![icon member interviewz by Frostbyte](/pack/icon0595/x1/ICONMMBR.TXT.png)
this image contains text
I got this file from Frosty a while back but because of everything happening
i couldnt read it for like 2 to 3 weeks or so it seemed, otherwise i would
have told him we already have profile stuff and that he really should ok
this type of stuff beforehand but as the deal was done, and because of all the
time and typing everyone did some of these guys type really slow:P, I figured
why not.. as NO one spell checked this thing and as I dont really care, sure
its gonna be released...but NOT without MODIFICATIONS, all places i modify
i will type in RED other then that....here it is...
Icon 101 -- Professor FrostByte PH.D :
Hi all. Wassup? FrostByte here, kickin this out to ya. This is
just the first in hopefully a per-pak installment of this txt file.
In this file you will find small except for GRiM interviews with
some of the iCON members, thier comments on iCON and anything else they
wanted to say. So here it is, have fun.
Alias : GRiM aka Phreak
Age : 18
Experiance doing ansi : 2.5 years
Experiance doing nothing : 15.5 years :-
Group Status : Senior Staff / Co-Founding Member
Group Contributions : ANSi
GRiMs version of the history of iCON :
It all started at a user bash in late August of 94. I was approached
by Cadderly who introduced me to Chan now Jashik. He asked me to
join an ANSi group called LaMERz. I said sure and heard absolutly
nothing about it for about month afterward. I was on House o Boom now
Sanction and i got pulled into chat and was told that the original LaMERz
had since disbanded, and he Jashik wanted to start a new group.
Unfortunatly we didnt have a name yawn : . Among the ones tossed
around were ViRUS and SiNANJU. We picked SiNANJU and me, Jashik, and
Satanic Slayer doing ANSi art with Flea and Crusader coding. Satanic
Slayer was dropped for using Kevfonts and Flea left of his on accord.
We picked up GArPH and before he could contribute we released the first
pak. It had absolutly NO impact. : think think : . A guy named
Snoop Dog applied with some pretty nice animation, and i figured he had
some talent. Jashik disagreed entirely. We let him in anyway. Then we
picked up Rocketman. THEN to make things complicated on the rest of us
Snoop Dog changed his alias to PRiSM. Released the second pak and got
noticed locally. I, for misc. unknown cosmic reasons, took over pak
management ONCE note emphasis, this was the infamous Christmas Pak.
In this pseudo-pak, there were a whopping 4 ansis 2 .PCXs by our newest
member, Strahd! No response was aquired from this pak, thank god. :
We took 2 months off and searched for a new name. Among the ones that
were turned down Blunt, HiV, iON. iON eventually evolved into iCON!
Editors note: It took them 2 months to find a name... :
jashiks note: it took us more then 2..:
By Febuary we had gained dropped GArPH due to inactivity, picked up
the 69 giant Koobs :, and fully realized the wonders of VGA. Sadly, our
first LD member, Netslider an Aussie got dropped for not contributing.
This was our first Long Distance spanning pak! This was also the arrival
of our first LD Distros. Applications trickled in, we started our new
music division.
this line has been deleted as it held erroneous information
this line has been deleted as it held erroneous information...............
........................................, we aquired Baron and Necronoumon.
Our second Aussie member, Maevewolfe, joined up. Kei, an ANSi artist, also
joined us. Most of these new apps were due to Prism being our Public
Relations guy. Without Prism we would still be all local. We rejected
alot of new applications, as they werent that good. At present time we
have an ASCII artist in the application stage, GG of DPS.
Editors note: ascii? ASCII? argh... ascii...
Jashik is taking his sweet time putting the pak toghether, as we are
already 2 weeks behind HIS pre-set due date.
In the future id like to build up a larger LD user list, and maybe put
out a DEMO sometime soon. But who knows. Strahd wants to toss toghether
a game,
Editors note: Yeah, a game, im sure :-
and Jashik and Crusader are putting an e-mag toghether, look for that!
Alias : Crusader
Age : 18
Experiance Coding : 2 years
Group Status : Senior Member / Senior Coder
Group Contributions : Coding
Crusaders comments:
I offered to do a viewer for the first SiNANJU pak, and he said ok. A few
days later i uped it to him, and he that is where it all started. In the
next pak i did the application generator, and kept adding to it ever since.
The reason i do this is just for something to do, yet another project to
put on the backburner :. I wanna make some cool games that are differant
from the mainstream, cause im sick of Doom clones. Jashik wants me to
make the viewer for an e-mag, but i dunno what is going on with that. Im
making a new door game that is going to blow LORD and Usurper etc.. out
of the water, so look for that.
Editors note: Not to much of a talker this guy.. :-
Ok, so those were the Senior Staff members, too bad i couldnt get
a hold of Jashik, oh well, i will get him later. :-
In the interest of the REST of iCON : i have tried to include some
other members that i could get a hold of geez, we are all so private :.
