this image contains text
ThunderHawk IFX
Allrighty then. This is the first pack put out by a new group called iFX -
iLLEGAL F/Xnotice the k-p3n1s spelling. We were originally in a group called
EXILE. Most of the members in iFX were in EXILE. We have some talented new
artists that were added to the group namely Shatterstar and Scythe, who have
been only doing ANSIs for several months now. Anyways well we are off to a
good start. Oh in the loader SO-TH.EXE, at the end of it, it says you can reachus, on the internet, at ifx@axposf.pa.dec.com. Well you can no longer reach us
there do to the fact that the System Administrators decided to take away mail
priviledges. Oh well. Anyways, we have listed our net addresses at the bottom
of this NFO.
Ok. This minipack was released to make artists of all type aware of our
presence in the underground art community. This pack was also put together
to get more applicants for our group. It doesnt matter wether you are LD or
not we will get in touch with. That is what k0dez are for..: Ok greets go outto Mercenary an Ex-EXILE member who let us have one of his MODS, that he did forEXILE, so that we could have atleast one MOD in our pack...:
Files File Descriptors
CH-SOH GIF 167892 South of Hell VGA.
CONFIG DAT 710 Data for iFXVIEW.
DELUSION EXE 26223 Delusions Loader.
HENDRIX MOD 132650 Jimi Hendrix MOD - Mercenary.
IFX NFO 4109 This iNFO file.
IFXAPP EXE 49040 VGA iFX Application Generator.
IX-LOGO IFX 2957 An ANSI iFX logo.
MEM-0694 IFX 4608 Complete members listing.
SC-FILTH IFX 15702 Objects of Filth ANSI.
SC-WOLV IFX 14529 Wolverine ANSI.
SD-LOGO GIF 19587 A VGA iFX logo.
SO-TH EXE 24865 iFX Loader by SO TH.
SS-BONE IFX 10994 Fone Bone ANSI.
SS-MAXX IFX 16963 Maxx ANSI.
SS-MHAT IFX 10230 Add for Madd Hatter BBS.
SS-ROGUE IFX 22354 ANSI of Rogue.
TH-LOGO IFX 1115 iFX Logo.
22 files 539620 bytes
CH Chaos cha@netcom.com
IX Insector-X
SC Scythe
SD Shadowdancer sdancer@cybernet.cse.fau.edu
SO Sinister Outlaw
SS Shatterstar
TH Thunderhawk thunhawk@netcom.com
Greets -
Go out to all yall mutha fuckas.
Allrighty then. This is the first pack put out by a new group called iFX -
iLLEGAL F/Xnotice the k-p3n1s spelling. We were originally in a group called
EXILE. Most of the members in iFX were in EXILE. We have some talented new
artists that were added to the group namely Shatterstar and Scythe, who have
been only doing ANSIs for several months now. Anyways well we are off to a
good start. Oh in the loader SO-TH.EXE, at the end of it, it says you can reachus, on the internet, at ifx@axposf.pa.dec.com. Well you can no longer reach us
there do to the fact that the System Administrators decided to take away mail
priviledges. Oh well. Anyways, we have listed our net addresses at the bottom
of this NFO.
Ok. This minipack was released to make artists of all type aware of our
presence in the underground art community. This pack was also put together
to get more applicants for our group. It doesnt matter wether you are LD or
not we will get in touch with. That is what k0dez are for..: Ok greets go outto Mercenary an Ex-EXILE member who let us have one of his MODS, that he did forEXILE, so that we could have atleast one MOD in our pack...:
Files File Descriptors
CH-SOH GIF 167892 South of Hell VGA.
CONFIG DAT 710 Data for iFXVIEW.
DELUSION EXE 26223 Delusions Loader.
HENDRIX MOD 132650 Jimi Hendrix MOD - Mercenary.
IFX NFO 4109 This iNFO file.
IFXAPP EXE 49040 VGA iFX Application Generator.
IX-LOGO IFX 2957 An ANSI iFX logo.
MEM-0694 IFX 4608 Complete members listing.
SC-FILTH IFX 15702 Objects of Filth ANSI.
SC-WOLV IFX 14529 Wolverine ANSI.
SD-LOGO GIF 19587 A VGA iFX logo.
SO-TH EXE 24865 iFX Loader by SO TH.
SS-BONE IFX 10994 Fone Bone ANSI.
SS-MAXX IFX 16963 Maxx ANSI.
SS-MHAT IFX 10230 Add for Madd Hatter BBS.
SS-ROGUE IFX 22354 ANSI of Rogue.
TH-LOGO IFX 1115 iFX Logo.
22 files 539620 bytes
CH Chaos cha@netcom.com
IX Insector-X
SC Scythe
SD Shadowdancer sdancer@cybernet.cse.fau.edu
SO Sinister Outlaw
SS Shatterstar
TH Thunderhawk thunhawk@netcom.com
Greets -
Go out to all yall mutha fuckas.
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