this image contains text
Welcome to my first ice logocoaster, enjoy.
If your interested in a logo /menu template
contact me mrage or mrageICE on irc..
-- bedrock -------------------------------------------------------------------
- - g - - -
--- -- -. - Spinal Gamma - op: defiant - .- -- ---
---------------------------------------------------------- spinal gamma ------
---------------- colorshock --------------------------------------------------
- - -- - . mrage --
--- --- main mnu -- -- - ---- ----- - --- Just a little menu template for my board, dagoOp
------------ dagoOp ---------------------------------------------------------
If your interested in a logo /menu template
contact me mrage or mrageICE on irc..
-- bedrock -------------------------------------------------------------------
- - g - - -
--- -- -. - Spinal Gamma - op: defiant - .- -- ---
---------------------------------------------------------- spinal gamma ------
---------------- colorshock --------------------------------------------------
- - -- - . mrage --
--- --- main mnu -- -- - ---- ----- - --- Just a little menu template for my board, dagoOp
------------ dagoOp ---------------------------------------------------------
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