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This ansi is to be used only by mr4tune..
- desc Kafkaesk..................
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://pulse.
ice.org, to a browser near you. Spring, 1
Sup guys. SEVEN months in ice now. Seems like
Ive been in
iCE for only one month. Well I packed the stuff this month,
and I really liked my experience, and I hope I will
make the next pack : BIG thanks to Slothy
for helping me out! Pulse.Ice.Org is getting up in one mont
h, still waiting
for the Videotron technicians to come at my house. Email me
if you want to
contribute for Pulse.Ice.Org!
How to contact BV: bviper@total
.net, bviper@ice.
Ansis this month: iCE: 1 23-liner
Word to: Fluor, Inertia, The Night Ange
l, Lord Soth, Elastic,
Filth, Flipside, Tetanus, ColdNUgly, Mass
D, SpaceDev,
MassM, Trip, Nail, Empty, Xypher Matrix, Jae.
Long live to: Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesi
s, Peter Gabriel, Supertramp
Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Harmonium, Frank Zappa, Rick Wri
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Can you tell me where my country lies
Said the unifaun to his true loves eyes
It lies with me cried the queen of maybe
For her merchandise he traded in his prize
Paper late - cried a voice in the crowd old man dies
The note he left was signed old father thames it seems he
s drowned
Selling England By The Pound.
- desc Kafkaesk..................
This ansi has been made by Black Viper from
iCE Advertisements, 1997
Coming soon: http://pulse.
ice.org, to a browser near you. Spring, 1
Sup guys. SEVEN months in ice now. Seems like
Ive been in
iCE for only one month. Well I packed the stuff this month,
and I really liked my experience, and I hope I will
make the next pack : BIG thanks to Slothy
for helping me out! Pulse.Ice.Org is getting up in one mont
h, still waiting
for the Videotron technicians to come at my house. Email me
if you want to
contribute for Pulse.Ice.Org!
How to contact BV: bviper@total
.net, bviper@ice.
Ansis this month: iCE: 1 23-liner
Word to: Fluor, Inertia, The Night Ange
l, Lord Soth, Elastic,
Filth, Flipside, Tetanus, ColdNUgly, Mass
D, SpaceDev,
MassM, Trip, Nail, Empty, Xypher Matrix, Jae.
Long live to: Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Genesi
s, Peter Gabriel, Supertramp
Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Harmonium, Frank Zappa, Rick Wri
:: Black Viper iCE
:: Can you tell me where my country lies
Said the unifaun to his true loves eyes
It lies with me cried the queen of maybe
For her merchandise he traded in his prize
Paper late - cried a voice in the crowd old man dies
The note he left was signed old father thames it seems he
s drowned
Selling England By The Pound.
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