this image contains text
J U N E 1 9 9 7
1. A decidedly salubrious month of May lead to an exciting June! With the
beginning of summer coming this month, we wanted to give you a pack of cool
refreshing artwork. Unfortunately for you, Sprite pointed out that while the
art might be cool the computer doesnt do much to cool you off, and in
reality it generates a lot of heat. Blah!
2. The great vacuum of persuasion and misinformation conned the following
unsuspecting art troopers into iCE this month: Mongi to the VGA team, coming
to us after leaving Twilight, and Gorechild and Dreadnought to the ANSI team.
Trip feels ignored, so we felt it only appropriate to mention him here as well.
Therefore, Trip joined iCE again, coming to us from... uhh.. iCE! Cheers to
all the newbies!
2a. Our sincerest apologies to the great Borian, who wasnt mentioned last
month in the NFO file as Force Ten was beaten with a rowing paddle and was
unable to function within normal parameters. Borian rejoined iCE last month
and were very happy to have him. Welcome!
2b. Or not 2b? Nevermind.. The first person in ages to escape from the frozen
religious compound this month was Overbored, who left to join Twilight. We
wished him well with his future endeavors, but only after everyone ran to the
top of the barracks and shot spitballs at him through straws.
3. A new man after returning from Jaes torture chamber, Information Systems
director Lickbert proudly proclaims zug-zug, dahboo, swoahvoo!. Therefore,
we had to beat him silly. But, Farmicus reports that the new secret UNIX
tricks wont be a secret anymore. He also wonders if anyone cares. SpaceDev
aka Vlad the wonder monkey is working on a new addition to the iCE web pages.
While iCE works hard on version 2 lovingly named v2 internally, the Vlad-ape
has taken it upon himself to add a new service to the page for iCE fans! Check
out the pages in the next week or two!
4. In the stealth artist of the month club, wed like to declassify the once
private information that Kyp is indeed a member of iCE. While you might not
realize that by looking at the memberlist the last few months, you must realize
that Kyp was our secret agent overseas mobilizing art troops to combat against
scattered anti-iCE demonstrations. He retired, and thus will be recognized now
as a member of the group. Thanks for your hard work, Kyp!
5. In the wow thats pretty darn cool department, iCE is proud to announce
that we are now releasing TTF True Type Fonts fonts in the pack. These fonts
are used for Windows 95/NT/etc, and are just really awesome. Its a very new
art form for the scene, and is a very creative medium. hFaze is the first
iCE artist to release TTFs in a pack, and to our knowledge, the first scene
artist to release TTFs in *any* pack. Kudos!
6. In other news, it was revealed to secret sources this month that Kabal 13
was raped and abused by four women in the span of a week. Kabal, who lost a
videotape of sex and a small rubber ducky in the week, said merely God damn it
just gets worse! First SSH, now this!? We understand, Kabal. He also angrily
complained that his former girlfriend and voluptuous naked model chick left him
for a hot dog stand owner. At least Kabal still has the special sauce...
6a. Wed just like to say that that was an utterly disgusting last line to the
previous news story. Stop that, its silly.
7. iCE would like to congratulate all of the members who graduated high school
this past June. Enjoy the final summer before college... cuz the real world is
right around the corner.
7b. We would also like to thank Tempus to rip Slum Dwellers font.
8. Megalith was bloody pissed about his England giving Hong Kong back to the
Chinese. Therefore, hes organized a small army made up of iCE members, BoAs
buddies from the Black Crowes tours, and ogre-mages. This army will invade
China from the Mongolian border. They expect a quick victory. When asked why
hes doing this, Megalith spat For the bloody queen, mate! Indeed.
9. Unidentified Flying Objects were spotted in Arizona traveling in groups
this past month. People there were confused and amazed, especially since radar
could not pick up the objects, and military reported no military activity in
the area. One child yelled Independence Day Independence Day until his dad
smacked him. But, iCE must douse the excitement. It wasnt really a UFO, but
rather Tonedef and Renderbrandt and Tiny3d in their newly rendered flying
machines. Oops!
10. And for those who complain that iCE doesnt have an ASCII department and
that we have alienated the worlds ASCII community we didnt mean to hurt
anyones feelings, this is for you! iCEs Aneurysm is sponsoring an ASCII
drawing contest! Prizes are valuable to any artist, were told. More details
can be found at http://www.vfive.com/vincenzo/ascii.html. Good Luck!
11. Once again a stellar pack that was out of this world nothing like keeping
to a theme here, eh? iCE keeps getting better, and it keeps getting better
to be iCE. Cant wait to see what the summer has in store for us. Keep it
here, folks. See you next month.