So here we go:
Alias : Baron
Age : 18
Experiance writing computer music : 1.5 years
Experiance doing other music : 4 years
Group Status : Musician
Group Contributions : Music
Barons comments:
I just joined iCON very recently, to gain wider distrobution for my music.
Ill probably be in iCON for about a year or so, or until they kick me out,
whichever comes first :. iCON has fairly talented members, and thus they
have potential to expand, however, i fear that due to a umm.. think of
word a weak political structure, its longevity is questionable. But on
a lighter note...
Hopefully ill gain a modest reputation
Editors note: Modest??? MODEST?? You have never met Baron... :
and perhaps move onto composing music for demos and such, maybe some games
as well. Id like to usurp iCONs leadership from Jashik, and place
myself on the throne of dictatorship -.
Editors note: We should be wary as Jashik is in Korea now. :
I have no real ambition in iCON, except for wider distrobution of my music,
and gain fame for myself.
Editors note: He really said this, too bad too, as he seemed liked a
nice guy. Oh well, we cant all be devoted...
I have no last words.
And now, just cause i was bored, i interviewed MYSELF! :
Alias : FrostByte
Age : 15.5 i am the youngest member! :
Experiance writing computer music : Almost 2 months now. :
Experiance doing other music : 6.5 years
Group Status : member of Music Division Musician
Group Contributions : Music, and this text.
What I wanna say:
I joined iCON about a month and a bit ago, this line has been removed. blah
blah blah..... I have not been writing computerized music for very long,
but i have been in other kinds of music for nearly have of my life. I
played the violin for around 4 years, and played guitar for the rest. i
am also into writing music for the bands my freinds are in, so i guess
that is where i get the experiance. Anyways, I joined iCON to try and
add some flava to the group, as they didnt have an musicians with them
at the time. I didnt join to make money or anything, just to have fun and
maybe get some recognition. The guys and one chick at iCON are pretty
good at what they do, and i have alot of respect for them. I hope that i
can help the group out with my music. In the future, id like to see iCON
release a real demo, and i hope to help along with Crusader and his game.
I guess that is really all to say, but thanks for reading this text, and
have a great day!
iCONMMBER.TXT was written tottaly by FrostByte, and although i dont
mind people reading it and talking about it, i dont want it distributed
without my consent, and editing of this file and then distributing it is
strictly prohibited.
Copyright c 1995 iCON
iCON and all applicable names are Copyright c 1995 iCON
WaR is Copyright c 1995 WaR magazine.
endnote: this file HAS BEEN modified by yours truly why you ask? because
I sayeof all copyrights and crap go to Frosty, any contribution by me
has been nil all modifications of this text file has been done by me...
some guy somewhere doing..something.
i couldnt read it for like 2 to 3 weeks or so it seemed, otherwise i would
have told him we already have profile stuff and that he really should ok
this type of stuff beforehand but as the deal was done, and because of all the
time and typing everyone did some of these guys type really slow:P, I figured
why not.. as NO one spell checked this thing and as I dont really care, sure
its gonna be released...but NOT without MODIFICATIONS, all places i modify
i will type in RED other then that....here it is...
Icon 101 -- Professor FrostByte PH.D :
Hi all. Wassup? FrostByte here, kickin this out to ya. This is
just the first in hopefully a per-pak installment of this txt file.
In this file you will find small except for GRiM interviews with
some of the iCON members, thier comments on iCON and anything else they
wanted to say. So here it is, have fun.
Alias : GRiM aka Phreak
Age : 18
Experiance doing ansi : 2.5 years
Experiance doing nothing : 15.5 years :-
Group Status : Senior Staff / Co-Founding Member
Group Contributions : ANSi
GRiMs version of the history of iCON :
It all started at a user bash in late August of 94. I was approached
by Cadderly who introduced me to Chan now Jashik. He asked me to
join an ANSi group called LaMERz. I said sure and heard absolutly
nothing about it for about month afterward. I was on House o Boom now
Sanction and i got pulled into chat and was told that the original LaMERz
had since disbanded, and he Jashik wanted to start a new group.
Unfortunatly we didnt have a name yawn : . Among the ones tossed
around were ViRUS and SiNANJU. We picked SiNANJU and me, Jashik, and
Satanic Slayer doing ANSi art with Flea and Crusader coding. Satanic
Slayer was dropped for using Kevfonts and Flea left of his on accord.
We picked up GArPH and before he could contribute we released the first
pak. It had absolutly NO impact. : think think : . A guy named
Snoop Dog applied with some pretty nice animation, and i figured he had
some talent. Jashik disagreed entirely. We let him in anyway. Then we
picked up Rocketman. THEN to make things complicated on the rest of us
Snoop Dog changed his alias to PRiSM. Released the second pak and got
noticed locally. I, for misc. unknown cosmic reasons, took over pak
management ONCE note emphasis, this was the infamous Christmas Pak.
In this pseudo-pak, there were a whopping 4 ansis 2 .PCXs by our newest
member, Strahd! No response was aquired from this pak, thank god. :
We took 2 months off and searched for a new name. Among the ones that
were turned down Blunt, HiV, iON. iON eventually evolved into iCON!
