this image contains text
supergrim sayz..
blah.. blah BLAH!
u ni t y / 2
t h e sun ip ain t i n gpi ctu res i ysk ull uks y m n ise rut cip g n i tn
--cliphEre-----------------------------nothEre------------------------------ copywright - grim 1996 - 100 fuct - icon last stand - rest in peace
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fi nd t he h id de n f on t
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sidenote: the last line is a secret message in morse code.. ooooooooo.. sneaky
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------gwim gweets:
frosty-my node id sdtuphed up.
msd-i want to fuck you like i hate you while you pretend you love me.
others-live to rave, rave to live.
blah.. blah BLAH!
u ni t y / 2
t h e sun ip ain t i n gpi ctu res i ysk ull uks y m n ise rut cip g n i tn
--cliphEre-----------------------------nothEre------------------------------ copywright - grim 1996 - 100 fuct - icon last stand - rest in peace
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fi nd t he h id de n f on t
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sidenote: the last line is a secret message in morse code.. ooooooooo.. sneaky
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------gwim gweets:
frosty-my node id sdtuphed up.
msd-i want to fuck you like i hate you while you pretend you love me.
others-live to rave, rave to live.
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