this image contains text
Well as a Cooridinator of this group I was asked to write a text file
about our group and what is going on. Our group was officially started in the
minds of our founders Sauron and Ministry a few months back but they didnt
carry through until about the 2nd or so of July. Once this happened our
group rocketed. Ministry and Sauron recruited Wolf the fine programmer of
our viewer. Black Daemon, absent in this pack due to being on vacation.
Then a week later me and Captin joined and we got a couple people to come
with us which included Suicide, a up and coming VGA artist, Perkman a great
freehand VGA artist, Darkman a former ACiD member that has come back to the
scene with a bang and Sauron got Sword Weaver to join as a temporary member
college that might get some art scanned and of course will draw some ansis
for the upcoming pack. Along with all of these changes came a lot of little
feuds but hell what would a Senior Staff/Cooridinator position be without a
little fighting :. Well now after about 3 weeks of hard work and about
4 parties, yes we have had 4 group parties in only 3 weeks and we know
each other very well and have a strong nucleus to build from. So through
the problems with the sites/WHQ we have come out with a strong showing from
all of our member with all of them already geared up and improving for the
next pack. Hopefully by then we will have a couple more members join
ahhemm Lithium and some great art will be produced. Right now we have a
good VGA and programming department but what we really need is a couple more
artist in every department with an emphasis on ANSi artists. Well by the
time you see this hopefully this pack will be nationwide and we will be
working on our next projects. Till next month well be working our asses
off. Well I guess I have to finish this thing off somehow so I will do it
by saying that I appreciated all that the members did in making this the
best 1st month we could have done.
Ministry - Get working on some full lengthers you slacker :
Shred - He nice full lenghters
Sauron - You suck at Daytona USA so you just keep on practicing
Captin - Dont ever stop worshiping the creed of the Satanic Servants
Wolf - When are you going to teach me to make an awesome view like you did
Psyber - I want you to release a S3M so get your ass working
Phiber Optic - Man are you ever not on vacation
Suicide - Spend more time on your VGAs you could be one of the best
RedMan - When are you going to do VGA so our group can compete against you
Lithium - Hmmm POV. Thats cool now when are you going to join
Sharp - Lancelot rocks lets hope 12 is the best yet
White Noise - 4th board in the World not that bad, BTW CyberCon Rulez
If you ever need to contact me you can call my board
Illusionary State at708-381-6670. You will find all
the newest releases there first.
Dont worry.. i wont type ANY where close to as much as Pyro.
Their was a lot of critism, and doubt about iMAGE, but i hope the pack
says a little. I think it turned out good for a first pack good work
to all of you who helped with it! Myself, Pyro, Ministry, and Wolf
stayed up all night, and part of the day literally putting finishing
touches on everything, and it was a lot of work.. but i would definatly
do it again. I went on vacation leaving the group as pretty much just
a dream/joke... I came home to find the group a reality. Though
I didnt meet or talk to most of the members till the end their... I
think that we all have become friends. Well... as im sure you know
im new to the scene. No, im not a great artist, or programmer, or
musician... but I think I know just a little about bringing people
together, and helping things work out, for ive had to do it all my life.
Ministry - Pyro took the words right outta my mouth full length ansi!
Sword Weaver - Thanks for joining even with college just around the corner!
Captin - Thanks for the menus, but not my style
Wolf - GREAT viewer... good work.
Mr Blues - Sit Boy, Sit... good dog
Pink Cottage - LIAR! sorry bout that whole thing MMPR rulez.
Guitar - I FINALLY get to thank you publically for all youve helped me with.
Mechmaster - Are you alive still? if so... DAMN.
about our group and what is going on. Our group was officially started in the
minds of our founders Sauron and Ministry a few months back but they didnt
carry through until about the 2nd or so of July. Once this happened our
group rocketed. Ministry and Sauron recruited Wolf the fine programmer of
our viewer. Black Daemon, absent in this pack due to being on vacation.
Then a week later me and Captin joined and we got a couple people to come
with us which included Suicide, a up and coming VGA artist, Perkman a great
freehand VGA artist, Darkman a former ACiD member that has come back to the
scene with a bang and Sauron got Sword Weaver to join as a temporary member
college that might get some art scanned and of course will draw some ansis
for the upcoming pack. Along with all of these changes came a lot of little
feuds but hell what would a Senior Staff/Cooridinator position be without a
little fighting :. Well now after about 3 weeks of hard work and about
4 parties, yes we have had 4 group parties in only 3 weeks and we know
each other very well and have a strong nucleus to build from. So through
the problems with the sites/WHQ we have come out with a strong showing from
all of our member with all of them already geared up and improving for the
next pack. Hopefully by then we will have a couple more members join
ahhemm Lithium and some great art will be produced. Right now we have a
good VGA and programming department but what we really need is a couple more
artist in every department with an emphasis on ANSi artists. Well by the
time you see this hopefully this pack will be nationwide and we will be
working on our next projects. Till next month well be working our asses
off. Well I guess I have to finish this thing off somehow so I will do it
by saying that I appreciated all that the members did in making this the
best 1st month we could have done.
Ministry - Get working on some full lengthers you slacker :
Shred - He nice full lenghters
Sauron - You suck at Daytona USA so you just keep on practicing
Captin - Dont ever stop worshiping the creed of the Satanic Servants
Wolf - When are you going to teach me to make an awesome view like you did
Psyber - I want you to release a S3M so get your ass working
Phiber Optic - Man are you ever not on vacation
Suicide - Spend more time on your VGAs you could be one of the best
RedMan - When are you going to do VGA so our group can compete against you
Lithium - Hmmm POV. Thats cool now when are you going to join
Sharp - Lancelot rocks lets hope 12 is the best yet
White Noise - 4th board in the World not that bad, BTW CyberCon Rulez
If you ever need to contact me you can call my board
Illusionary State at708-381-6670. You will find all
the newest releases there first.
Dont worry.. i wont type ANY where close to as much as Pyro.
Their was a lot of critism, and doubt about iMAGE, but i hope the pack
says a little. I think it turned out good for a first pack good work
to all of you who helped with it! Myself, Pyro, Ministry, and Wolf
stayed up all night, and part of the day literally putting finishing
touches on everything, and it was a lot of work.. but i would definatly
do it again. I went on vacation leaving the group as pretty much just
a dream/joke... I came home to find the group a reality. Though
I didnt meet or talk to most of the members till the end their... I
think that we all have become friends. Well... as im sure you know
im new to the scene. No, im not a great artist, or programmer, or
musician... but I think I know just a little about bringing people
together, and helping things work out, for ive had to do it all my life.
Ministry - Pyro took the words right outta my mouth full length ansi!
Sword Weaver - Thanks for joining even with college just around the corner!
Captin - Thanks for the menus, but not my style
Wolf - GREAT viewer... good work.
Mr Blues - Sit Boy, Sit... good dog
Pink Cottage - LIAR! sorry bout that whole thing MMPR rulez.
Guitar - I FINALLY get to thank you publically for all youve helped me with.
Mechmaster - Are you alive still? if so... DAMN.
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