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A U G U S T 1 9 9 8
1. And on rumor of another alien craft landing, secret agents Count Zero,
Egghead, and Jae were sent in to investigate...
2. Much like the stock market, iCE has been slowly growing in value as we
add incredible artists each month. Unlike the stock market and much to the
joy of the senior staff, we dont deal with those pithy crashes where we lose
half of our holdings. Added this month to the creative collective is DaVinci,
full of detailed high resolution screen taffy. This month also saw the talk
down of Digital Interface from an eerie trip of ACiD, welcome boys.
3. One, two, five! Three, sir!
4. iCE T-Shirts, first mentioned about 4 years ago, finally made their way to
the shelves of corporate America right down the street from our HQ, of
course! These new shirts are currently only available in white and feature
the crazy sketches of Vesalius - world-renowned for tastelessness and obsession
with poop. If that doesnt make you want one, what would? Point your
favorite web browser in the general direction of http://www.ice.org/massd/tees
Rumor has it, according to some, that t-shirts come with free iCE ansi!??
5. Three!
6. On the heels of a proud lineage of amazing artists, Darkmage this month
secures his place in artistic history with an Artist of the Monthtm award!
We dont really need to explain why, just look at his work and youll see.
7. iCE would like to celebrate a bit and note the fact that we confidently
beat ACiD in our previous Blender Kombat match. Turning in a 544k ansimation
proved to be too much for the judges to ignore. Kudos to ACiD, who provided
great competition and turned out great work. Next target in the crosshairs,
Dark Team 1, and after that, any rabid bunnies that might be lurking about.
8. We would like to state, once and for the record, that we did not, at any
time, ever, in any way, have sexual or improper relations with that girl,
Monica Lewinsky. Now, what our keyboard did is a totally different story, that
thing has a mind of its own! We just like to watch.
9. As always, you too can join the ranks of iCE! If youre feeling peppy,
have a unique, burning sensation on your backside, and a penchant for monitor
radiation - you might be right for iCE! Feel free to contact us for whatever
reason at icestaff@ice.org.
10. Secret agents Count Zero, Egghead, and Jae all returned safely, save the
unique, burning sensation and radiation tans they acquired. Mmmm.. note to
self, check if they want to join iCE.
Pats on the ass and cuban cigars, Mass Delusion - iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
A U G U S T 1 9 9 8
1. And on rumor of another alien craft landing, secret agents Count Zero,
Egghead, and Jae were sent in to investigate...
2. Much like the stock market, iCE has been slowly growing in value as we
add incredible artists each month. Unlike the stock market and much to the
joy of the senior staff, we dont deal with those pithy crashes where we lose
half of our holdings. Added this month to the creative collective is DaVinci,
full of detailed high resolution screen taffy. This month also saw the talk
down of Digital Interface from an eerie trip of ACiD, welcome boys.
3. One, two, five! Three, sir!
4. iCE T-Shirts, first mentioned about 4 years ago, finally made their way to
the shelves of corporate America right down the street from our HQ, of
course! These new shirts are currently only available in white and feature
the crazy sketches of Vesalius - world-renowned for tastelessness and obsession
with poop. If that doesnt make you want one, what would? Point your
favorite web browser in the general direction of http://www.ice.org/massd/tees
Rumor has it, according to some, that t-shirts come with free iCE ansi!??
5. Three!
6. On the heels of a proud lineage of amazing artists, Darkmage this month
secures his place in artistic history with an Artist of the Monthtm award!
We dont really need to explain why, just look at his work and youll see.
7. iCE would like to celebrate a bit and note the fact that we confidently
beat ACiD in our previous Blender Kombat match. Turning in a 544k ansimation
proved to be too much for the judges to ignore. Kudos to ACiD, who provided
great competition and turned out great work. Next target in the crosshairs,
Dark Team 1, and after that, any rabid bunnies that might be lurking about.
8. We would like to state, once and for the record, that we did not, at any
time, ever, in any way, have sexual or improper relations with that girl,
Monica Lewinsky. Now, what our keyboard did is a totally different story, that
thing has a mind of its own! We just like to watch.
9. As always, you too can join the ranks of iCE! If youre feeling peppy,
have a unique, burning sensation on your backside, and a penchant for monitor
radiation - you might be right for iCE! Feel free to contact us for whatever
reason at icestaff@ice.org.
10. Secret agents Count Zero, Egghead, and Jae all returned safely, save the
unique, burning sensation and radiation tans they acquired. Mmmm.. note to
self, check if they want to join iCE.
Pats on the ass and cuban cigars, Mass Delusion - iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
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