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
J U N E 1 9 9 7
1. A decidedly salubrious month of May lead to an exciting June! With the
beginning of summer coming this month, we wanted to give you a pack of cool
refreshing artwork. Unfortunately for you, Sprite pointed out that while the
art might be cool the computer doesnt do much to cool you off, and in
reality it generates a lot of heat. Blah!
2. The great vacuum of persuasion and misinformation conned the following
unsuspecting art troopers into iCE this month: Mongi to the VGA team, coming
to us after leaving Twilight, and Gorechild and Dreadnought to the ANSI team.
Trip feels ignored, so we felt it only appropriate to mention him here as well.
Therefore, Trip joined iCE again, coming to us from... uhh.. iCE! Cheers to
all the newbies!
2a. Our sincerest apologies to the great Borian, who wasnt mentioned last
month in the NFO file as Force Ten was beaten with a rowing paddle and was
unable to function within normal parameters. Borian rejoined iCE last month
and were very happy to have him. Welcome!
2b. Or not 2b? Nevermind.. The first person in ages to escape from the frozen
religious compound this month was Overbored, who left to join Twilight. We
wished him well with his future endeavors, but only after everyone ran to the
top of the barracks and shot spitballs at him through straws.
3. A new man after returning from Jaes torture chamber, Information Systems
director Lickbert proudly proclaims zug-zug, dahboo, swoahvoo!. Therefore,
we had to beat him silly. But, Farmicus reports that the new secret UNIX
tricks wont be a secret anymore. He also wonders if anyone cares. SpaceDev
aka Vlad the wonder monkey is working on a new addition to the iCE web pages.
While iCE works hard on version 2 lovingly named v2 internally, the Vlad-ape
has taken it upon himself to add a new service to the page for iCE fans! Check
out the pages in the next week or two!
4. In the stealth artist of the month club, wed like to declassify the once
private information that Kyp is indeed a member of iCE. While you might not
realize that by looking at the memberlist the last few months, you must realize
that Kyp was our secret agent overseas mobilizing art troops to combat against
scattered anti-iCE demonstrations. He retired, and thus will be recognized now
as a member of the group. Thanks for your hard work, Kyp!
5. In the wow thats pretty darn cool department, iCE is proud to announce
that we are now releasing TTF True Type Fonts fonts in the pack. These fonts
are used for Windows 95/NT/etc, and are just really awesome. Its a very new
art form for the scene, and is a very creative medium. hFaze is the first
iCE artist to release TTFs in a pack, and to our knowledge, the first scene
artist to release TTFs in *any* pack. Kudos!
6. In other news, it was revealed to secret sources this month that Kabal 13
was raped and abused by four women in the span of a week. Kabal, who lost a
videotape of sex and a small rubber ducky in the week, said merely God damn it
just gets worse! First SSH, now this!? We understand, Kabal. He also angrily
complained that his former girlfriend and voluptuous naked model chick left him
for a hot dog stand owner. At least Kabal still has the special sauce...
6a. Wed just like to say that that was an utterly disgusting last line to the
previous news story. Stop that, its silly.
7. iCE would like to congratulate all of the members who graduated high school
this past June. Enjoy the final summer before college... cuz the real world is
right around the corner.
7b. We would also like to thank Tempus to rip Slum Dwellers font.
8. Megalith was bloody pissed about his England giving Hong Kong back to the
Chinese. Therefore, hes organized a small army made up of iCE members, BoAs
buddies from the Black Crowes tours, and ogre-mages. This army will invade
China from the Mongolian border. They expect a quick victory. When asked why
hes doing this, Megalith spat For the bloody queen, mate! Indeed.
9. Unidentified Flying Objects were spotted in Arizona traveling in groups
this past month. People there were confused and amazed, especially since radar
could not pick up the objects, and military reported no military activity in
the area. One child yelled Independence Day Independence Day until his dad
smacked him. But, iCE must douse the excitement. It wasnt really a UFO, but
rather Tonedef and Renderbrandt and Tiny3d in their newly rendered flying
machines. Oops!
10. And for those who complain that iCE doesnt have an ASCII department and
that we have alienated the worlds ASCII community we didnt mean to hurt
anyones feelings, this is for you! iCEs Aneurysm is sponsoring an ASCII
drawing contest! Prizes are valuable to any artist, were told. More details
can be found at http://www.vfive.com/vincenzo/ascii.html. Good Luck!
11. Once again a stellar pack that was out of this world nothing like keeping
to a theme here, eh? iCE keeps getting better, and it keeps getting better
to be iCE. Cant wait to see what the summer has in store for us. Keep it
here, folks. See you next month.
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion
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