scribble, Shaolin, Sharp Edge, S
hatters, Silver Rat,Sir Death, Skypager, Smokey, Sn
ake Grunger, Somms, Soul Assassin, Spear, Splatt,
Splint, Squidgalator 2, Stealth, Stile, Stone Amnes
ia, Stone the Crow,
Surreal Logic, Syntax Error, Tek, Tempus Thales, Ter
sian, Tetanus,
The Green Hornet, The Master, The Night Angel, The
Silent Killer,
The Temperate Hijacker, The Undecided, Thrasher, Tical,
Tomppa1, Transient,
Trip, ts, Turmoil, Turtle, Tweed, Unsane, Vade79,
Veks, Village Idiot, Virago,
Visigoth, Vital Chaos, Wator, Wired, White Trash, Whodin
i, and Woodstock.
damn, i hope i didnt miss anyone.
peace, all.
i still cant draw hair.
iCE presents ..
evil eye / sysop
- the great zambini /
ansi and font by misfit iC
E / header by paras
ite iCE
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hmm. if yall hadnt noticed, ive been pretty scarc
e around the scene of late. im more or less retired
from all things ansi, although i still do draw once
in a while. i guess i can cite all the same shit as
anyone in this situation time constraints, etc, s
o in case yall dont hear from me in a while, i wan
na take
this opportunity to greet everyone ive known or bee
n friends with in the scene
or maybe you just influenced me ..
28, 4th Disciple, 7 Degrees, Acid Phix, Aes Sedai, Aphex
Twin, Apox, Anubis,
Armageddon Donut, Argon, Azrael, Balls Wilson, Bedlam,
Belial, Betrayer,
Bibitte, Bigge Pif, Black Lightning, Black Viper, Blatz,
Blenderhead, Boa,
Bob the Janitor, Borys, Cardiac Arrest, Carnifex, Cash,
Catbones, Cheeze,
Chromatik, Christopher Robin, Cidica, Circus Freak, Clark,
Cold N Ugly, Cool T, Corpulent Cow, Crayon, Creed,
Cthulu, Cypher Hex, Daffy, Dalamar, Data Ruckus,
Deaccession, Deep, Deeply Disturbed, Defective Mind, De
fiant, Degenerit,
Diehard, Dieznyik, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Edicius, Eerie,
Ellis Dee, Everlast,
Evil Ernie, Ewheat, Flame, Flipside, Fluor, Fractal, G. W
ashington, Ghengis,
Gladiator, Grateful Dead, Grimace, Grind King, Grot Boy,
Gunthar, Halaster,
Hennifer, Hestia, Hooch, Hooptie, Horrid Nature, Hunch
back, Illusion X,
Inner Vision, Iodine, Jae, JED, Juice, Kadaver, Kalei
das, Kid Krylon,
Kilgore Trout, Killa Hertz, Krux, La Bella, Lemonade,
Leper Messiah,
Lord Carnuss, Lord Jazz, Lord Soth, Maestro, Maeve Wolf,
Magnus, Malebolgia,
Mass Delusion, Mass Murderer, Maxwell, MCA, Mephitopeles,
Midnight Marauder,
Mindcrime, Mogel, Morbid Fixation, Mr. Kite, Mr. Popeil,
Mr. Self Destruct,
Napalm, Neo Negro, Nitnatsnoc, Nosferatu, Numb, Omicron, O
mot, Outkast, P-Chan,Pale, Parasite, Penguino, Phaed
rus, Pod, Point Blank, Prime, Prism, Prisoner 1, Pr
ofessa Booty, Pushead, Pyro, Quran, R3ptile, Radman,
Ragnarok, Rai, Reality,
Realm Dweller, Ryoga, Rza, Scribble, Shaolin, Sharp Edge, S
hatters, Silver Rat,Sir Death, Skypager, Smokey, Sn
ake Grunger, Somms, Soul Assassin, Spear, Splatt,
Splint, Squidgalator 2, Stealth, Stile, Stone Amnes
ia, Stone the Crow,
Surreal Logic, Syntax Error, Tek, Tempus Thales, Ter
sian, Tetanus,
The Green Hornet, The Master, The Night Angel, The
Silent Killer,
The Temperate Hijacker, The Undecided, Thrasher, Tical,
Tomppa1, Transient,
Trip, ts, Turmoil, Turtle, Tweed, Unsane, Vade79,
Veks, Village Idiot, Virago,
Visigoth, Vital Chaos, Wator, Wired, White Trash, Whodin
i, and Woodstock.
damn, i hope i didnt miss anyone.
peace, all.
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