this image contains text
... illness modd
ing crew! ...
if you are reading this you had best be an illness member
this is a notice sent out to all the members that the mighty
dr hate could reach.. when you guys applied, just about all
of you said you could do at least 2 mods a month yet almost
all of you have done nothing at all so far! if you have
turned in at least one thing that has appeared in a pack, you
can ignore this part and skip down to the end.. for all you
other guys, if you dont turn something in for the next pack
that would be 7/95 you are booted from illness.. and dont
think that we dont know who you are we are all-knowing
and there is no escape! muhuhahahah.. so either turn some-
thing in or dont expect to see your name on the next member
notice: the new policy is that everybody must turn in one mod
every other month minimum.. all work must be turned in to
ill comm at 714.552.6378 by the last day of the month! there
are no exceptions to this of course.. if you dont think
that you can come up with an original mod once every other
month thats ok.. as long as you can re-make a used mod so
that it looks original and badass and all that we will accept
it.. believe me i know how tuff it is to always come up with
original mods i hope you guys dont think this is too
strict or something.. we just have too many members that
havent done shit so far! and were not gonna take it any
more dammit! heh..
also if you need a badass ansi for your badass mod then try
to either get in touch with an illness ansi artist directly
or get in touch with dr hate on irc or email him on ill comm
well i believe that is about it.. adios from sir lancelot..
... illness modd
ing crew! ...
if you are reading this you had best be an illness member
this is a notice sent out to all the members that the mighty
dr hate could reach.. when you guys applied, just about all
of you said you could do at least 2 mods a month yet almost
all of you have done nothing at all so far! if you have
turned in at least one thing that has appeared in a pack, you
can ignore this part and skip down to the end.. for all you
other guys, if you dont turn something in for the next pack
that would be 7/95 you are booted from illness.. and dont
think that we dont know who you are we are all-knowing
and there is no escape! muhuhahahah.. so either turn some-
thing in or dont expect to see your name on the next member
notice: the new policy is that everybody must turn in one mod
every other month minimum.. all work must be turned in to
ill comm at 714.552.6378 by the last day of the month! there
are no exceptions to this of course.. if you dont think
that you can come up with an original mod once every other
month thats ok.. as long as you can re-make a used mod so
that it looks original and badass and all that we will accept
it.. believe me i know how tuff it is to always come up with
original mods i hope you guys dont think this is too
strict or something.. we just have too many members that
havent done shit so far! and were not gonna take it any
more dammit! heh..
also if you need a badass ansi for your badass mod then try
to either get in touch with an illness ansi artist directly
or get in touch with dr hate on irc or email him on ill comm
well i believe that is about it.. adios from sir lancelot..
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