this image contains text
/ / / Chronic Distortion
- Chronic Distortion XXXXXXXXXX Menu -
------ X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X
X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X
-- X Option X X Option X X Option X .-----
--------------XXXXX Menu ? Help : ------------------------
.--- .. .. Chemical Disaster
.... / ./ ../ lOGON nAME
/... / // lOGON wERD
/.. / lOGON nUMZ ........
epoch systems inc //
esi+oshy ----------------
/ / this is just a little G for the group GEL wich is
/ merging into IMPURE No? oh well. i did this after
./ /--/ / Gel-10 was released, wich i was supposed to guest in
-- but i missed it.. damn me eh? l8z - shyphtwoe/??
+o Faceless shyDISCwoe97
Rev -X :+O???????????
this is for some bbs called Rev-X or somtin.. this is my first ascii in a few
months so it SUX big.. so get used to it .. i dont know who wats tis.. brainscanjsut nagged me over and over and over to do somtin for his disc pack..so
here it is..
/ rev - x
yet another rev-x logo. it looks kinda
gothic like if youask me ?? dunno..
mainly the X is gothic like ehh..
well my 2nd ascii in a long time so
bear w/ my lack of talnet for a bit..
/ / / Chronic Distortion
- Chronic Distortion XXXXXXXXXX Menu -
------ X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X
X Option X X Option X X Option X X Option X
-- X Option X X Option X X Option X .-----
--------------XXXXX Menu ? Help : ------------------------
.--- .. .. Chemical Disaster
.... / ./ ../ lOGON nAME
/... / // lOGON wERD
/.. / lOGON nUMZ ........
epoch systems inc //
esi+oshy ----------------
/ / this is just a little G for the group GEL wich is
/ merging into IMPURE No? oh well. i did this after
./ /--/ / Gel-10 was released, wich i was supposed to guest in
-- but i missed it.. damn me eh? l8z - shyphtwoe/??
+o Faceless shyDISCwoe97
Rev -X :+O???????????
this is for some bbs called Rev-X or somtin.. this is my first ascii in a few
months so it SUX big.. so get used to it .. i dont know who wats tis.. brainscanjsut nagged me over and over and over to do somtin for his disc pack..so
here it is..
/ rev - x
yet another rev-x logo. it looks kinda
gothic like if youask me ?? dunno..
mainly the X is gothic like ehh..
well my 2nd ascii in a long time so
bear w/ my lack of talnet for a bit..
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