this image contains text
... illness modding crew! ...
Whats up everyone this is the second pak, we blew up withthe first pak.
Well unfortanitly we lost one of are founders due to school/moving.
Hope you get good grades sir lancelot. g The new co-founder is
Lord Jazz.. Sorry about the screw up in the app i put the beta one
in the pak instead of the fine coded ap by stone vyper.. sorry sv..
I Hope you enjoy and use the mods that are included in this pak.
Look forward to new paks every month, were already stocking up.
If you have any questions on how to work the mods, or an idea for
upcomming mods give us a call at iLL Communication 1-714-552-6378
If you would like a personal mod for your board only with great ansi
from a ansi artist from the crew of your selection, E-mail the member
on iLL Communication, or call the members bbs if they run one..
All iLLNESS mods are guaranteed to be documented, tested and backdoor free.
If You Set Them Up Right g
iLLNESS Founders
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz obv/Ansi
iLLNESS Seniors
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz Ansi Uprising RG
Obv/2 Crew Ansi Crew RG Crew
. Undertaker . UT . Lord Jazz . ld! . Uprising . UG
. Sir Lancelot . sl . Flair . FL . Low Rider . LR
. Lord Jazz . ld! . Kung Lao . KU . Ear . ER
. Darklord . DL . Stormfront . SF . Red Beard . RB
. Phatal . PH
. Lord Straid . LS
. Stone Vyper . SV
. Flair . FL
. XanaX . XX
. Dweizel . DW
. The X-Cop .XC
Demoliton Man . dm
Coding Crew
. Sir Lancelot . SL
. Stone Vyper . SV
. Canteen Boy . CB . Dr. Hate . DH Editor
iLLNESS Boards
iLL Communication UT.....iLLNESS World HQ.......obv....714552-6378
Crystal Castle SL........Western HQ.............obv....714921-1603
Castle Of Darkness ER....iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7644
Terminal iLLNESS UG......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7641
The Players Club BC......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714995-2648
Uretha.....................iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714631-1447
Huma ld!.................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....619485-6741
Terminal Velocity..........iLLNESS Member Board...obv....714831-1779
SiN oF DamNaTioN DL......iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....313381-9524
Electric Death FL........Eastern Dist Site......obv....607797-2487
Radiation X XX...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....805588-1739
gOop!!.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....619738-3850
Perpetual Motion...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....416267-6138
Eternal Insanity...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....908224-8780
Sarcastic Toaster..........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG...... -
Harvest Moon...............iLLNESS Central HQ.....obv....216951-7059
Suicidel Shrimp............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....514768-3383
Prayer.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....909390-1480
Illusionary Summit.........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......905660-0545
Alein Workshop.............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......305262-9596
Sync/Sub0..................iLLNESS Member Board...obv/RG.714000-0000
The Rising Shadow..........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....219322-0190
rancid!....................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....810 -
Abandon....................iLLNESS Distro Site....??......201586-9373
you can contact any of the iLLNESS members through any of these boards!
Whats up everyone this is the second pak, we blew up withthe first pak.
Well unfortanitly we lost one of are founders due to school/moving.
Hope you get good grades sir lancelot. g The new co-founder is
Lord Jazz.. Sorry about the screw up in the app i put the beta one
in the pak instead of the fine coded ap by stone vyper.. sorry sv..
I Hope you enjoy and use the mods that are included in this pak.
Look forward to new paks every month, were already stocking up.
If you have any questions on how to work the mods, or an idea for
upcomming mods give us a call at iLL Communication 1-714-552-6378
If you would like a personal mod for your board only with great ansi
from a ansi artist from the crew of your selection, E-mail the member
on iLL Communication, or call the members bbs if they run one..
All iLLNESS mods are guaranteed to be documented, tested and backdoor free.
If You Set Them Up Right g
iLLNESS Founders
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz obv/Ansi
iLLNESS Seniors
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz Ansi Uprising RG
Obv/2 Crew Ansi Crew RG Crew
. Undertaker . UT . Lord Jazz . ld! . Uprising . UG
. Sir Lancelot . sl . Flair . FL . Low Rider . LR
. Lord Jazz . ld! . Kung Lao . KU . Ear . ER
. Darklord . DL . Stormfront . SF . Red Beard . RB
. Phatal . PH
. Lord Straid . LS
. Stone Vyper . SV
. Flair . FL
. XanaX . XX
. Dweizel . DW
. The X-Cop .XC
Demoliton Man . dm
Coding Crew
. Sir Lancelot . SL
. Stone Vyper . SV
. Canteen Boy . CB . Dr. Hate . DH Editor
iLLNESS Boards
iLL Communication UT.....iLLNESS World HQ.......obv....714552-6378
Crystal Castle SL........Western HQ.............obv....714921-1603
Castle Of Darkness ER....iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7644
Terminal iLLNESS UG......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7641
The Players Club BC......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714995-2648
Uretha.....................iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714631-1447
Huma ld!.................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....619485-6741
Terminal Velocity..........iLLNESS Member Board...obv....714831-1779
SiN oF DamNaTioN DL......iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....313381-9524
Electric Death FL........Eastern Dist Site......obv....607797-2487
Radiation X XX...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....805588-1739
gOop!!.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....619738-3850
Perpetual Motion...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....416267-6138
Eternal Insanity...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....908224-8780
Sarcastic Toaster..........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG...... -
Harvest Moon...............iLLNESS Central HQ.....obv....216951-7059
Suicidel Shrimp............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....514768-3383
Prayer.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....909390-1480
Illusionary Summit.........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......905660-0545
Alein Workshop.............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......305262-9596
Sync/Sub0..................iLLNESS Member Board...obv/RG.714000-0000
The Rising Shadow..........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....219322-0190
rancid!....................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....810 -
Abandon....................iLLNESS Distro Site....??......201586-9373
you can contact any of the iLLNESS members through any of these boards!
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