Editors note: It took them 2 months to find a name... :
jashiks note: it took us more then 2..:
By Febuary we had gained dropped GArPH due to inactivity, picked up
the 69 giant Koobs :, and fully realized the wonders of VGA. Sadly, our
first LD member, Netslider an Aussie got dropped for not contributing.
This was our first Long Distance spanning pak! This was also the arrival
of our first LD Distros. Applications trickled in, we started our new
music division.
this line has been deleted as it held erroneous information
this line has been deleted as it held erroneous information...............
........................................, we aquired Baron and Necronoumon.
Our second Aussie member, Maevewolfe, joined up. Kei, an ANSi artist, also
joined us. Most of these new apps were due to Prism being our Public
Relations guy. Without Prism we would still be all local. We rejected
alot of new applications, as they werent that good. At present time we
have an ASCII artist in the application stage, GG of DPS.
Editors note: ascii? ASCII? argh... ascii...
Jashik is taking his sweet time putting the pak toghether, as we are
already 2 weeks behind HIS pre-set due date.
In the future id like to build up a larger LD user list, and maybe put
out a DEMO sometime soon. But who knows. Strahd wants to toss toghether
a game,
Editors note: Yeah, a game, im sure :-
and Jashik and Crusader are putting an e-mag toghether, look for that!
Alias : Crusader
Age : 18
Experiance Coding : 2 years
Group Status : Senior Member / Senior Coder
Group Contributions : Coding
Crusaders comments:
I offered to do a viewer for the first SiNANJU pak, and he said ok. A few
days later i uped it to him, and he that is where it all started. In the
next pak i did the application generator, and kept adding to it ever since.
The reason i do this is just for something to do, yet another project to
put on the backburner :. I wanna make some cool games that are differant
from the mainstream, cause im sick of Doom clones. Jashik wants me to
make the viewer for an e-mag, but i dunno what is going on with that. Im
making a new door game that is going to blow LORD and Usurper etc.. out
of the water, so look for that.
Editors note: Not to much of a talker this guy.. :-
Ok, so those were the Senior Staff members, too bad i couldnt get
a hold of Jashik, oh well, i will get him later. :-
In the interest of the REST of iCON : i have tried to include some
other members that i could get a hold of geez, we are all so private :.
So here we go:
Alias : Baron
Age : 18
Experiance writing computer music : 1.5 years
Experiance doing other music : 4 years
Group Status : Musician
Group Contributions : Music
Barons comments:
I just joined iCON very recently, to gain wider distrobution for my music.
Ill probably be in iCON for about a year or so, or until they kick me out,
whichever comes first :. iCON has fairly talented members, and thus they
have potential to expand, however, i fear that due to a umm.. think of
word a weak political structure, its longevity is questionable. But on
a lighter note...
Hopefully ill gain a modest reputation
Editors note: Modest??? MODEST?? You have never met Baron... :
and perhaps move onto composing music for demos and such, maybe some games
as well. Id like to usurp iCONs leadership from Jashik, and place
myself on the throne of dictatorship -.
Editors note: We should be wary as Jashik is in Korea now. :
I have no real ambition in iCON, except for wider distrobution of my music,
and gain fame for myself.
Editors note: He really said this, too bad too, as he seemed liked a
nice guy. Oh well, we cant all be devoted...
I have no last words.
And now, just cause i was bored, i interviewed MYSELF! :
Alias : FrostByte
Age : 15.5 i am the youngest member! :
Experiance writing computer music : Almost 2 months now. :
Experiance doing other music : 6.5 years
Group Status : member of Music Division Musician
Group Contributions : Music, and this text.
What I wanna say:
I joined iCON about a month and a bit ago, this line has been removed. blah
blah blah..... I have not been writing computerized music for very long,
but i have been in other kinds of music for nearly have of my life. I
played the violin for around 4 years, and played guitar for the rest. i
am also into writing music for the bands my freinds are in, so i guess
that is where i get the experiance. Anyways, I joined iCON to try and
add some flava to the group, as they didnt have an musicians with them
at the time. I didnt join to make money or anything, just to have fun and
maybe get some recognition. The guys and one chick at iCON are pretty
good at what they do, and i have alot of respect for them. I hope that i
can help the group out with my music. In the future, id like to see iCON
release a real demo, and i hope to help along with Crusader and his game.
I guess that is really all to say, but thanks for reading this text, and
have a great day!
iCONMMBER.TXT was written tottaly by FrostByte, and although i dont
mind people reading it and talking about it, i dont want it distributed
without my consent, and editing of this file and then distributing it is
strictly prohibited.
Copyright c 1995 iCON
iCON and all applicable names are Copyright c 1995 iCON
WaR is Copyright c 1995 WaR magazine.
endnote: this file HAS BEEN modified by yours truly why you ask? because
I sayeof all copyrights and crap go to Frosty, any contribution by me
has been nil all modifications of this text file has been done by me...
some guy somewhere doing..something.
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