this image contains text
+o anneurysm/
artwork by inazone + letters by
squidalator/2 ice
more words from inny...this pic is for anneurysm, but i would
like to dedicate
it to all my buds from fuelrip, a group worthy of huge respe
ct. know that
fuel will be missed by many artists on both sides of the atlan
tic. greets to
the knight, burps, zeusii and the whole fuel crew as they move
on. also, many
thanks to sq2 for the unbefuckinglievable font! -in
+o anneurysm/
artwork by inazone + letters by
squidalator/2 ice
more words from inny...this pic is for anneurysm, but i would
like to dedicate
it to all my buds from fuelrip, a group worthy of huge respe
ct. know that
fuel will be missed by many artists on both sides of the atlan
tic. greets to
the knight, burps, zeusii and the whole fuel crew as they move
on. also, many
thanks to sq2 for the unbefuckinglievable font! -in
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