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Active Members..
Name email.address POSITION
Adam Grossi adamgrossi@hotmail.com VGA
Aneurysm aneurysm@ice.org MEMBER
Count Zero mikeshea@hotmail.com ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Darkmage darkmage@ice.org VGA
DaVinci davinci@ice.org VGA
Degenerit dgenerit@ix.netcom.com RIP
Devastator dev@bridge.net MEMBER
Digital Interface flipside@iglou.com VGA
Eggy egghead@cloud9.net MEMBER
Farmicus farmy@ice.org MEMBER
Fluor fluor@ice.org ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Force Ten forceten@ice.org SENIOR STAFF
Fractal fractal@ice.org ANSI
Funbaby funbaby@ice.org VGA
Fyrenurbs VGA
HFaze hfaze@vnet.net VGA
Inazone inazone@ice.org ANSI DL
Inner Vision iv@ice.org ANSI
IronGhost ANSI
Jae / Toon Goon jae@flash.net ANSI VGA
Jamie McCarter jamiem@ice.org VGA
Kirk VGA
Kitiara amwagner@bellsouth.net ANSI
Leonardo mschramel@yahoo.com VGA
Tim Lewis VGA
Lord Soth slothy@ice.org ANSI VGA SS CODER
Magnetic M magneticm@ice.org ANSI
Mass Delusion massd@ice.org SENIOR STAFF ANSI
Mass Murderer massm@ice.org ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Misfit jbodie@hotmail.com VGA ANSI
Mongi mongi@ice.org VGA ANSI
MrMister mrmr@ice.org VGA CODE
Nosegos nosegos@ice.org ANSI
Prism barton@ice.org ANSI RIP
Rainmaker rmaker@ice.org MEMBER
Roadkyll roadkyll@ice.org VGA
Rogue Leader rogueldr@ice.org VGA
Roland VGA DL
Root 88 root88@ice.org VGA
Shade shade@starstream.net VGA
Sprite sprite@ice.org VGA
Squidgalator2 sq2@sv.net.au ANSI VGA LOGOMAFIA
Syntax Error syntax@ice.org MEMBER
Tetanus tetanus@ice.org ANSI VGA AC
The Knave knave@ice.org VGA
The Knight teakay@ice.org ANSI VGA
Trip trip@ice.org ANSI AC
Tim Wallace twallace@ice.org VGA
Vesalius vesalius@atlantic.net VGA
Xebra sandefur@covad.com VGA
Xten xten@ice.org VGA LOGOMAFIA
AC Advisory Council * New Member DL Division Leader
Active members have drawn within the past 2-3 months.
Name email.address POSITION
Adam Grossi adamgrossi@hotmail.com VGA
Aneurysm aneurysm@ice.org MEMBER
Count Zero mikeshea@hotmail.com ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Darkmage darkmage@ice.org VGA
DaVinci davinci@ice.org VGA
Degenerit dgenerit@ix.netcom.com RIP
Devastator dev@bridge.net MEMBER
Digital Interface flipside@iglou.com VGA
Eggy egghead@cloud9.net MEMBER
Farmicus farmy@ice.org MEMBER
Fluor fluor@ice.org ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Force Ten forceten@ice.org SENIOR STAFF
Fractal fractal@ice.org ANSI
Funbaby funbaby@ice.org VGA
Fyrenurbs VGA
HFaze hfaze@vnet.net VGA
Inazone inazone@ice.org ANSI DL
Inner Vision iv@ice.org ANSI
IronGhost ANSI
Jae / Toon Goon jae@flash.net ANSI VGA
Jamie McCarter jamiem@ice.org VGA
Kirk VGA
Kitiara amwagner@bellsouth.net ANSI
Leonardo mschramel@yahoo.com VGA
Tim Lewis VGA
Lord Soth slothy@ice.org ANSI VGA SS CODER
Magnetic M magneticm@ice.org ANSI
Mass Delusion massd@ice.org SENIOR STAFF ANSI
Mass Murderer massm@ice.org ANSI LOGOMAFIA
Misfit jbodie@hotmail.com VGA ANSI
Mongi mongi@ice.org VGA ANSI
MrMister mrmr@ice.org VGA CODE
Nosegos nosegos@ice.org ANSI
Prism barton@ice.org ANSI RIP
Rainmaker rmaker@ice.org MEMBER
Roadkyll roadkyll@ice.org VGA
Rogue Leader rogueldr@ice.org VGA
Roland VGA DL
Root 88 root88@ice.org VGA
Shade shade@starstream.net VGA
Sprite sprite@ice.org VGA
Squidgalator2 sq2@sv.net.au ANSI VGA LOGOMAFIA
Syntax Error syntax@ice.org MEMBER
Tetanus tetanus@ice.org ANSI VGA AC
The Knave knave@ice.org VGA
The Knight teakay@ice.org ANSI VGA
Trip trip@ice.org ANSI AC
Tim Wallace twallace@ice.org VGA
Vesalius vesalius@atlantic.net VGA
Xebra sandefur@covad.com VGA
Xten xten@ice.org VGA LOGOMAFIA
AC Advisory Council * New Member DL Division Leader
Active members have drawn within the past 2-3 months.
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