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news written by aneurysm for impact70697
impact 7 has finally been released! after several months of waiting it has come
out. i know its been 4 months and it woulda been more, but i couldnt wait any
more. although no packs have been released impact finally got or has gone a
few things: 1 a website - http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/nmadness
2 international - several long distance/oversea boards
3 more members
woop. ok, so for more information on each, we bring you.. me
for the website, it has been up for a while, and weve tried to spread it aroundso you can download all of our packs off of there unless we find a place to
stick our packs ftp site again, the URL is http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/nmadness
during this month, me especially ive been the only one doing anything
have been trying to get some long distance sites to spread around our art, and
have accomplished to get 9? sites from 5 countries and 2 more provinces!
those being.. check the member/board list
and perhaps the most interesting thing about this month is that we have ..
new members yes, not only have we gone international, but we have more members
to help the impact productions flow. those members being -
dark element, and mafesto - i dont wanna say anything about them. cuz i did, andit was dumb. oh jeah, btw, if your name isnt there, and i asked you to join,
but havent talked to you in/since i asked you to join, thats why your name isnthere, but you can reapply or just talk to me because sometimes im jUst an
idiot. btw, i so happened to forget bakteeri because im an idiot.
on a sadder note..
several artists have left impact. those being trace, who left the scene a while
ago because of .. long distance charges? at any rate, he was a talented ascii
and rip artist, also a senior and was a great artist, we are saddened to see hisdeparture. other members departing being - sandoz, fellow ascii artist, who nev
er acually released very much.. computer crash, xanatos, a tracker,who any of
us except for osiris acually saw anyways. we decided he wasnt doing anything
so we announcd his departure when we all decided who we were letting the axe
loose on. another member who left was drugy. because of certian backtalk
impact sucks, cough to another member, there was this big arguement
hacking went on, and yadda yadda yadda. hes gone now, bleh. his board was also
taken off the list.
other information you might find interesting
- impact got second place in the team blender! way to go team us!
- the thrasher has changed his handle to tricolore
- i am NOT the aneurysm from iCE. im an imposter from the planet
achmed. so when you see me on irc, thats why its aneurIZm. its
different. just want to make that clear.
- every member in impact are infact third men third alien third women,
what.. who said that?
- no, im not poisened, so it wont hurt you to talk to me.
- i now am the judge on boards and members self proclaimed
so you can leave me your submission - nmadness@mbnet.mb.ca
you can also dcc me your application/ submission on irc .. im
aneuriZm. you can usually find me on ansi,ascii,impactart
- impact will now be releasing monthly. not third yearly or quarterly.
- please check out our awesome viewer. totally redone for this pack!
- impact has a team blender activity every week. so everyone in impact
be there, so we could get another point
ok ok. now we are saying bYe bYe til next time.
news written by aneurysm for impact70697
impact 7 has finally been released! after several months of waiting it has come
out. i know its been 4 months and it woulda been more, but i couldnt wait any
more. although no packs have been released impact finally got or has gone a
few things: 1 a website - http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/nmadness
2 international - several long distance/oversea boards
3 more members
woop. ok, so for more information on each, we bring you.. me
for the website, it has been up for a while, and weve tried to spread it aroundso you can download all of our packs off of there unless we find a place to
stick our packs ftp site again, the URL is http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/nmadness
during this month, me especially ive been the only one doing anything
have been trying to get some long distance sites to spread around our art, and
have accomplished to get 9? sites from 5 countries and 2 more provinces!
those being.. check the member/board list
and perhaps the most interesting thing about this month is that we have ..
new members yes, not only have we gone international, but we have more members
to help the impact productions flow. those members being -
dark element, and mafesto - i dont wanna say anything about them. cuz i did, andit was dumb. oh jeah, btw, if your name isnt there, and i asked you to join,
but havent talked to you in/since i asked you to join, thats why your name isnthere, but you can reapply or just talk to me because sometimes im jUst an
idiot. btw, i so happened to forget bakteeri because im an idiot.
on a sadder note..
several artists have left impact. those being trace, who left the scene a while
ago because of .. long distance charges? at any rate, he was a talented ascii
and rip artist, also a senior and was a great artist, we are saddened to see hisdeparture. other members departing being - sandoz, fellow ascii artist, who nev
er acually released very much.. computer crash, xanatos, a tracker,who any of
us except for osiris acually saw anyways. we decided he wasnt doing anything
so we announcd his departure when we all decided who we were letting the axe
loose on. another member who left was drugy. because of certian backtalk
impact sucks, cough to another member, there was this big arguement
hacking went on, and yadda yadda yadda. hes gone now, bleh. his board was also
taken off the list.
other information you might find interesting
- impact got second place in the team blender! way to go team us!
- the thrasher has changed his handle to tricolore
- i am NOT the aneurysm from iCE. im an imposter from the planet
achmed. so when you see me on irc, thats why its aneurIZm. its
different. just want to make that clear.
- every member in impact are infact third men third alien third women,
what.. who said that?
- no, im not poisened, so it wont hurt you to talk to me.
- i now am the judge on boards and members self proclaimed
so you can leave me your submission - nmadness@mbnet.mb.ca
you can also dcc me your application/ submission on irc .. im
aneuriZm. you can usually find me on ansi,ascii,impactart
- impact will now be releasing monthly. not third yearly or quarterly.
- please check out our awesome viewer. totally redone for this pack!
- impact has a team blender activity every week. so everyone in impact
be there, so we could get another point
ok ok. now we are saying bYe bYe til next time.
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