this image contains text
well I guess this is where I give my comments on
icon and shit. the past 2 months have been fucked up
icon and its members cuz the future of it seemed to b
diminishing. I didnt get any shit in for the last pa
k cuz
I was very busy and felt somewhat lazy to sit in front
of the
computer for hours on end typing colored blocks and pl
aying with
my mouse SOOOO the notion of withdrawlment came throug
h my head. But
somehow I was convinced to stay and here I am with stu
ff actually done
for the pak. YAY! But anyways this was my little expla
nation why I had
disappeared. I have no job now I am a bum. but life go
es on. Doo da dee!
greetz to da following peeps:
jashik: who cares if it be warm and skunky, WE DRINK ANYWAYS
big chief: what you doin?....shitty.
grim: quit following me alex!!
crusader: SHUT UP ALREADY!!!
strahd: hey MON!
isotope: ill show you dribblin
valor: copy hi copy loi...yes...loiloi...frankloihi!
necronoumon: you dead
frostbyte: t-shirts? hmmm...dunno
baron: hidin biatch
kurupt: this ansi better be good
all this shit done here was brought to you by friendly
neighborhood brawler
icon 95
well I guess this is where I give my comments on
icon and shit. the past 2 months have been fucked up
icon and its members cuz the future of it seemed to b
diminishing. I didnt get any shit in for the last pa
k cuz
I was very busy and felt somewhat lazy to sit in front
of the
computer for hours on end typing colored blocks and pl
aying with
my mouse SOOOO the notion of withdrawlment came throug
h my head. But
somehow I was convinced to stay and here I am with stu
ff actually done
for the pak. YAY! But anyways this was my little expla
nation why I had
disappeared. I have no job now I am a bum. but life go
es on. Doo da dee!
greetz to da following peeps:
jashik: who cares if it be warm and skunky, WE DRINK ANYWAYS
big chief: what you doin?....shitty.
grim: quit following me alex!!
crusader: SHUT UP ALREADY!!!
strahd: hey MON!
isotope: ill show you dribblin
valor: copy hi copy loi...yes...loiloi...frankloihi!
necronoumon: you dead
frostbyte: t-shirts? hmmm...dunno
baron: hidin biatch
kurupt: this ansi better be good
all this shit done here was brought to you by friendly
neighborhood brawler
icon 95
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